HearthPwn staff is not responsible for users' actions outside of this domain.
Your account must be 7 days old to post in this thread, and you must read and follow the rules.
- Read and follow the trading procedures below for the least possible risk.
- Do not trade with anyone who adds you with their "real id" (Example: "Alvaro Godoy").
- Do not trade with anyone who asks you to add their "main account".
- You will get scammed; they are probably blacklisted.
- Do not add any tag other than what is posted here.
Battletag: Username#0666
Region: NA/EU/ASIA
Trade Only?: Yes/No
- Do not reply to anyone in this thread for any reason.
- If you must contact another user, please send a PM.
- Do not post to "warn" others that you got scammed.
- Your single post must conform the format above.
- If you have an issue that requires moderator attention, use a PM or report the post only.
- Absolutely no begging or asking for gold for any reason.
- Lying about having the quest will get you blacklisted.
- Bartering for anything but the same quest is not permitted.
- Your HearthPwn account must be at least 7 days old to post in this thread.
- If you do not meet this requirement, your posts will be deleted automatically.
- Do not add tags posted by accounts less than 7 days old.
- If your post is deleted do not continue to post.
- You may make only one (1) post at a time in this thread. You may post only one (1) battletag.
- If you did not find someone after three (3) hours you may re-post; No less.
- If you have the quest in multiple regions please do not make multiple posts.
- No images or links are to be posted.
- Prove you have the quest in the game; See "Proof Challenge" below.
- Any post that breaks these rules is subject to deletion and, at moderators' discretion, a warning.
- Clearly edit your post when you are done. You may want to remove your battletag after completion!
- The user that posted in this thread will be the user that starts the second (2nd) match for a trade.
- If both users have posted, the newest account must start the first match.
- If you initiate a trade with someone, you must both complete your quest.
- If you do not complete your end of the trade, you will be blacklisted.
- Do not name & shame others. It is fine to thank the user you dealt with if everything went well!
- Do not post anyone else's battletag.
- If you scam anyone your tag is guaranteed to make the blacklist.
- We will know if you do, don't screw around.
- Warnings and/or bans will result at moderators' discretion.
- Zero tolerance for scamming.
Consistently breaking the rules or causing problems may get you blacklisted as well.
- The adding user starts the first game, the posting user starts the second game. This will help prevent scams.
- If both users have posted in this thread, the newest account must go first.
- If they refuse to go first, proceed with caution.
- If a user that posted in this thread scammed you, report them.
- When somebody has the "Play a Friend!" quest it will show the person being challenged in-game.
- If you are intent on trading your quest with someone it is recommended you conduct a "proof challenge".
- A proof challenge involves both players agreeing to challenge each other in to see the quest.
- If the other person refuses a proof challenge, be careful. It is likely they don't actually have the quest.
- Avoid any other methods of "proof" like screenshots. Screenshots are always from the past.
- Honesty and good judgement is key.
- Somebody has to go first, but the only guaranteed way to not get scammed is to go second.
- If anyone is aggressive about making you go first and/or threatens you, they are probably trying to scam.
- Carelessness will lead to you getting scammed. There is a blacklist of known scammers, reference it.
Please follow these steps to complete a proof challenge:
1. Check the blacklist.
2. Player 1 challenges adding user to prove they have the quest.
3. Player 2 declines the challenge.
4. Player 2 challenges posting user to prove they have the quest.
5. Player 1 accepts and game #1 is played.
6. Player 1 challenges adding user and game #2 is played.
7. Profit!!
If you made it to the bottom of this post and found this thread useful, let us know with an up-vote!
Seems like this is going the pirate route (really, blizz? :P), so I think we might be visiting Booty Bay next expansion