So what if they forgot to nerf smite and exclude him from the juggernaut pool. Quest mage finally got fucked!!!
why should there exclude him from the pool... its a pirate so ofc it should come theres so many bad pirate should there allso be remove becouse of bad luck?
Buff to Bloodsail Deckhand makes no sense, in my opinion making a minion having the double of its cost in stats +1 is the limit. A 1 mana 2/2 with bonus? What the hell is that?
most of the pirate buff is just stupid... i play this low cost pirate and there do fine as there was now there just even more OP then befor :) + warlock and shaman got nerfed so the deck is even more OP in wild now
this is the most stupid shit ever... like only 1 player done it by him self each1 just fallow a guide how is this any good taktic for a event like this...
i never played wild befor so i had 2 star bonus in bronze thats why it take so many wins to get to legend lol... i had like 98% win rate up to rank 7 diamind then i started to meet quest warlock and loseing lots of games
i allso did the deck to do the 3 warrior achevement for exp... and i just keep winning 20 wins befor my first lose then 40 win for 2nd lose so i just say fuck it and lets get legend...
so i dont really get why all the cry about warlock in wild i had more then 50% win rate vs them sure it was 1 of the hardst matchup... but i had like 95%+ win rate vs eachthing else...
IDK it seems even more grindy than before. When I'm lazy and climb at the end of the season I have about 60 to 80 % WR because ladder is filled with bad players or meme decks.
Now I'm matched with legend players the whole time. So assuming I never get a win streak I need 25 wins just for diamond league. Compared to 20 wins from rank 4. And If I skip a month it gets real shitty because I don't get any bonus, need 150 stars and I'm matched against Bronze 10 players. So how exactly is this system any better?
I hope they fix ladder until the expansion comes out because I already expect it will be broken for a few days like every time.
ofc its free xp and you only i have play 3 times + you might not even drew it...
25 per legendary is not that far off....
wtf you talking about you have 25 per legendary...
out of the past 4 years i had 2 times below 30 per legendary...
i have had 31-33-34-37 per legendary and i am not jokeing... in the past 4 years...
so stop crying for haveing 25 per legendary its not as bad as you thing
why should there exclude him from the pool... its a pirate so ofc it should come theres so many bad pirate should there allso be remove becouse of bad luck?
gonna skip this mode not seems worth my time
most of the pirate buff is just stupid... i play this low cost pirate and there do fine as there was now there just even more OP then befor :) + warlock and shaman got nerfed so the deck is even more OP in wild now
this is the most stupid shit ever... like only 1 player done it by him self each1 just fallow a guide how is this any good taktic for a event like this...
you is the 1 that need to child... you wait 11 min now you hardly waiting
just wait a few min wtf...
i never played wild befor so i had 2 star bonus in bronze thats why it take so many wins to get to legend lol... i had like 98% win rate up to rank 7 diamind then i started to meet quest warlock and loseing lots of games
i allso did the deck to do the 3 warrior achevement for exp... and i just keep winning 20 wins befor my first lose then 40 win for 2nd lose so i just say fuck it and lets get legend...
so i dont really get why all the cry about warlock in wild i had more then 50% win rate vs them sure it was 1 of the hardst matchup... but i had like 95%+ win rate vs eachthing else...
its quest warrior pirate
deck code AAEBAaPLAwTlB5G8At6tA5j2Aw3UBfsPgrACiLAC3K0D3a0D6bADtd4D/ucDlfYDz/sDpooEr6AEAA==