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    posted a message on Im trying to become more serious as a player

    Ive been playing since April of last year and I end each season between rank 5-10 and im looking for a group to help me grow and help themselves grow. Im est and im on everyday. I play Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, and Priest. My discord is Un1icensed_#8598 add me if you wanna play and scrim and grow as a player.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Scrim group

    Hello I'm a rank 5 player looking for a group of people i can scrim with and grow as players. I play mostly Zoo Warlock , Odd Rogue, Mech Hunter, and I'm working on a tempo mage deck right now. I'm wanting to make it to legends and stay there I'm on everyday. My battle tag is un1icensed#1800, my discord is un1icensed_#8598, and twitter in @Un1icensed_. I'm also an EST player.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for practice partners and a possible team

    Hey man im trying to get into this game i max r18 and i was wondering if you could help

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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