• 0

    posted a message on A Decent Un'Goro Priest?

    I've actually had success with purify priest. I run 5 mana 88 a d 6 mana 88, bunch of silence helps to push past taunt warrior too. Builds up such a big board against rogue as they only sap their own minions. Usually win by turn 5 or 6. Struggles against quest mage and sometimes pirate warrior if they have good opener. Lost to handlock. Other than that it's solid

    Posted in: Priest
  • 3

    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro Card Reveal Livestream

    2 minutes. I've been waiting my whole life for this moment 


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro Card Reveal Livestream

    It's going to be different this time. Expect a midrangish met

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Lets not pretend the meta is going to get better...

    But realistically, if you play Magic the gathering which is one of the most, if not the most successful tcg in the world, you will see that even in this game they have decks that are op. There will always be a best deck or two. In modern, legacy and standard that have decks that are most played and have the highest win rate. Sure, they can get hard counter by side decks, but the win rate his higher. One deck that comes to mind is the modern format combo deck red/blue I forgot the name, but it goes infinite, has tons of removal and burn. It's probably the best deck there is/was about a year ago.


    People have u realistic expectations. Sure some cards become too broken from time to time, but that's when they make nerds and changes and move on. Blizzard could nerf cards faster for sure. Anyone ever heard of the mtg card treasure cruise? It was so broken they had to ban it completely, and in legacy you could only run 1 copy that's how powerful it was.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Lets not pretend the meta is going to get better...

    Well said. People will always find a way to exploit the loopholes to success. That's what makes us incredible creatures. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on "If You Can't Beat Em Join Em"...

    I love this game. I was a huge Magic fan but I couldn't play it enough. This game allows me to play anywhere, in the shower, driving, at my mother's funeral. Anywhere! There are always face decks! It's gonna suck, but it's gonna be fun too

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Best Advice to give Newbies. Do not spend money on this game.

    I cant stand it when people say "they are just trying to make money". Really?! If they don't make money, how would they keep the servers up and the developers for new cards/testing paid? You expect everything to be for free? What the hell is wrong with people that they think everything should be free? Nothing is free. It costs money to keep a game running so money has to be made. Dummies

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Stop the nerf threads

    Well said I agree. I don't think it's a bad thing to dislike cards, but some people go over the top and want to nerfed everything 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The problem with Standard

    Yeha magic is great. the instants would really add another dimention to the game. i love hs, but its too tempo based. it needs a better balance 

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on The problem with Standard

    Hello, so i have to share this complaint. I think the problem with standard is havent too few card sets. With each rotation i feel like there are just too few cards in the standard deck making pool. Sure, it allows for a meta shift, but only for a short time. after players figure out which decks work best there will only be 1 or 2, maybe 3 decks that dominate the meta. an example is how face shaman, and now midshaman are the most dominate decks. every other class will be 2nd or 3rd tier. 

    I propose that during each rotation that some cards should be included into the classic set.



    Posted in: Standard Format
  • -8

    posted a message on Snuxi's Aggro discard lock

    Hey guys, I made a version that I thought was very aggressive yet had a secret weapon that seems to go with this deck. Check it out! http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/602165-diswing-discard-warlock

    Posted in: Snuxi's Aggro discard lock
  • 4

    posted a message on Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]

    I love and reno deck so 1+

    Posted in: Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]
  • 2

    posted a message on [LEGEND] Thijs's Handlock

    I just wrecked this with rogue

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Thijs's Handlock
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    posted a message on Netherspite Historian

    This can be powerful inew certain decks. It lacks power and dies easily but there are mostly powerful dragons. So this card will find its way into a dragon control deck 

    Posted in: Netherspite Historian
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