• 1

    posted a message on Healing Pain

    turn 3 mana tide, turn 4 piper, turn 5 lightwarden lightwarden beakered lightning healing rain, turn 6 windfury windfury on both lightwardens.  Damage (13x2)+(13x2)+3=55 damage.  Insanely lucky draw.

    Posted in: Healing Pain
  • 3

    posted a message on Best Looking Golden Cards

    Eternal Sentinel

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Which was your free Legendary Weapon?

    Runespear.  Never a doubt in my mind that I was going to get this.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Hex

    I definitely don't understand why this nerf was necessary.  Is mid/control shaman running rampant over the other classes?  Blizzard's justification for the nerf was that although the power level of the card was fine it didn't fit the IDENTITY of shaman?  What does that mean and why is that viable reason for nerfing a card.  This is the first time I have heard that as a reason for a nerf to a card.  You nerf if it is OP and causing a problem or limiting design space of future cards.  I don't see either of those things as being a problem with hex.  Given that a nerf card has never been reverted in the history of HS, I don't have enough confidence in HS balance team to feel comfortable with them preemptively nerfing a card that is not currently a problem.  It makes no sense.

    For those who think it is a good change because it puts it at the same level as polymorph, you should compare the card in the context of it's own class and not other classes.  If you start comparing spells from class to class, you run into problems.  Frostbolt is run in nearly every mage deck that has ever existed.  Frostshock has never seen play in competitive play except for "fun" OTK malygos decks.  So should we nerf frostbolt so it's at the same level as frost shock?  Lava Burst is a 5 mana (3 upfront + 2 overload) deal 5 damage and fireball is 4 mana deal 6 damage.  It's hard to compare because of the overload but one is clearly better than other.  Should we nerf fireball so that it's on par with lava burst?  This is why the argument that hex should be at the same level as polymorph is silly.  Not to mention in nearly every situation, leaving behind taunt behind is worse than leaving a 1/1.  The only exception is in very rare cases you want to hex your own minion for the taunt.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • -8

    posted a message on New Shaman Card Revealed: Ice Fishing

    It amazes me that Blizzard keeps shoving the shitty murloc tribe onto shaman every few expansions.  They don't know what to do with shaman so they get lazy and print some shitty murloc cards.  It's never been good.  It's never been competitive.  The gameplay is extremely linear and gets blown out by AoE.  And what is really annoying is that Paladin gets the really good murloc cards even though it doesn't seem to be a theme of the class, unlike shaman.  


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Is it true that most players blindly netdeck?
    Quote from teh_axi >>

    There's are 3 kinds of players in this game, Netdeckers, People that netdeck then change 1-2 cards so they can lie to themselves and poor plebs that would be group 1/2 but can't because they are poor plebs.

    Well said.  I see nothing wrong with netdecking. This website and others like it are dedicated to netdecking.  You watch tournaments and the most popular decks in those tournaments are identical or differ by 1 or 2 cards.  You beat a dude on ladder and he or she sends you a friend invite and subsequently calls you a piece of shit netdecker and then immediately unfriends you before you get the chance to tell them that they are playing pirate warrior. 
    I would estimate that around 95% of the games I play from rank 17-legend are netdecks.  The only time I'm not a netdecker is when a new set comes out and like everyone else, we experiment for about a week and have a lot of fun.  Then because of the popularity of twitch and websites like this, the best decks in the new meta get discovered within a week or two (with some slight deck optimization in the future).  Then you start seeing the same decks over and over again and they stomp you so you come here or vS or HS top decks and get the decklists and play them. 
    Edit:  Another reason people netdeck as I think has been mentioned before is that people don't want to waste dust on cards that end up not being good.  I would probably not netdeck as much if I could open 250-500 packs when the new expansion comes out so that I can get every card in the new expansion.  But most people can't afford or do not want to spend hundreds of dollars every expansion.  It's hard to experiment and discover the best decks in the game when you have a limited card pool.  Most people thought the hunter quest was really good and the rogue quest was trash before ungoro was released.  Let the streamers/"pros" spend all the money and figure out which cards are actually good before you waste your limited amount of dust. 
    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 1

    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Spirit Echo

    Terrible card.  It won't see competitive play.  It's a slow, gimmicky, win more card.  Good for "fun" Timmy decks. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Shaman Legendary - Kalimos, Primal Lord

    Wow.  This card might actually topple Troggzor as the most overrated card in Hearthstone.  Midrange shaman is in top deck mode by turn 8, more so now that azure drake is rotating out.  I'm not convinced that you will be able to reliably chain together elementals to get these battlecries off, especially in the late game, unless you make an elemental control deck, in which case the Jade Lotus clan says hello.  I'll re-evaluate this card when Aya says farewell in a year.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Freeze mage is back.

    I agree with you Anton.  The OP makes no sense.  I have been playing mostly freeze mage the past 3 months.  Control warrior is indeed a bad matchup but there is very little of it on the ladder.  Once you get to rank 5 and below the most dominant deck is pirate warrior and it is an extremely unfavorable matchup.  And secret paladin is good matchup for freeze mage, not a bad one.  And aggro shaman is also a bad matchup, especially if they run doomhammer.  Freeze mage excels at beating the slower midrange and control decks (except control warrior).  It sucks against aggro decks. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 6

    posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal: Kabal Crystal Runner

    I remember the days when dictionaries defined "literally" as actual meaning in a literal sense as opposed to figuratively.  

    Posted in: News
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