I can’t win a single game with this deck. I went from 7 all the way back down to 10.
- stancho
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Member for 11 years and 28 days
Last active Sun, Aug, 22 2021 11:42:36 -
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Hssucks12 posted a message on Z0cK3r Tempo Rogue (92% Winrate)Posted in: Z0cK3r Tempo Rogue (92% Winrate) -
Alex_Sobol posted a message on Hearthstone Patch 13.4 - Rise of Shadows Pre-Order, Random Card Back, Complete My DeckPosted in: NewsAnother $80 hero skin they're so desperate
Leoiowa2 posted a message on 12 Win Even LockPosted in: 12 Win Even LockHey stancho,
I know what you mean. But I believe that everyone who wants to try this deck should know that Hearthstone is a strategy game and players are only successfull when thinking turns ahead and knowing how to master the deck and of course having some luck with opponents.. If players haven't find out that they need their brains, they won't have all the legendaries to play the deck.
You are right when it comes to ranked play mode. Players read "EZ Legend zoolock" or whatever and they think of crafting it without knowing that it is not as easy as you can read in the description to reach legend. Nobody will craft the deck just because of the Brawliseum.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I will uodate the description. :)
NanaKwame posted a message on Rastakhan Odd MagePosted in: Rastakhan Odd MageLook closely, it is there :)
DespicableDan posted a message on Patch 13.0: Rastakhan Pre-Patch, Winter Veil Returns, Rastakhan Flavor Text, Patch NotesPosted in: News -
JoBo posted a message on Get a Free Rastakhan's Rumble Card Pack!Posted in: NewsBwonsamdi Gang 💪💪💪
DittoLander posted a message on New Druid Card Reveal - Predatory InstinctsPosted in: NewsFinally, Angry Chicken value!
YourPrivateNightmare posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - High Priest ThekalPosted in: Newsooookay. So this is what the pretend will make Healadin a thing?
I mean, sure, effectively turning all your healing affects after playing this into armor is neat and we do have plenty of heal synergies at this point, but I still think it'S too weak to build a deck aorund. I mean, you would have to hard mulligan for this card and if you didn't get it early half of your deck would be useless. Unless t hey have a neat little tutor for this then it could work...poorly. Spellstone, Blackguard, and the new 4-mana 8/8 just won't be enough to actually win a game with. Control Pally still has no real win condition and givent he fact that we got both his legendaries now means he probably won't get one.
And with this I present you with the pun I've been waiting to use ever since the expansion announcment:
High Priest Thekal? More like High Priest FECAL, because he's SHIT!
YourPrivateNightmare posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - Spirit of the TigerPosted in: Newsprobably Gral, the ROgue loa. Unless it's just a spell relating to sharks
YourPrivateNightmare posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Giggling Inventor, Mana Wyrm, AvianaPosted in: Newsholy shit, Giggles got fucking obliterated (still playable in Odd decks tho, lul)
Also, Mana Wyrm is harsh and probably kills Tempo mage. They now have to pass turn 1 every time and I don't think they can afford to (unless the next expansions bring a powerful new 1-drop for them). At the very least it opens up more design space and potentially allows for tempo mage to be designed less around snowballing from mulligan.
Aviana seems like a reasonable change. Indirectly nerfs Psychmelon too (rip to all those who were holding on to extra copies) and requires Innervate (or Coin) as part of any combo now.
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Ain't gonna happen for me, that's for sure. If they decide stop being greedy as hell, maybe I'll reconsider, but knowing blizzard, I doubt it.
21st century boys "-" .... Stronger than people PepeHands
Gratz to all who got 12 wins, but you can't name deck like that, I mean your and mine and everyone else skill in hearthstone are different, that makes game so much fun, and you don't know what or who you will encounter during your possible 12 wins journey. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging you or the deck, I belive it's awesome, I'll even upvote it, cuz I like it, but the title of the deck should be changed into something else.
I feel you 101% man. I feel exactly same way about it.
Upvoted for the idea and description of the deck, regardless how deck will perform. Great job Sir.
Captain Hooktusk - "You three! Get in the cannon!" Now that's and order that Jack Sparrow would order for sure as well. Pirate life 4 ever.
With Malfurion the Pestilent it's almoust Sul'thraze , okay it's -1 attack, but it doesn't require overkill and it can clear board full od voidwalkers ez, and that's ALOT more powerfull than Captured Jormungar
Armorsmith for 5mana FeelsGoodMan
On how many games mate? 10?
That's not fluffy, that's SCARY dinosaur.
Hadronox can't hide anymore on the bottom of the deck.