Do you mean why you have to play a game to unlock the Avatar? I mean, I don't know. But is also not a big deal. If you play the game, you are going to get the card anyway and if you don't play the game, you don't care about getting the card.
But a lot of people play the game, daily. I don't know why are you in a Hearthstone forum if you think that nobody plays it or why say Hearthstone forum would still exist and being active.
Chaotic Tendril in Warlock and Bloodrock Co. Shovel is pretty fun. Of course you need to concede against tryhards that use Pogo-Hopper, Astral Automaton, and other broken things, but chances are they just wanna get the pack anyway, right?
I wonder how it would look like if they would move that into a weekly quest like they with heroic brawls. Because wouldn't playing against people that also just want to have fun with the current brawl be better than facing those "pack grinders"? I mean it would be obviously much better from the player perspective, right? But of course why would they care much about that? Well,... fair enough I suppose. Whatever, this is still fun. Could be better, but at least not as bad as other brawls IMO.
Also does anyone know why they put 8 class cards in? Maybe so that the mulligan matters? You would almost never want those cards. But then just make them literally unplayable cards that don't do anything. Or if the reason is to have a little bit of variance then it would be better if for example your hero power would give you a random playable card each turn or so. That would also make some more expensive cards maybe more playable. But as it is that part just feels strange. They also do that for some other brawls. That never made any sense to me. Do they maybe actually want to make the brawl deliberately worse? I don't get it.
I actually had quite some fun with this one. At first I thought you would constantly run into "tryhard decks" (with Flamewanker etc.) and just lose like it's the case with other brawls where you need to build a deck. But after like 5 games or so I didn't encounter a single one. I can only hope it stays that way. Because if you play just some minion heavy deck it's actually pretty fun.
Now imagine if they would combine it with the simple "Discover a card at the start of your turn" and making it minions only of course. But no, of course not. Never. Why would they ever even consider doing that? That would just make it TOO MUCH fun! ... I mean yeah, that's probably the reason, right? They want people to play the "main game" and not something where you have also no incentive to buy expensive stuff for... Well, that's very sad but probably exactly what's happening.
I really wish they would find a better way to monetize the game so they don't have to limit the great potential of really fun game modes.
Edit: I think Cho'gall, Twilight Chieftain with the anomalies doesn't work. Of course a staple in all of my decks since its release. I imagine it's coded in a way to only activate in certain game modes and Tavern Brawl is not one of them. Well, as I've said they don't want people to have "too much fun". Disappointing. (Currently having fun with the new Whizbang btw.)
lol, that feels like just a continuation of last week; it's just slightly different cards/decks.
At this point they might as well make a game mode purely based on people trying to OTK each other ASAP because it does seem people do like doing exactly that.
Well, in the meantime I still hope for the one brawl comes back where you constantly add cards to your deck and redraw your hand each turn. That was really fun. But seeing these kinds of brawl being pretty much the opposite and people really like them... yeah, I guess realistically the brawls I would like to see again probably won't make a comeback.
Wow, this deck is incredible!
(The only thing that sucks is the starting hero power but you can't really do much about it. Really wish there would be a start of game card that changed that to a random one or maybe even Discover.)
I probably will change Ethereal Peddler to E.T.C. Band Manager though because that way I can kinda have two more cards in the deck for a total of 41 different cards. I personally always really struggle with deck building since the deck size is so tiny even with Renathal but there are so many cool and awesome cards.
How do you come up with lists like this? For example there's also Assembly Line, Fool's Gold, Pilfer, Stick Up, Swashburglar, Potion Belt, Shell Game, Tooth of Nefarian, Plagiarizarrr, Velarok Windblade, Academic Espionage, ... Probably experience because I know that some of them are not so good. I also think that the higher cost ones (3+) are probably too slow or at least you shouldn't have too many in the deck. Also there's Shadowstep; what about Breakdance? And Cheat Death probably would be good as well. And with that what about Hanar? (I personally also like running him without any Secrets to begin with because that's even more fun trying to find a Secret for him to go on a Secret chain.) I swear if I could I would just like to put all fun cards in and then duplicate all that are 2 cost or lower and then I would end up with over 60, lol.
Well, however you do it, it's amazing. Keep up the great work. I remember your name; your decks are always super fun to play. (Maybe I should've commented earlier.) I can't wait for your next one so that as someone that struggles with deck building I have it easier. So often I just wouldn't know what to put in the deck and what to play. I even started a new account. So yes, thank you so much for this. It's really a hidden gem (speaking of which what about that card and that reminds me of Watcher of the sun and that reminds me of other cool neutral cards like Sketchy Stranger and Hipster... lol, anyways) among all those other rather "tryhard decks" on this site. I wish there would be more fun decks like this one around here. Thank you so much!
Duels is such a weird mode.
On one hand you have all those crazy fun things that still can happen but they also still try to "balance" the mode and like "make it competitive". In fact you can't play a fun Duels game against friends. But to be fair how would you even do this? Still for a fun game mode like this wouldn't that make sense? For example you would select the "level" as in how far into the run it should be and then you choose Hero, Hero Power, and signature Treasure; then make the initial deck and immediately after also all the Treasure and card bucket choices up to the selected "level". That sounds like it could really fun.
For now Duels is, at least for me, basically the single player mode of cool old adventures with new stuff; I just need to ignore that I'm actually playing against real people. I mean that is for me what "competition" is: A game where you don't care about the opponent in order to have fun. And yeah, that 3 loss thing and the fact you can't play it with friends really makes it exactly that.
There is so much which could be done better with Duels to make it more "casual friendly" and actually a really fun game mode and not just - like so many other things - "kinda nice but not all that great". But I guess I won't bother writing all that. I know that people like me are in the minority. I don't understand what's so fun about all this "competitive" stuff, but yeah, it seems are lot of people are into it. Fair enough.
Some people would actually like to have some interesting and engaging gameplay instead of just "free, fast wins" to "get your quests done more easily".
That said though how the entire game developed in recent years I can see how a lot of players might be more on your side. I personally really don't get it. Just play to get "easy wins" and "complete your quests"? What's the point in that? Where's the fun? I don't get it. But sure, if that's fun for people.
It certainly isn't for me and there are at least some other players out there that also would rather like to play a "real game" instead of just "playing to collect free fast wins and get quests done". And yeah, for those people facing bots is rather annoying.
At best we would have better social features so it doesn't matter as much since as a F2P game it probably will always be a problem. Imagine Fireside Gatherings but everything online and like available to all. But of course they removed Fireside Gatherings alltogether instead of making an improvement like that. Well, at least for now; maybe there's still hope.
I'm pretty sure I also used the counterspell strat, but there are other ways like healing up and I think he has not much burst damage if any. So I believe just by playing defensively you could possibly make it. But of course it's probably super hard and/or luck/draw dependent.
I almost wanna try it again now. Even solo adventures like those deckbuilding ones that I don't like that much would still be very much welcome. But just like hero portraits that are available all the time I have the feeling they might never do that again.
I have to say the last time they did adventures like that (which was in the Year of the Dragon) was also the last time I'd say the game was in a great shape. Nowadays it feels like if you're not playing the most OP shit you don't even stand a chance. Therefore I really need to find friends and play with them or else it's just boring. Either they can't (or sometimes don't want to or care to) win against you or the other way around. Not to mention "combo decks" that either win or lose by turn 4 or so.
I really wish they would make good new solo adventures again like in the old days. I just recently tried Duels again. And even though I have a lot of fun with Reno and the Treasure Discover I also feel like it would be so much better against A.I. opponents since you also could keep certain stuff unbalanced and OP on purpose just like how you sometimes can get one of Bob's Bombastic Decks full of overpowered Treasure cards and that is just super fun. Imagine something "awesome" in Duels... yeah, not so cool for the opponent, especially if you're out after 3 losses; of course you can stack wins up to 12 though... That's why I don't like Duels; imagine how many people need to have only one or two wins for some people to get to 12. Anything over 3 wins is basically a super disgusting cancerous OP deck; something I wouldn't even want to play; but that's just what the mode calls for.
I guess I will stick to playing some fun Random/Discover Yogg-style deck with friends for the most part. But I'm now actually excited to try Mage vs. Lich King again, lol. There has to be a way, right? Right?!
Finally after 6 long years The Lich King gets what he wanted. Now you can't cheat out a Counterspell on turn 1 to prevent him setting you to 1 HP as a Mage.
Will they finally make Auctioneer charge for his services? I'm not sure what the mana cost and/or stats should be then, but by simply increasing the mana cost of the drawn card by one would solve probably all the "problems" with the card. That would also be a "flavorful" nerf. It just would make sense and really how it always should've been. But I guess people also really love this type of deck. It kind of makes you wonder how they even decide when to "kill" a card like that. Apparently it might be time for Auctioneer. For the better or the worse.
NOOOOOOO! Those were like my favorite ones! Especially Twist Reality! I had only like one game with it and it basically didn't matter.
...I guess this is competitive Hearthstone rearing its ugly head again or something like that. Seriously, it's only for one week at 100% anyways. That's just... yeah, I know that especially on a site like this I'm in the minority, but... I guess I should've seen it coming with all those mostly competitive cards in the mini-set... I... can't believe it... well, at least it fits the theme of Yogg-Saron driving people crazy. Was this planned all along? Giving me hope that the game might just become a bit more fun just to take away some of that hope?
Yeah, I know, it's only those two anomalies and overall it's still quite fun. But still, what's the point of that? The competitive people will take a break anyways if it's not optional and for the casual people that just want to have some fun this is just taking away some of it. Why? This makes absolutely no sense. At least it would make more sense if they made anomalies optional. But of course in typical Blizzard/Hearthstone fashion they try to appeal to both audiences with the end result being that neither is really happy. Great...