They can't even phrase IT fckin says PLAY 3 games with that class...doesn't tell us that you must go near turn 10 or wait till he netdeck kills you...cause that is fun HAhaHA .
Edit: Game literally turned out to be a Netdeck an aggro shitlord Meme deck that lets you just have the quest rogue back on steroids...or other face decks...then shaman comes along if you build an anti aggro deck ...and Blizzard just smites you with conceded too early so you must play another one of these "Fun match" we like to call it nowadays :D
yay another wallet copy paste...yay another malygos warlock...aggro no one plays shaman just 20 damage burst luck factor omegalul decks that cost like almost a month to grind or like a paycheck cash...
Man i'm so happy that you can accomplish all that brain muscle moving from playing just that 1 deck and contributing to the majority of douchebags in this game... like there are more cards...but you are interested in statistics more than having fun...
at fckin this point why would anyone roll up standard with the beauty of "SHAMAN SPAM" meta to just face mirrors and mirrors of shamans? they just overbuffed the already aids quest shaman with lackeys and galakrond (4 pieces of 8/8 rush minion...) + invokers....
So it is acceptable to have a nickname of foreskin_knight and beside that just pure netdecking galakrond shaman...real mature and not toxic at all...with emote spam and golden cards.. tbh i just love how i can't face anything but pirate or shaman...
4 Leeroy deck in a row...after that mechathun... MM is sure fun...after Mechathun deck again Leeroy...
Edit:My thought was i gonna beat all shaman decks(more than half decks are shaman(MM is fun))...turns out from last 4 cards they still can generate more than 10 face damage...
Honestly they should restrict quest shaman to not use lackeys...Like 9 ethereal double battlecry is pure vomit material....
When your opponent just burst you with almost 120 dmg into face, not thinking for 1 sec , just smashing the button and playing like an idiot ,rng always rewards me with kind words....(almost amazing but he could have had like 20 more battlecry triggers but kept doing the button smash then play battlecry even with full hand....)
Meanwhile i literally just cleared 10 times his board managed to hold of till his fatigue and even with heal and all my resources gone he still manages to get a board...(gets created by rng -cry 4 hex to clear my big stuff, yeah and two walking fountain from created by INC to keep him alive)
Like spamming more than a 100 battlecry minion into a board isn't toxic with each time spamming emotes...(cause blizzard loves emote spammers, so no squelch for anyone)...then getting all the lucky evolves...
Off-topic: And i don't know why but i can't change quests. Like there was like 1 week ago a red X on them if you want to change them...and now Blizzard spams me with play shaman...
Yeah and kinda love how shaman has 2 mana make all my kobolds lesser fireballs with 4 damage /1 mana dropping a board with just created by kobolds aren't like 1 sided RNG fiesta :P
Imagine that aganst a fatigue/blade rogue.... endless "lovely" emote spam.... I was like hmm a bit odd i can't squelch ,meanwhile the guy is just laughing his ass off that he can burn 1 key card that would have won me the game...
The "fun" that they have playing only 30 cards out of the hundreds and hundreds of cards....
you guys enjoy to discuss how hunters make decks aganst other hunters?...cause i just met like 4 of them in a row...yay....
Edit: now MM puts me aganst all the wallet decks...great....just amazing if you win 4 games ,then you must lose more than 4 just so because you are playing cheap decks...
If anyone ever happened to meet the same person from time to time and he never changes his deck...Yes I'm talking about Leviathan with Bomb warrior ...FROM FUCKIN expansion day to this day you are just spamming this 1 deck ... i hope your home gets to enjoy a giant bomb 1 day and when the BOMB goes off You will Just Hear this: "Special DElIvery/Someboddy ORDERED a Bomb?!"...
Edit: I usually ignore people who have a slice of carrot instead of a brain in their skull shoved in but this is ridicoulus...
Either THIS...or Mech hunter..(managed to beat paladin and shaman but not this...)
...this game has no future(at least in fun (must tech aganst one of the three main rock-paper-scissors class) and f2p how can a deck cost up to 6 legendary??) if they don't do something aganst the rock ,paper, scissors effect that they imply every fucking time with hunter warrior and savage roar decks...(like the playerbase in so many videos shown are plummeting)...(either you tech aganst 1 of the three or you prepare a netdeck to bore yourself to death...)
like when did you last see a warlock? paladin? the other classes that gets the hall of fame again?...
just bad MM and netdecks what i see...
Edit:just the 2nd and 3rd picture happens every 20th game where my cards go in order to my hand and basically i can stall till he just ragequits cause that is what netdeckers do...they autofill bring boredom and if something goes bad they just rage alt-f4....
+ Highrolling hunter HERO dude he was at fatigue (he used basically 4 tracking with hero card) 7 hp and my board just got lost via him playing hero card + after that turn when he had no card left and played 4 tracking... because BEAST TAG he used the 4 MANA cancer that created 3 8-8 rush minion to holy hell blizz this game is on a whole new level of netdeck cancer...
+Mage be like hmm i'm at 4 hp with NO fckin Board let's just create a wall USING ONLY 2 appreantice +1 giant from hand...
They can't even phrase IT fckin says PLAY 3 games with that class...doesn't tell us that you must go near turn 10 or wait till he netdeck kills you...cause that is fun HAhaHA .
Edit: Game literally turned out to be a Netdeck an aggro shitlord Meme deck that lets you just have the quest rogue back on steroids...or other face decks...then shaman comes along if you build an anti aggro deck ...and Blizzard just smites you with conceded too early so you must play another one of these "Fun match" we like to call it nowadays :D
Just enjoy the Little indie company 's luck factor aganst full wallet copy paste (highlander Mage).
I fuckin love how idiotic a Yogg box can turn this Match into...
yay another wallet copy paste...yay another malygos warlock...aggro no one plays shaman just 20 damage burst luck factor omegalul decks that cost like almost a month to grind or like a paycheck cash...
Man i'm so happy that you can accomplish all that brain muscle moving from playing just that 1 deck and contributing to the majority of douchebags in this game... like there are more cards...but you are interested in statistics more than having fun...
at fckin this point why would anyone roll up standard with the beauty of "SHAMAN SPAM" meta to just face mirrors and mirrors of shamans? they just overbuffed the already aids quest shaman with lackeys and galakrond (4 pieces of 8/8 rush minion...) + invokers....
So it is acceptable to have a nickname of foreskin_knight and beside that just pure netdecking galakrond shaman...real mature and not toxic at all...with emote spam and golden cards.. tbh i just love how i can't face anything but pirate or shaman...
4 Leeroy deck in a row...after that mechathun... MM is sure fun...after Mechathun deck again Leeroy...
Edit:My thought was i gonna beat all shaman decks(more than half decks are shaman(MM is fun))...turns out from last 4 cards they still can generate more than 10 face damage...
Honestly they should restrict quest shaman to not use lackeys...Like 9 ethereal double battlecry is pure vomit material....
Small Indie company...
"Created by Blizzard with love"
When your opponent just burst you with almost 120 dmg into face, not thinking for 1 sec , just smashing the button and playing like an idiot ,rng always rewards me with kind words....(almost amazing but he could have had like 20 more battlecry triggers but kept doing the button smash then play battlecry even with full hand....)
Meanwhile i literally just cleared 10 times his board managed to hold of till his fatigue and even with heal and all my resources gone he still manages to get a board...(gets created by rng -cry 4 hex to clear my big stuff, yeah and two walking fountain from created by INC to keep him alive)
Like spamming more than a 100 battlecry minion into a board isn't toxic with each time spamming emotes...(cause blizzard loves emote spammers, so no squelch for anyone)...then getting all the lucky evolves...
Off-topic: And i don't know why but i can't change quests. Like there was like 1 week ago a red X on them if you want to change them...and now Blizzard spams me with play shaman...
Yeah and kinda love how shaman has 2 mana make all my kobolds lesser fireballs with 4 damage /1 mana dropping a board with just created by kobolds aren't like 1 sided RNG fiesta :P
Imagine that aganst a fatigue/blade rogue.... endless "lovely" emote spam.... I was like hmm a bit odd i can't squelch ,meanwhile the guy is just laughing his ass off that he can burn 1 key card that would have won me the game...
The "fun" that they have playing only 30 cards out of the hundreds and hundreds of cards....
you guys enjoy to discuss how hunters make decks aganst other hunters?...cause i just met like 4 of them in a row...yay....
Edit: now MM puts me aganst all the wallet decks...great....just amazing if you win 4 games ,then you must lose more than 4 just so because you are playing cheap decks...
If anyone ever happened to meet the same person from time to time and he never changes his deck...Yes I'm talking about Leviathan with Bomb warrior ...FROM FUCKIN expansion day to this day you are just spamming this 1 deck ... i hope your home gets to enjoy a giant bomb 1 day and when the BOMB goes off You will Just Hear this: "Special DElIvery/Someboddy ORDERED a Bomb?!"...
Edit: I usually ignore people who have a slice of carrot instead of a brain in their skull shoved in but this is ridicoulus...
Either THIS...or Mech hunter..(managed to beat paladin and shaman but not this...)
...this game has no future(at least in fun (must tech aganst one of the three main rock-paper-scissors class) and f2p how can a deck cost up to 6 legendary??) if they don't do something aganst the rock ,paper, scissors effect that they imply every fucking time with hunter warrior and savage roar decks...(like the playerbase in so many videos shown are plummeting)...(either you tech aganst 1 of the three or you prepare a netdeck to bore yourself to death...)
like when did you last see a warlock? paladin? the other classes that gets the hall of fame again?...
just bad MM and netdecks what i see...
Edit:just the 2nd and 3rd picture happens every 20th game where my cards go in order to my hand and basically i can stall till he just ragequits cause that is what netdeckers do...they autofill bring boredom and if something goes bad they just rage alt-f4....
+ Highrolling hunter HERO dude he was at fatigue (he used basically 4 tracking with hero card) 7 hp and my board just got lost via him playing hero card + after that turn when he had no card left and played 4 tracking... because BEAST TAG he used the 4 MANA cancer that created 3 8-8 rush minion to holy hell blizz this game is on a whole new level of netdeck cancer...
+Mage be like hmm i'm at 4 hp with NO fckin Board let's just create a wall USING ONLY 2 appreantice +1 giant from hand...
Yo babycarrot shaman netdecks are on sale or why this MM loves to troll with me with giving all the control shamans to me?