If NERF hits that means more Big priest and Believe me or not raza IS more playable ... You got neutral hero Power switch + finley and their deck IS dead but against Big priest not every Class Has poly/Hex
Dont care about it dude its not a big Deal i am at Diamond 5 and bellow every Month and dont care just one pack difference if i want i will be easy legend but just stop there
so slow every aggro just kill you by turn 5-6 people just play fast decks and thats sad they "enjoy" this game and grind ranks which means nothing in this game :D that is sad true about hearthstone.
Battletag: vronco#2797
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first, quick games
If NERF hits that means more Big priest and Believe me or not raza IS more playable ... You got neutral hero Power switch + finley and their deck IS dead but against Big priest not every Class Has poly/Hex
Dont care about it dude its not a big Deal i am at Diamond 5 and bellow every Month and dont care just one pack difference if i want i will be easy legend but just stop there
they just need to nerf Kaelthas in my opinion .... aggro will be there 4ever but doing 25 face dmg on turn 9 is incorrect :D
Battletag: vronco#2797
Region: EU
Trade Only: Yes, you go first
Quick matches
Battletag: vronco#2797
Region: EU
Trade Only: Yes, you go first
Quick matches
Finally we have 1 mana Minion for our earthshock
Reliquary of Souls
The Fist of Ra-den earthshock value finally
but good deck i like these decks more than playing aggro
so slow every aggro just kill you by turn 5-6 people just play fast decks and thats sad they "enjoy" this game and grind ranks which means nothing in this game :D that is sad true about hearthstone.
Tag: vronco#2797
Region: EU
Trade only? yes
Quick matches
Battletag: vronco#2797
Region: EU
Trade Only: Yes, you go first
Quick matches
Of course with drakkari + emperor
Malygos warlock in wild easy 52dmg posibble 43 guaranted
Battletag: vronco#2797
Region: EU
Trade only: Yes, you go first
Quick matches