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    posted a message on New Paladin Spell - Rebuke

    Any paladin deck without this card will immediately lower its winrate

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Gifting Witchwood pre order to a friend.


    Quote from Traktat >>

    Wait ,what?Last year i gifted the Kobolts and Catacombs pre-order to a friend and he reciveved it normally with the card back.

     Weird. Blizz tech support told me it's not doable. Maybe they changed their policy, but I don't ever remember it being an option.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Do you have a favorite off-meta deck for ranked mode?


    Quote from CaptainKaulu >>


    Quote from SlydE >>

    C'thun/Keleseth/Spiteful druid is actually pretty strong! Try it!

     That sounded fun so I gave it a try. Went 0-4.
    First a Secrets Mage who Counterspelled my Ultimate Infestation (I knew it was a Counterspell, but I was out of other cards to play), then Pyroblasted me to death the next turn. Then a Control Mill-Lock who sniped my C'Thun with his Gnomeferatu (the second round, after Doomcaller put C'Thun back in my deck). Then a Jade Druid who just out-ramped me by a lot, played UI on turn 6 or so and then just filled the board with Jades. Then a Murloc Paly whose Knife Juggler sniped all my early drops, who Spellbreaker'd my taunts and killed me on Turn 7 or so.
    In other words, a pretty typical example of my luck lately when I play anything except boring old aggro paly.
    I hate this meta. Rotation can't come soon enough.
     I feel you on rotation. This always happens after the last expansion of the year. The meta feels stagnant even though there are constant experiments going on, we never see them because the bulk are playing on-meta tier 1 while we do the same just to rank.
    Witchwood looks exciting and I hope it proves as good or better than Un'Goro.
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Do you have a favorite off-meta deck for ranked mode?


    Quote from SamHobbs494 >>

    Quest Paladin and N'zoth Hunter. 

    Not very competitive but so so much fun to play. 

     I love N'zoth hunter in wild. It's what I main on ladder there to help pick up gold and wins toward my golden hunter. I don't own pally quest, but it's always looked very fun
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Do you have a favorite off-meta deck for ranked mode?


    Quote from BlackJokerHS >>

    Jade Rogue, I have a great winrate with it in Legend. The combo of the deck (You play jade swarmer, and next turn, you play Umbra Spiritsinger Umbra + Carnivous Cube on Jade Swarmer) is really amazing, and close out a lot of games (even before N'Zoth). You have a ton of heal (mistress of mixtures, plated beetle with Carnivous Cube and Umbra also) to survive to aggro decks. 

    The best off-meta deck I've ever seen so far on Hearthstone (winrate + fun)....

    My decklist:

    ### Jade
    # Class: Rogue
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Mammoth
    # 2x (0) Backstab
    # 2x (1) Mistress of Mixtures
    # 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
    # 2x (2) Jade Shuriken
    # 2x (2) Jade Swarmer
    # 2x (2) Plated Beetle
    # 1x (2) Roll the Bones
    # 2x (2) Undercity Huckster
    # 1x (3) Fan of Knives
    # 1x (3) Gluttonous Ooze
    # 1x (3) Sonya Shadowdancer
    # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
    # 2x (4) Elven Minstrel
    # 1x (4) Jade Spirit
    # 1x (4) Spiritsinger Umbra
    # 2x (5) Carnivorous Cube
    # 2x (5) Lesser Onyx Spellstone
    # 1x (5) Vilespine Slayer
    # 1x (6) Aya Blackpaw
    # 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
    # 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    # Generated by HDT - https://hsdecktracker.net

     This looks like a blast! I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Do you have a favorite off-meta deck for ranked mode?


    Quote from notsoclutch >>

    I've been playing a semi successful Elemental Quest Mage.  If you want the list, I can probably get it to you.  The quest gives you the necessary burn for beating Warlock and the elemental package is honestly not bad for keeping up with aggro.   

     I don’t have the mage quest yet, but I might have a buddy who’s interested, so feel free to share, and thank you!
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Do you have a favorite off-meta deck for ranked mode?

    This recent meta has brought me to a place I've never wanted to go before: on-meta. I've always run my own decks or ones I find on here that aren't lined up with those you'd find from the usual reports at HSReplay, Vicious, and Tempo. I've also rarely ranked above 13 before now, so that says something about my deckbuilding.

    Now don't get me wrong. Following the meta is fine and I've never thought less of it. It's helpful to know what decks you'll face and which ones you could possibly use. Not everyone is a deckbuilder (though anyone like me is definitely trying!) and that shouldn't define your experience of the game. I just enjoy finding alternatives to the majority preference, and enjoying a deck that isn't perfectly predictable gives you and your opponent a far more interesting experience than knowing in 2-4 turns what your opponent is playing and how you'll counter it. It feels weird using a deck like murloc paladin (and doing consistently better), but I have to say I see the appeal. 

    Since I haven't found an effective off-meta deck for myself, I'm curious if anyone else has a deck they built or found on here that isn't a deck you'd find in the reports yet performs well for them.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Gifting Witchwood pre order to a friend.


    Quote from NLeee >>

    Ah good idea with the blizzard card. 



     Glad to help. Hope your friend enjoys those 70 packs!
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gifting Witchwood pre order to a friend.


    Quote from NLeee >>

    Can we do that? I cant seem to do it.

    No, you can’t gift pre-orders to other players, sadly. 
    What you can do is purchase a Blizzard Balance card for $50 and send them the code. I tried doing this for my friend and this was Blizzard’s suggestion. Or you could just send them the money via Venmo, Cash app, etc. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bye Bye Old Gods

    That's a fair assessment. I mean, Old Gods was when standard rotation started, so Blizzard was in uncharted territory and the C'thun mechanic was stable enough for even new players to understand and get in on with the free C'thun and buff minions. It definitely wasn't an exciting mechanic, and C'thun races are just a slower version of face races (boring), but it allowed for a fairly smooth transition to start probing more complex mechanics and interactions after losing GvG and Tourney cards, many of which were staples.

    Frozen Throne was great, and got better when the nerfs came through (though the revival of druid overlords was an unwelcome flash in the pan). It's for sure my second-favorite expansion to date.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bye Bye Old Gods


    Quote from Krewger >>

    Why do people keep saying old gods was fantastic? It was shit. The worst expansion by a mile. CUNT THUN ruined it. 

     I'm not sure how C'thun ruined anything. It was the first of a series of smart and thoughtful f2p cards Blizzard gave out and it quickly lost it's power as new cards came in.
    And if WotOG was the worst expansion ever, what would the best be? Mine is personally Un'Goro, given the relative meta balancing it brought in.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bye Bye Old Gods

    Old Gods came 2 months after I started playing. There were some interactions that I didn't love, but those came with the following releases. N'Zoth was a great card and never really became toxic, just hard to manage against (especially control pally getting 2-4 Tirions in a match). Y'Shaarj never really consistently threatened anyone until maybe Un'Goro? I'm not sure about him. Yogg was a hilarious gambit card that was extremely fun to play before his obviously needed nerf, and I kind of regret dusting him, but decks that used him as their main win condition were the worst to play against before the nerf. Now he's been neutered but can still surprise with big swings when he doesn't mill you to death or buff your opponent's board into astronomical power levels.

    The Old Gods expansion on its own was not rife with toxic cards and decks, though control warrior definitely held it's peak power then with Brann interactions and the ability to not only take a big C'thun battlecry from your opponent, but to then clear theirs and still have yours ready to play. That was frustrating to try and overcome:insane armor gain and powerful removal.

    Barnes will be a welcome farewell, but he's Karazhan.

    This rotation is going to be great for the game and really freshen things up.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on First Golden Legendary!!

    Congrats on your first golden legend! Dust him for sure, but I highly recommend NOT crafting classic legendaries unless they are in a deck that you need to be in perfect order, and it’s because of one reason: inevitability.

    you will inevitably get each classic legendary card, so if you can hold off on crafting them, I recommend it.

    that being said, if you are f2p and are missing a staple classic legendary (Like you mentioned Leeroy, or Tirion, or Deathwing) that finds a place in most metas, it’s worth considering only because f2p collections are limited and efficiency is usually your number 1 concern with arcane dust and how you spend you it. If you can hold off, just keep your Gruul for now and dust him two weeks after the meta, when we’ll have a better idea of what new legends might be better to craft than classic legends.

    Best of luck, and hopefully you enjoy the new expansion!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hunter deck

    I love hunter and this one has some cool ideas in it. Try out some of the changes I suggested and see how it performs and where you find certain cards are consistently failing to offer good options for you during your matches. That will help you figure out what cards aren't helping.

    Best of luck! Deck building is hard, and I also struggle with it, so I applaud your efforts and desire to get better.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Hunter....something?

    Seems like a fusion between big hunter and midrange. While that makes it unpredictable, it also lowers the overall power of the deck.

    I'd say right off the bat, try some changes:

    1. Drop The Beast. It looks great, but it ends up being a liability since any punish card against it for removal or steal leaves your opponent with either 9 or 3 attack guaranteed against your face. Try another big beast tribe minion.
    2. Try to build this into two decks: midrange and big. Focus both versions on their specialties.
    3. If you go midrange, focus on secrets and swap out Venomstrike Trap for Snake Trap.
    4. Carnivorous Cube is excellent, but has a much lower overall winrate in hunter decks. It just synergizes better in other classes. Try teching in Spellbreaker.
    Posted in: Hunter....something?
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