• 0

    posted a message on OLD Play a Friend! 4.0



    Trade only, you go first.


    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Dragonfire Potion

    best comment !


    (on topic: It's still not as good as light bomb, but every priest will run it because they need board clears)

    Posted in: Dragonfire Potion
  • 0

    posted a message on HCT 2016 European Last Call Begins Saturday - Decks, Brackets, & Info!
    Quote from robert_fanr >>

    I was kinda right you know .

    GeorgeC was destroyed again because of his freeze mage by Pavel in the semifinal .

     he lost one game (game 3 ) and won 1 game (game 4) with freeze mage. I would hardly call 1-1 being destroyed. If anything it performed better then his other decks against Pavel.
    I think georgec's worst deck was the hunter, you can go and check the games, but I'm pretty sure it was the lowest winrate deck and lost him at least 3 games during the 2 series.
    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on HCT 2016 European Last Call Begins Saturday - Decks, Brackets, & Info!
    Quote from Poghy >>

    4/8 aka 50% of the top 8 still used Yogg, and Im pretty sure its not because they were "testing" it.

    Some of the best players decided that Yogg is still competitive.

    GG Team 5, it should have been nerfed to 12 mana, so you can still have FUN with it. But no, we will see that clown at Blizzcon, yay!

     have you seen the games? yogg was played only twice I believe and it was 10 mana do nothing, he even killed himself at first spell once. I'm sure the players that brought it regret their decision, it was pretty hard to evaluate if to bring it or not 2 days after the nerf, the number at NA last call will be lower then 4 for sure.
    total number of spells casted by yogg at the last call EU 4, out of 2 yoggs, of which 2 killed yogg. 20 mana for 4 random spells, nice card..
    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from Lajko >>

    if someone reads this:

    could you explain me why people are playing SMorc-decks? is it really because they are cheap and you get EZ wins with it?

    or are these people too dumb for other decks?

     probably because they are fast, 30 wins in 4 hours, while with control you'd get 30 wins in 9 hours.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Post Yogg nerf
    Quote from Neoleo87 >>

    Hi everyone!
    I'm new in this forum.

    I play HS only from this year, i have a poor collection but thanks to the shaman i've reached rank 3 last months. Recently i've crafted yogg to build a yogg/token druid cause i've finded fandral in a pack. With the nerf i've sharded yogg and i'm waiting to see how the meta evolve.
    I've complited all the adventures.
    My questions are:
    1) I have to recraft yogg or i can wait and use the dust to build another list.
    2) Can i continue to use the shaman? Some replace of Tuskarr?
    3) I have some cards like Nozdormu, Illidan, Shifter Zerus, Captain Greenskin, anomalus, golden darkspeaker... which one of this can i shard?

    4) What do u think about the mage list i've posted? I don't have arcane blast and cabalist's tome..so create this list shoud cost to me 1,6k dust and before spend it i prefer to make sure is a good list.

    Guys thanks and really sorry for my english... i'm italian...

     1) you don't have to.. he's just a fun card now, not competitive
    2) depends on the list, increase the number of 5 drops most likely
    3) any of the cards you listed there, they're all pretty bad
    4) Blizzard isn't good in tempo mage, so a bit of a weird list. Anyway, I don't think tempo mage is good at the moment.
    Posted in: Mage
  • 1

    posted a message on Headed for Legend! - S31 October 2016
    Quote from iamdannywu >>
    Quote from surviv0r123 >>

    anyfin paladin is pretty good after nerf :thinking:

     Explanation please. 
     they nerfed a lot of good cards that counter it.
    1) call of the wild(which was an anti-control card most of the time)
    2) rockbitter provided the burst for shaman, without it midrange shaman which wasn't a bad matchup for anyfin became a good one
    3) tuskaar totemic was often forcing an early equality if it high rolled.
    4) yogg was extremly affective against it, as the games went for long making yogg a 12+ spells most of the time
    5) charge(as worgen otk), even though a pretty rare matchup, was an auto-lose for the anyfin paladin since the worgen otk was cycling faster
    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Headed for Legend! - S31 October 2016

    anyfin paladin is pretty good after nerf :thinking:

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Card Nerf - Call of the Wild

    Hunter is now priest tier class.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on The Card Nerfs Have Arrived

    is it just me or does this update break the game for everyone?

    Posted in: News
  • 10

    posted a message on The Card Nerfs Have Arrived

    I don't get this either.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Card Nerf - Call of the Wild
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from surviv0r123 >>
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from surviv0r123 >>

    Hunter's barely good, so with this nerf, midrange hunter should become weaker then face hunter.. tier 3 at best after nerf. Doing almost nothing on turn 8 will leave you so behind that call of the wild will be irrelevant.

     Then add cards that do something on turn 8. Those comments are seriously hilarious. If you can't play the class without the most OP card in the game, there's something wrong with your ability to play the game and build decent decks, nothing wrong with hunter.
     I didn't say it's not worth playing the class, I said it's not worth having a plan that goes past turn 6 with that class after this nerf as it's simply more underwhelming for what the class can do.
    The curator, Ragnaros, Onyxia, King krush. There are tons of options, don't wait for your favorite streamer to netdeck his list, go experiment.
    If you're that kind of guy who says "this card sucks period" because he read/heard it somewhere, then there's nothing I can do for you. As far as i'm concerned, I'll still play midrange hunter on ladder, and I'll still have stuff to do past turn 6.
     Out of all those nerfs hunter like lost the most. I don't see the nerfs that shaman is taking as impactful as the nerf hunter is taking and shaman was already way better then hunter. I'm pretty sure that after this nerf zoo/rogue will be better then hunter as well and that hunter will likely be somewhere around paladin's power level, even a bit worse. The only 8 mana card(why are you suggesting adding 9 mana cards if call will be 9 mana!?) from your suggestion is rag, and he's not very good in the current meta, I think you just fall even more behind if you play that against most classes(terrible against: shaman, token druid, zoo).
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Tyrande skin promotion

    ' Twitch Prime is currently only available to customers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. '

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Card Nerf - Call of the Wild
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from surviv0r123 >>

    Hunter's barely good, so with this nerf, midrange hunter should become weaker then face hunter.. tier 3 at best after nerf. Doing almost nothing on turn 8 will leave you so behind that call of the wild will be irrelevant.

     Then add cards that do something on turn 8. Those comments are seriously hilarious. If you can't play the class without the most OP card in the game, there's something wrong with your ability to play the game and build decent decks, nothing wrong with hunter.
     I didn't say it's not worth playing the class, I said it's not worth having a plan that goes past turn 6 with that class after this nerf as it's simply more underwhelming for what the class can do.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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