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    posted a message on New Card - Golakka Crawler

    Also the fact that it literally makes no sense to run this in Pirate Warrior. The best case scenario is what, you eat your own 1/1 pirate? Good job you effectively played a River Crocolisk that absorbed the 1/1. You never gain tempo, best case is you are even on tempo. Destroying any other large pirate you control would be a tempo loss. It's astounding to me people still don't realize there is 0 synergy with the card in a Pirate Warrior deck.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Card - Golakka Crawler
    Quote from Weikor >>

    I dont think this will help all too much.

    If you want to hardcounter pirates, you already have options to do so. Ooze taunts and heals. However if you tech those, your control matchups suffer immensely 

    Its already a wavy meta.

    1) Lots of pirate warriors

    2) lots of counters appear

    3) greedy control decks appear

    4) pirate warriors come back



    I dont see this card making a change

     Lol you just described how a meta works.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Golakka Crawler
    Quote from nomad_ninga >>
    Quote from Matthi1 >>

    Eating a 1/1 to gain +1/+1 is a neutral trade. This is bad in Pirate Warrior..

     no it's not your condensing the stats which could be good or bad, probably good because it can't be pinged and is stronger vs aoe, plus helps in pirate v pirate matches, not to mention patches already attacked.
     Yes it is a netural trade, you can't say it isn't because you will have the same amount of stats as a 2/3 + 1/1. It's stronger against AoE but much weaker against single target removal which is much more common. Also what happens when you don't draw it on the first couple turns? Then you have a pretty dead card that you would much rather be some form of damage. By all means though play this in your Pirate Warrior deck and I'll take the free wins.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Golakka Crawler

    Lol why are there so many people thinking this is good to play IN Pirate Warrior? Firstly, killing your own 1/1 to gain +1/+1 is not strong or even a tempo gain. You literally have the same amount of stats in play as if you played a River Crocolisk. Secondly you HAVE to kill a pirate with it when you play it making it a dead card most of time since you will have to lose tempo by destroying your own Pirate. This card is maybe used as a 1 of tech card if Pirates are popular after rotation but this is no "Pirate Totem Golem" lol. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Card - Swamp King Dred
    Quote from Aszalee >>

    This is basically a 7 mana 9/9 - your opponent controls what minions this card attacks -

    which is bad.

     Lol wut.
    First it's a 7 mana 9/9 which is obviously great value. Second it doesn't "control what minions this card attacks" considering you can still attack with it on your turn and it doesn't attack minions already on board. Finally, they have to play the minion... so they lose tempo by spending the mana to play a minion that gets eaten right away. I don't even understand your argument. Even if it was similar to as you suggested, it would still soak up 9 damage worth of minions....
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Card - Sherazin, Corpse Flower

    Lol ITT people think a free 5/3 is "literally worthless". 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Why is wild format so unpopular?

    Unsurprisingly there are a lot of hyperbolic accusations and assumptions about the Wild format from a lot of people who probably don't play it that much (besides their brief stint in which they got to legend once so now they are an expert). 

    The simple reason people don't play a lot of wild right now is that it's just too similar to Standard. It certainly feels like a different format, but more like Standard on steroids. Once you fully delve into the format it also has it's imbalances, but the "top-dog" deck in Secret Paladin is in a more oppressive state than something like Midrange Shaman.

    That all being said, can Wild be a fun format? Freaking absolutely. Secret Paladin will not be 80% of the meta and you will not just auto-win or auto-lose games based on OP cards. At the end of the day people will complain about literally everything in this game and so continue trying out the format!

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Barens + Y'shaarj Deck

    You concede it seems.

    Posted in: Barens + Y'shaarj Deck
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 3.14 [Submission Topic]

    "You know, Wisps are actually pretty useful for personal hygiene."

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 4

    posted a message on Forbidden Ritual


    I can explain to you why these "idiots" as you so nicely called people with opinions, are downvoting you. From my perspective, the way you are presenting your opinion and evaluation is very arrogant. It does sound like you have already played the card and know for a fact that it is bad. In all reality, you DON'T know if the card will be good or not because no one has played with it yet. But when you present your opinion like "You can talk about combos all you want. They don't work. Period." and  "Actual combos with this simply don't work and all the talking about combos don't change that" it can give off a negative and know-it-all attitude. 

    Posted in: Forbidden Ritual
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    posted a message on Bringing Patron Warrior into a New Era

    Despite the other comments, I actually like the inclusion of the Tentacle. It's a decent anti-aggro tool in the early game while mostly serving as an additional combo piece that can provide additional burst. Since we are losing the consistent activator in Death's Bite, moving to a more burst approach may be correct

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 0

    posted a message on Hybrid Hunter with Battlecry synergies

    Well we are sacrificing the secrets for extra Battlecry cards and Brann. You sacrifice some consistency for more value plays with Brann.

    Posted in: Hybrid Hunter with Battlecry synergies
  • -1

    posted a message on S19 Legend Casino Mage !

    Pretty much anything that is good in Tempo Mage. Rhonin is terrible anyway.

    Posted in: S19 Legend Casino Mage !
  • 0

    posted a message on Current Meta is fantastic

    Out of curiosity, what rank are you?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Your Favorite Class!

    I really like Shaman. Has a lot of interesting cards and deck strategies.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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