I just use Ranked to play meme decks - why care about ranked if you are not going to compete in some tournament?
FINALLY!!! Someone else gets it!
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That's gonna be nutty, 20 is a solid chuck to reduce though, hopefully it won't be too oppressive
It's weird, it is clearly a meme card but it feels like there's something going for it. Not saying it's even close to power, but people run racist paly for the countess, and if you get 2 out of this it's worth it imo. Honestly worth throwing 1 copy into mech rogue
This is ridiculous. They need to make it so that only the three she shuffles in are unending. This will be the most braindead control archtype if not addressed
Just don't play it then lol. Buddies ain't gonna change anything for Battlegrounds. Instead you should be complaining about the absolute sorry ass state of standard
I encounter them numerous times, honestly it's annoying but it's a free ranked win, I'll take it when I can get it. They're beat so easily, I don't understand how the owner could get anything out of those accounts if they can't farm
The only two things keeping me in this game are battlegrounds and arena. Standard is dead, and Wild is beyond screwed
I'm sorry, but how absolutely disingenuous those patch notes are. What they said about Test Subject is the equivalent of saying "I didn't intend to fail high school" while not doing any homework. No crap it wasn't intended, but this interaction, whether on purpose, is working exactly as "intended".
Making board clears useless, one murimp at a time
It's 100% pirate whiplash. Pirates were absolutely dominating and no nerfs were clearly fixing the problem (at the time). So they took the lazy ass way to fix it, by giving other classes better stuff