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    posted a message on Felfire Ragnaros Debuts in Hearthstone China - New Skins & Event Details Inside!

    It would be so cool if we could modify Hearthstone to our own liking.


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Shop Update - 31.2 Battlegrounds Content Patch

    Paying 35$ for one card or 60$ for 3 cards is crazy to me.

    I don't really care that it's a signature card. What does signature even stand for? does it do anything more than an average card? It just looks a bit flashy, that's it.

    I'm okay with pack bundles as I used to buy those before. Like a Hero skin and 5 packs, that's decent I guess for 10$ (I "used to buy" them but stopped as they started printing new ones 3 times a week) 

    For each their own I guess. Some people will buy it and I'm sure Bli$$ard has customers for all the other shop items they present 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Nobody judges this game objectively
    Quote from kawhi1weefc >>

    There will always be classes that have a higher win rate than others.

    Yeah, obviously. I’m talking about when there are extremely powerful decks or cards that make many other decks terrible—for example, Holy Wrath Paladin.

    I feel like I am gonna argue with another wall unfortunately. 

     Holy Wrath Paladin is just an oversight of the development team that effected the whole Wild meta Either there was not enough play testing or it was pure laziness, aka, let's just go live, see what is broken, and fix it later. The same story repeats every time a new expansion or mini-set goes live.

    I'm not saying it's not broken because it is but with a huge card pool in the wild section that is bound to happen every now and then. It happened before and probably will happen again.

    In my opinion, it was just a badly designed card that didn't take Wild into consideration as they, most likely, don't do any play testing in Wild

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Nobody judges this game objectively

    Blizzard only cares about money. That is a fact. Because it's a business after all and it needs to be sustainable.

    The balance changes they do is to keep the players. If they keep the players they keep the money in. 

    When the players get bored we bring an expansion to keep them playing. Keep the players, keep the money, and try to earn more by selling skins, bundles, and battle passes.

    I'm actually pleased with the number of packs, skins, and drops we get for free and I used to pay and buy bundles and skins until it just got too much and too expensive. I used to buy 3 mega bundles a year and season passes and stuff like that. a hero skin now and there. When I put everything on paper I spent about 300-400€ a year. And after that, I just realized that I'd rather spend money on other AAA games than invest in the same grinding random thing called Hearthstone

    As for the game itself. What do you consider balance?  It will never be balanced. There will always be classes that have a higher win rate than others. A full balance is never achievable. At the end of the day, it's an RNG-based game where skill is second to being lucky and just grinding with " top tier" decks to achieve a higher rank. If you want a completely balanced game play chess where skill is the main factor.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Announcing Battlegrounds Season 9 - With New Hero Re-Roll Tokens and More!

    It's just more of a reason for me to stay F2p. 

    The more they announce paying more for stupid things the more it pushes me to remain a f2p.

    Don't get me wrong I was a whale before I bought everything they had. But I stopped because it got so expensive. I'd rather buy other games for other consoles ( and PC ) than constantly invest in this game.

    I understand they want to monetize it and all but I believe if you put things all together it costs 300€ plus per year to be relevant in both constructed and BG's and for that you can get 6 ( SIX)!  AAA games throughout the year.

    Good luck Bli$$ard but I'd rather spend my money elsewhere. I'll still play F2p until I get bored with it but I will not be investing in ONE game 

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on What is your definition of fun in HS?

    I stopped playing months ago. It's not so fun anymore, to be honest. It was too expensive for a card game. I still enjoy battlegrounds now and then

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Therazane's EXTRA Large Druid

    Terrible deck. If it works once in 6 games consider yourself lucky.

    Posted in: Therazane's EXTRA Large Druid
  • 1

    posted a message on The problem right now with hearthstone

    Some people still do have fun playing the game.

    Maybe it's just that you don't have any fun playing in this meta which is okay.

    I usually stop when I don't find the meta interesting. I did however find Relic DH quite fun and a decent deck.

    My advice would be maybe to try different game modes until you find the meta playable and fun again.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on 26.0 Patch Notes - Warlock Cards Unbanned & Changes for New Wild Cards - Duels Updates

    damn. Wild is gonna be wild.

    Posted in: News
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