Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Your top 3 cards you would nerf in HS? >>
by turtleboats
60 5,005
Unite against Shaman cancer - its time to end it before it gets worse. >>
by turtleboats
40 6,737
Druid is a pretty frustrating class to play against. >>
by turtleboats
40 7,890
Good counters to renolock? >>
by turtleboats
28 12,997
Whats your favorite sound in Hearthstone? >>
by turtleboats
24 1,801
Druid is a pretty frustrating class to play against revisited in 2016. >>
by turtleboats
23 2,564
Fastest lethals in HS? Turn 3 Rogue vs Pirate Warrior! >>
by turtleboats
18 4,222
Can we nerf druids yet? >>
by turtleboats
14 1,384
What are some good decks vs aggro shaman atm? >>
by turtleboats
12 2,774
Do you get the same amount of XP in a tavern brawl as in constructed or arena? >>
by turtleboats
7 3,023
What card do you feel is underrated or underappreciated? >>
by turtleboats
7 1,276
Am I the only one not that impressed by the cards revealed so far? >>
by turtleboats
2 1,010