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    posted a message on Blood Magic (Standard) - Tavern Brawl #160
    Quote from DontDirtyMyRat >>
    Quote from CWSmith >>

    Oh crap. I've got none of the suped-up druid cards. Might end up packless from this one.

     If that's the case, play as Mage with 2 each of Explosive Runes, Counterspell Ice Barrier and Mana Bind with 2 Glacial Mysteries and 2 Arcane Artificer.

    Mulligan hard for mysteries and artificer. All your spells will effectively cost 0 and it messes things up for your opponent aswell. I've won 5 brawls so far with that base (plus a bunch of other cards that draw cards or deal damage)

     Great tip on secret/burn mage.  I won my first game against a druid.  Lucky mulligan on my end for artificer and glacial mysteries.  Then it was just draw for burn and peel his face off with fire.  Felt good.  Not playing again however... :)

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 0

    posted a message on best way to save up on gold?

    I used to play a lot of arena, but over the past 6 months I have just been doing my daily quests and playing about an hour a day.  I have amassed 8000 gold since the last expansion doing this.  More than enough to buy the packs I need.  

    Arena is a good way to get even more gold, but I grew tired of the rng of the format and have done just fine earning gold playing decks I like.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Going free to play for this set. anyone else?

    I easily save about 8000 gold between expansions so I never need to "buy" packs.  Just make sure you knock out your daily quests everyday and you are all set.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Warrior beatable by other control decks ?

    Handlock and Renolock (which I play a lot of) have at least a 50/50 against control warrior, probably more like 60/40.  They are not considered pure control decks, but both are definitely slow and have a control slant.  As others have pointed out the new N'Zoth Paladin is a hard counter to control warrior.



    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Got my first golden legendary. DE or keep?

    Golden legendary = 1600 dust = Any legendary you want.  Its like opening a golden ticket.  If you like the legendary and will use it, then keep it for sure.  If you don't like the legendary, pretend you opened a "golden ticket card."  The ticket allows you to exchange it for any legendary you want.  

    Its really that simple.  :)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What happened to hunter?

    I have been playing around with a Reno/N'Zoth hunter list and have had reasonable success.  Still refining the decklist.  Deck does well against slower decks, but needs a good curve start against aggro.  All in all I see potential.  I think it will do really well against lower ranks.  I am only at 15 this season as I have been experimenting a bit, and at higher ranks its all zoo and shaman.

    Posted in: Hunter
  • 1

    posted a message on So they remove the 'sorry' emote...

    There is a squelch option.  I just wish that the game notified my opponent when I squelch them.  That would be my kind of BM. :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on IMO, Harrison Jones, Northshire Cleric, Cabal Shadow Priest, and Shadow Madness will be nerfed in the patch.

    Is this thread a troll?  These cards will not be nerfed.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is it just me, or is there really no more skill or strategy to this game?
    Quote from Jannibal >>

    I think its just you

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Decks that you won't miss in Standard

    I am not joining this "glad to see it gone" train.  I play lots of different decks and really don't despise any deck out there.  They all have good/neutral/bad matchups.  Also, saying a deck like secret paladin will be gone is pre-mature.  There will be new cards in the expansion and some of they may help keep secret pally viable.  Saying any deck will be gone is pre-mature at this point.  Wait and see...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Base Set is not good

    None of us can make any accurate statements about the standard format until we see the new expansion and the card adjustments.  Without that information any statements about the health or balance of the new standard meta are simply unfounded and premature.  

    Lets see what the new cards and changes to existing cards look like before making unfounded statements.

    As far as the basic set being "not good" - Its not good or bad.  It has some very good cards that are staple cards for most classes and will form "base" for the standard meta.  That is all.  No need to over-analyse it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Aggro and Everything Else

    Of course there is lots of aggro at ranks 5-20.  There always will be.  Its cheap, easy to play, and the games are faster.  It will ALWAYS be this way.  Once you get into lower ranks you see it dry up a bit as more skilled and committed players move to mid-range and control.   They have the time, knowledge, and cards to pay these decks.  If a player wants to counter aggro they very easily can with any number of decks.  Its up to the player to choose to play those decks.  

    Blizzard will absolutely offer many anti-aggro cards in the next expansion.  They will need to replace sludge, deathlord, and healbot with new tools and I am sure they will.   

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on How can the skill levels be so tremendously different?

    Its a combination of factors: Rng (to some extent), skill level of opponents going up as you climb, the deck you are playing, the meta at lower ranks changing compared to higher, no more win streaks at rank 5, etc.

    Win rate from rank 20-5 is not too big a deal because win streak bonuses make up for a mediocre deck/player.  You can climb well with a 50-55% win rate.  But once you get to rank 5, its on.  No more win streaks, so your deck and skill now get tested for realz.   A deck that climbs well through the chaff at higher ranks is often not the best deck to get you over the hump to legend.   If you are only at a 50% win rate over the past 100 games, that would count out random rng and point to the deck or the pilot (or both) as the deciding factor.

    If you just want legend bad and have no self respect, switch to secret paladin.  A monkey can pilot that deck to a 55% plus win rate.  Slightly less scummy, but almost as effective would be mid-range combo druid and reno-lock.   But giving deck advice is tough because some players are better at different deck archetypes.

    Since you are playing zoolock, consider changing to a more mid-rangy demon-zoo?  Add void callers, malganis, and jaraxus, and a few board clears like hellfire?   Mix it up a bit....

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most BUFF necessary card for standard! VOTE!

    I like Bolf's potential.  Interesting anti-aggro card - but it needs a buff for sure.  Taunt would be nice.  Or maybe make it a 4 mana 2/8 (same stats as Deathlord) with the same ability?  Could be the new deathlord for control priest in standard?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most OP Card for Standard! VOTE!

    I voted other because the most OP card in standard will mostly likely be a card from the new expansion.  The expansion will have a bunch of powerful cards I am sure.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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