I am gonna maka a bold prediction and say shaman will be tier 1. Probaly totem shaman with cards like Totem Goliath , Tour Guidecard . Dilligent note taker will be a good flexable card in totem shaman and realy strong with With totemic surge, Storms Wrath.
i mean i once made a climb to legend with a unique higlander paladin list had a 51 percent winrate it was an experiment i closed deck tracker when i was about to loose so i could claim a 85 percent winrate to legend. the deck got on the frontpage in a day with lots of views i deleted the deck because like is aid it was an experimetn. it has nothing to do with ego boost. but you can easily link your twitch account for example and gain lots of viewers/money from it.
Yes . But the deck has mulitply burst winconditions. But that is the Dream scenerio.
Ah realy? Smart. Make all overload cards dobble the overload cost maybe. To nerf Druid. Same great idea as what op suggested.
Wheres the proof? Where are the stats.Classic clickbait sivler 5 player here.
Yes nerf Shaman good idea bro. Class is too strong.
On another region?
Stop self promoting on this website.
I am gonna maka a bold prediction and say shaman will be tier 1. Probaly totem shaman with cards like Totem Goliath , Tour Guidecard . Dilligent note taker will be a good flexable card in totem shaman and realy strong with With totemic surge, Storms Wrath.
Ok we realy care about your opinion.
9 Legendary in 85 2 where goldenJandice Barov and Ras Frostwhisperer)
9 in 85 2 golden pretty lucky.
He ment golden packs that are part of the preorder not golden legendarys. And i think you can.
whos rating the cardlow? Everybody knows the card is op in an aggro rogue shell.
Honestly why not run Gadgetzan Auctioneer with all thoose cheap spells. Maybe over Manatide totem?
Anyway love the idea of Instructor Fireheart & Dwarven Archaeologist . creative thought.
? Wheres the otk? And how tf do you draw 3 cards with jepetto?
i mean i once made a climb to legend with a unique higlander paladin list had a 51 percent winrate it was an experiment i closed deck tracker when i was about to loose so i could claim a 85 percent winrate to legend. the deck got on the frontpage in a day with lots of views i deleted the deck because like is aid it was an experimetn. it has nothing to do with ego boost. but you can easily link your twitch account for example and gain lots of viewers/money from it.