druid: the only class who can have a problem with giant turn 3, besides Voodoo Doll uses 2 cards, but can handle if they got some kind of a board, or use Big Game Hunter on turn 5
its a 2 mana 2/3 that with Gadgetzan Auctioneer effect [/card]that doesn't even fatigue you. The worst thing about it, it that it most times will draw you more [card]Underbelly Angler
At the very least, this card should draw you murlocs, so it will only be able to get value from your deck and not infinite.
Which deck can beat hunter now? The more I think about it the less I love those nerfs, you can't do half a job. we don't want 1 class dominating the meta.
Odd paladin was hunter only weakness and now it's gone.
every class can handle the first giant before he goes into 4 giants.
mage: Polymorph
rogue: Sap, Walk the Plank
shaman: Hex,
warlock: Voodoo Doll+Mortal Coil
hunter: Deadly Shot, Spider Bomb, Venomizer, Hunter's Mark
warrior: Execute, Shield Slam
priest: Shadow Word: Death
paladin: Equality
neutral cards: Big Game Hunter
druid: the only class who can have a problem with giant turn 3, besides Voodoo Doll uses 2 cards, but can handle if they got some kind of a board, or use Big Game Hunter on turn 5
also you have to remember. in order to play giant on turn 3 and then make it 4 giants you have to do the following things:
1) start with the Coin
2) draw Book of Specters before turn 2
3) draw a Mountain Giant before turn 3
4) not drawing any spells with Book of Specters
5) draw Conjurer's Calling without Book of Specters
6) draw Khadgar
very unlikely
or just remove the whelps and make him die
But every class has it own OP cards. if you dont have op cards you will stay at tier 3.
could you guys stop crying about a card of a tier 2 deck?
rogues, hunters, warriors, shamans should be nerfed and then maybe you can think about nerfing this card.
stop crying you rogue player
its a 2 mana 2/3 that with Gadgetzan Auctioneer effect [/card]that doesn't even fatigue you.
The worst thing about it, it that it most times will draw you more [card]Underbelly Angler
At the very least, this card should draw you murlocs, so it will only be able to get value from your deck and not infinite.
nerfing this card to "your next spell cost 2 less", isn't good enough. this card should be nerfed to 1 mana, "your next spell cost 3 less"
before this card get nerfed they should nerf about 100 other cards
if a warrior is getting the board, just brawl it! (and win the brawl)
I don't know if this card is good enough or not.
The design, however, is amazing!
The card should be nerf a week after the expansion. thanks god its legendary.
What are you talking about?
Odd warrior can't beat DK Rexxar
Which deck can beat hunter now?
The more I think about it the less I love those nerfs, you can't do half a job. we don't want 1 class dominating the meta.
Odd paladin was hunter only weakness and now it's gone.
Spellstone should be nerfed to 1-3 wolfs.
play dead should be nerfed to 2 mana.
I guess they all rotating out so blizzard don't care...
I love those nerfs but hunter should got some hit on Dk play dead or spell stone
Druidstone is over, welcome to hunterstone.