it feels so disgusting to be turn 8 reno, lone rangered into turn 9 sargeras = ez stolen victory with 2 broken cards ezpz hearthstone is so skillful big brain things
its broken busted corny disgusting bs like this that makes priest easily one of the most disliked classes.. the top 3 most disliked classes being druid, mage, and priest..
the devs clearly want druid to remain a degenerates dream in wild otherwise they wouldve nerfed this bs long ago
endless card draw endless mana endless armor gain endless mana cheat.. what a great experience for the playerbase to be faced with.. great choices devs!
its funny how this card has never been nerfed. really goes to show you how the devs truly know nothing of their own game they clearly dont even play hearthstone
seems balanced eh? i just had another match where a druid player spammed endless card draw and mana,, fun fun! isnt it insane how they really nerfed some cards in wild only to allow floops gloop to remain the same? brainless dev things
HOW CAN THIS THING EVEN EXIST SO ABSOLUTELY BUSTED AF.. have been dreading when ppl will start using this disgusting op pos and its begun.. SO..NERF COMING RIGHT?
it feels so disgusting to be turn 8 reno, lone rangered into turn 9 sargeras = ez stolen victory with 2 broken cards ezpz hearthstone is so skillful big brain things
its broken busted corny disgusting bs like this that makes priest easily one of the most disliked classes.. the top 3 most disliked classes being druid, mage, and priest..
why is this thing still existing and not deleted long ago?
also why mana cheat?.. why?..
when is this thing going to get nerfed finally? so op people are sick and tired of mana cheat
very fun in a "rise to the occasion" quest paladin deck
still not nerfed btw most worthIess dev team of all time btw
too funny still not nerfed lmfaooooooo devs you useIess fooIs
"shouldve ran dirty rats"
- some noob
the devs clearly want druid to remain a degenerates dream in wild otherwise they wouldve nerfed this bs long ago
endless card draw endless mana endless armor gain endless mana cheat.. what a great experience for the playerbase to be faced with.. great choices devs!
its funny how this card has never been nerfed. really goes to show you how the devs truly know nothing of their own game they clearly dont even play hearthstone
seems balanced eh? i just had another match where a druid player spammed endless card draw and mana,, fun fun! isnt it insane how they really nerfed some cards in wild only to allow floops gloop to remain the same? brainless dev things
still not nerfed btw braindead devs btw
even if they cost only 3 more mana crystals ITS STILL OP.. LMAO BRAINLESS DEVS ARE INCAPABLE OF SIMPLE MATH
HOW CAN THIS THING EVEN EXIST SO ABSOLUTELY BUSTED AF.. have been dreading when ppl will start using this disgusting op pos and its begun.. SO..NERF COMING RIGHT?
so incredibly busted knew that since taking the first look at this card and its amazing that this hasnt been nerfed