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    posted a message on North Sea Kraken

    1 word why this card is at the very top of neutral common (along with pioleted shreder) but never seen in constructed.


    Posted in: North Sea Kraken
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    posted a message on Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

    wow this card breaks the rng scale.  You could instantly win or instantly lose with it.

    Posted in: Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
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    posted a message on Cho'gall

    This card looks really good, health isn't nearly as valuable as mana.   It is a class specific lock card though.  You can clearly see how you can play this and then say like dark bomb or shadowbolt or hell fire or shadowflame (you dont' have to shadowflame him you could shadowflame a less valuable minion if you have one).  This card will probably belong in a reno or hand lock deck.  ...and yet another better version of war golem, time to buff war golem to 7/8 maybe?

    Posted in: Cho'gall
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    posted a message on What beats entomb Priest?
    Quote from cryomatic >>

    combo druid wreck priest like 80-90% of the time, priest that can beat druid is pretty much only dragon priest

     Not true at all.  It's close to 50-50.  Druid has burst but OTK is hard to set up.  Druid general stratergy is to chip away then combo problem is it's hard to chip away and priest removal is premium so cards like dr boom and shade aren't so great as they get dealt with by lightbomb and entomb.  Shrinkmeister/kabold will usually take care of ur bears and shredders.  You best chance is wombo combo but that's not easy to set up and it's hard to stay alive that long if you can't reduce 2 pieces with thorisan and draw the 3rd.
    Druid not that great it's 50-50 vs like everything.  70-30 vs freez mage.  60-40 vs control warrior.  40-60 vs patron.  30-70 vs zoo.  70-30 vs reno.  30-70 vs tempo mage (mirror entity is a pain in the ass).  50-50 vs control priest. 60-40 vs all rogues.  40-60 vs secret pally.  60-40 vs murlock pally.   60-40 vs mid range hunter.  50-50 vs face hunter.  40-60 vs agro shaman.  Give or take 10 pts.  One thing going for druid is while it's not amazing vs anything it also can beat any deck there's no "auto loss" match ups.  The result of your game is heavily dependent on early ramp and mid game card draw.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What beats entomb Priest?

    murlock pally is probably the best hard counter.  Priest struggles vs OTK and sustained preasure like reno lock with jeraxus.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is secret paladin still a good deck?
    Quote from TrollShroud3 >>

    It's pretty weak atm honestly in terms of constructed. Was hoping they'd either add a better secret such as reducing the sacred trial minion requirement to 1 or 2 minions or reducing mysterious challenger to 5 mana. The deck really doesn't hold up any more and has a bad much up vs every competitive deck atm. Sad to see paladin being garbage again after finally getting back into the competitive scene after the GVG buffs. Keeper is a decent card but doesn't fit into the deck and the other classes just got better tools. Secret paladins need better early game tools, if paladins had a better 1 drop maybe they could get the same kind of tempo as tempo mage or warlock early on. A shame they gave Shaman a good one instead of paladin.

     lolz, 5 mana challenger.  Deck is already too good considering how easy it is to play.
    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Is secret paladin still a good deck?

    Oh so true.  At top levels i'd say secret pally is only tier 1.5.  But it is by far the easiest deck to play for a top tier/near top tier deck.  Leg capable and easy to play.  Here's a break down of the difficulty of other top tier decks:


    Oil rogue - need to know when to go for board control, when to go for damage, when to draw cards.  Often times you have to decided when to play for tempo and when to get value out of combos and which combo order should be triggered.  Your hand is often times full and looking at the cards will make you dizzy.  You also need to count damage rigorously and plan multiple turns.  You will play multiple cards many turns and it's very order dependent.

    Freez mage - Similar to oil rogue in that you have to plan several turns and your hand is full allowing for many lines of play.  I rank it slightly easier than rogue because at least there's no combos to worry about.  But then again if you've ever watched top level freeze mage vs freeze mage you'll understand why it's hard.

    Patron warrior - You need to know when to draw cards, mulligan can be quite different vs different decks.  Lots of big turns.  Sometimes you have to save cards for key turns even though you have mana to spare.  You need to know how to bait removal and how to set up your board to be resilient.  Filling the board is often a bad idea.  Playing a 0 mana 3/3 taunt dread corsair can be the wrong thing to do when you should play it the next turn instead.  Know which match up's you can just make patrons and which match up's you need to draw cards or armor up with patron inner rate or patron armorsmith combo.

    Zoo lock - Your cards are cheap, there's often times multiple options, you need to find the best one.  There's a lot of mechanics with number of minions.  You also need to know when to tap and when to develop board

    Agro shaman - Face decks seems pretty simple.  But add the overload factor and card draw and all of a sudden it's not all that easy.  Agro shaman is by far the hardest face deck to play much harder than face hunter which is fairly easy.

    Mid range druid - Fairly strait forward, ...if not for the mana curve manipulations, which does require some turn buy turn planning especially in the early game.  Otherwise you usually just pick from 1 of 2 minions 2 drop and usually one at a time so not that hard.  Plan is simple, establish board with good minions, chip away at hp and try to finish with force of nature savage roar if conditions allow.

    Temp mage - Tick is to know when to save spells to combo with minions.  Understanding how minions like flame waker are more important to the deck than the actually spells to use it with is key.  Knowing when to hold back spells and when you have to use them is the key to being a good tempo mage.  I'd say mid difficulty deck.

    Reno lock - tap, tap, tap azure drake, mountain giant, play somethings and tap, molten giant reno, taunt, play somethings, healbot, play some things, jeraxus, void caller into malganis, win.

    Control priest - Aoe and keep the board clear.

    Dragon priest - just try to hold on to a dragon, get value out of barn late game play for tempo early game.  Save light bomb for when you need it otherwise fairly easy to play.

    Control warrior - armor remove armor remove armor remove win.

    Secret pally - play on curve not hard.  Bearly requires any planning.

    Face hunter - Click face, thank god it's not very good right now (oh and mid range hunter is even worse)



    Note: t3 and below decks not included in list.



    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015

    reno lock is the only really good reno deck.  The answer is not well, apart from oil rogue and priest decks.  Reno lock is the worst match up.  Not because of reno but because of hell fire and shadow flame.

    On the other hand you have good match up's with mid range druid, very good match up's with freez mage and secret pally.  Good vs face hunter.  Slightly favored vs aggro shaman.  So you beat like 2/3 of the meta decks (assuming you play it well) which is great.

    Posted in: Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
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    posted a message on Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
    Quote from Murmaqua >>

    Guy this isn't a combo deck, people who are having issues with it just go for tempo plays which is primarily what the deck is now. If you have to sacrifice battlerage value or patron value for better tempo, do it. Just drawing cards or armouring up on a turn usually isn't enough, if you don't have any patron combo cards coining a armormith is fine especially if you have a win axe or ghoul to back it up. If you want to you can play a more control version of this deck with sylvanas, Harrison and shield block+slam ect, personally  really like Harrison because of all the secret paladins and hunters out there. Its great versus bow, lights justice (for draw) and ashbringer.

     you don't seem to know what a tempo deck is.  This is definitely not a tempo deck.  Your not looking for early board advantage, you're only looking for a clear even board then try to make patron's on turn 5 with COMBO.  Best description of this deck is a mid range combo deck.  Card for card with patron you'll lose, the strategy is combo synergy with card draw combos.  You often run though your whole deck be4 ur opponent even draws half the cards and you over whelm them with synergy and more cards.
    Posted in: Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
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    posted a message on Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
    Quote from closa >>

    this deck crushes aggro like swatting insect.

     aggro shaman has almost a 50-50 vs this deck though, cause the damage is spell based not minion based so taunt doesn't do you much good.
    Posted in: Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
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    posted a message on Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015

    You don't have to have boom, he's optional in fact.  Even gromash is more important.  But with rag? no way.  Just put in more patron related cards.  Say 2nd unstable ghoul or cruel task master or revenge.

    Posted in: Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
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    posted a message on Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
    Quote from lreshwan >>

    Struggled a lot against control warrior other than that good stuff

     control priest,oil rogue, and dragon priest should give you the most trouble.
    Posted in: Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
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    posted a message on Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
    Quote from MatzerMike >>

    Lame question I know, but I'm gonna ask anyway:  any reasonable replacement for Grommash Hellscream?? I'm aware it is kinda staple of the deck, but I'm really low on dust atm but I have all the other cards for this deck and I'd like to run warrior without completely sucking. Any ideas guys? 

     gorehowl is reasonable too.
    Posted in: Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
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    posted a message on Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
    Quote from Moustacho >>

    Why no use of your siege engine instead of 1 accolyte of pain or something?

     Why no use of your bear instead of 1 patron or something?
    Posted in: Ostkaka's Warrior - Hearthstone World Championships 2015
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    posted a message on [DreamHack] Purple's Patron Warrior

    interesting, I find control warrior one of the harder decks to count with their brawl + weapon.  Even then it's a pretty even match.  Control priest, oil rogue, dragon priest, reno lock, in that order are the hardest decks for patron, least for me.

    Posted in: [DreamHack] Purple's Patron Warrior
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