I'll like to make a personal list of cards that are the absolute bane of this game, and that I fucking despise to the core. Starting with:
0 mana freeze your hero to death and make it useless while receiving 9 damage, on repetition? Damn, that's bad design.
3 mana destroy your biggest minion and use it against, more than once? Who was the inbreed behind this card?
The only thing putrid about this shitstorm of a card, is the soul of the one playing this and healing back to full health, with no consequence while destroying your entire fucking board in seconds.
2 mana destroy the entire board with 0 consequences and planning? Extremely skilled gameplay.
3 mana discover this bullshit: so you'll never get to use your hero for anything, while the cunt is constantly healing and smacking your face freely.
0 FUCKING MANA SYLVANAS WINDRUNNER, with Rush. Who is the war fucking criminal who design this breaker of the entire Geneva Convention so it pays in prison for its crimes?
8 mana, destroy your biggest minion while this busted shit of a card, and the one using it turn almost immortal while generating other busted cards from thin air. That's balanced of course.
10 mana clears your entire board, or mind-controlling your biggest minion or Titan against you while unleashing the perfect spells to screw you over. No wonder he earns the title "God of Madness", due to how bat shit insane was the one who created this hideous abomination.
And finally, for the most retarded, braindead, uninteractive card created this entire year 2024, I couldn't leave the spot for the most disgusting card to none other but Reno "I clear your entire board and prevent you from recovering it, just because, I, FUCKING, CAN" Jackson. I'll be the happiest person on Earth when this war criminal who would put Mao, Stalin, or Putin to shame gets deleted from Standard and banned in wild, because of how undeniably stupid this card's design is.
Hearthstone these days
How can you outplay that goddamn double battlecry control cancer reno warrior? Can remove anything against aggro, destroying deck against control, with 1208893 armor of course.
Seriously guys. WTF is this Paladinstone again??????? It can do anything!! Clearing the board with preserving its fucking 124/80 buffed divinie shield minions. Why it isnt nerfed yet???