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- stayinmytrap8
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Member for 7 years, 11 months, and 8 days
Last active Fri, Jan, 12 2024 09:30:33 -
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Michaleus posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Theotar The Mad DukePosted in: NewsOTK enjoyer talking about toxicity. Nothing Is more toxic than idiots that enjoying Solitaire one turn kill decks
Loweryourhead posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Theotar The Mad DukePosted in: News#Priest Quest dust refund
Pagan posted a message on Fractured in Alterac Valley Decks - Good and Fun Decks from the ProsPosted in: NewsI used to love playing Priest and Warlock. Now Priest just sucks and Warlock is so degenerate I can't enjoy it anymore.
JoshoPrime posted a message on Balance Changes Coming In 2 WeeksPosted in: NewsI hope they finally nerf the Crossroads Watch Post it has nothing to do with the fact that i opened 2 golden copies of it in my first expansion day, the card is just to op against....AFK archtypes
TheScot posted a message on Rise of Shadows Card Nerfs - What Do Pros Want To See Smacked?Posted in: NewsDo people not realize that if they HoF Edwin VanCleef, then they have to replace him with either a brand new classic legendary, or move something from one of the sets into a permanent classic slot? You can't have rogue be the only class that has no classic legendary, folks. That doesn't work at all. Blizzard has never sent a class legendary to the HoF, and they won't start now. Besides, the cost of making Edwin VanCleef a big boy is quite steep, and insanely vulnerable to silence. Just because almost nobody has silence in their decks doesn't suddenly make Edwin VanCleef overpowered.
Edit: On second thought, bring on the Hall of Fame for Edwin VanCleef! Let's get some Sonya Shadowdancer as the permanent rogue classic legendary, in standard forever!
Pullaa posted a message on Rise of Shadows Card Nerfs - What Do Pros Want To See Smacked?Posted in: NewsNerf mad Genius, take the rush away and we Gucci
Kermorvan posted a message on Dean Ayala Asks: What Would Get You Back Into Hearthstone?Posted in: NewsBlizzard, your GREED is killing the game.
Game is not rewarding enough. I feel like I'm being sucked dry from my time/money to the point of insanity. I don't mind paying for entertainment, I earn well enough to buy packs or preorder before each expansion. I feel like every player should have full collection (if he invest fair amount of money (for those who want and can afford) or time (for free to play players)) before launch of next expansion. Players are stuck to meta decks, and cant afford to play fun decks because they don't have resources to spend.
1) increase daily reward in gold (make it at least 80 gold) and add dust to it.
1) Make single win worth 10 gold and 3 wins grants some extra dust.
2) Increase legendary/epic drop rate form packs (30 pack pitytimer would be still to high in my opinion)
3) decrease crafting cost by at least 25%
4) Add free packs to monthly rewards.
I spend each expansion 50-75E (one more thing, why punishing us for playing in EU? You really don't know USD≠Euro ?) and i find it outrageous, that it gives me around half of legendaries from set. How much should f2p spend time to get full collection of cards? 12-18h wouldn't be enough (take off daily gold limit, f2p players need that gold to have fun!). Offer us full content at decent price. (Aren't you ashamed ripping players off ?)
And more:
1) Make tavern brawls last full week.
2) Make nerfs and BUFFS to cards in between expansions, so mate stays fresh and healthy,
3) Add replay feature, so i can see both my and opponent hand and learn from my mistakes (bit like sc2 replays)
4) Add autosquelch option (how hard is it?)
I hope you read at least few of post in this thread. And draw some conclusions from what is written by your customers ("fanboy" time is over, and the faster you realise this the better it is for your company)
hillandder posted a message on Fastest kill in constructed!!Posted in: General DiscussionKeep quiet or Inner Fire will be the next card killed by the nerfs.
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Not gonna lie am omega excited for mech rogue.
I think we need more mana cheat. We live in a world when you die turn 5-7 in standard right now. Lets make it so we die faster like on turn 3 or 4 would be great. What an ass meta, just makes me not to even want to log in a game for doing only quests how boring it is.
They are lowkey beging ppl to stop playing their games jessus the greed is unreal. So pathetic all what i can say.
Right now i want to dust full fking game if i could am tired of fking big rogues in wild every match is against them and the apsurd consitant cheating minions its so funny that we end up in this state over time
Man this expansion is giga secret and disrupt suportive its interesting and scary at the same time
Well @ least we know with all those secret rogue support that is gonna be a deck, bellive darn good deck, coz every secret revealed is nutts
This is the card that game needs, steal them a win condition and dab on combo decks. Perfect card for both formats. The fact is combo decks will not run this coz they have to keep important combo pieces and dont want to give any away, works perfect with bran as well. So far best card from the set
This is the card that gonna push the dude paladin for sure, he has decent amount of support atm and this was the missing piece
this card is meh
Curse lock is something i cant stand in this meta i hope this archetype to die to exctinction, its giga toxic deck