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I'm not a serious HS player and I'm pretty bad. Tired of being stuck at ranks 18-14. Can someone please tell me what's wrong >>
by sethdasloth
28 2,561
Is King Mukla good in any deck? >>
by sethdasloth
12 12,978
Haven't played in a while... >>
by sethdasloth
2 639
Iron Juggernaut: Should I keep it? What deck does it go good in? >>
by sethdasloth
5 872
Why does hearthstone freeze every time i try to edit my decks? >>
by sethdasloth
3 1,302
Why does Blizzard nerf a lot of cards that are fine and keep the majorly OP cards? >>
by sethdasloth
28 4,038
Should I have Hogger or Baron Geddon in my control warrior deck? >>
by sethdasloth
1 1,197
Is Illidan Stormrage playable in constructed? >>
by sethdasloth
10 2,869
What are the top 5 cards from Naxxramas and Blackrock? >>
by sethdasloth
20 3,481
What deck should I run in October to climb the ladder. >>
by sethdasloth
21 2,696
Should I keep legendaries or DE them? >>
by sethdasloth
7 915
Skeleton Knight should be buffed >>
by sethdasloth
27 4,229
Should Undead become a tribe? >>
by sethdasloth
26 2,675
Which class has the best class-specific legendaries. >>
by sethdasloth
17 3,718
Which card should I take out >>
by sethdasloth
21 1,388
Mysterious Challenger NEEDS a nerf >>
by sethdasloth
5 1,470
Which deck should I make to climb the ladder? >>
by sethdasloth
12 1,371
Which kind of deck will be best with the current meta? >>
by sethdasloth
1 485
Which legendary to craft next >>
by sethdasloth
7 1,025
Foe Reaper or Harrison Jones >>
by sethdasloth
10 1,060