Wow that's great. Hadronox was my first 10-packs-leg from the set, I used to play it a lot since then, but now with Witching Hour it seems to be having its moment of glory finally !
Wait... We have Lilian Voss, Hallucination and PROBABLY some class legendaries from new set legendary "faceless"... and that's it Oh, how could I forget about Witch's Cauldron !
It is actually a big issue, especially concerning the matchups "laptop against tablet/mobile". I noticed quite a few times that a part of my turn was "eaten" by the opponent's late actions while i was playing from tablet. Also had the time/animation issues with Saraad + DK when Raza had his 0 mana effect, though this is no longer the case. :)
Now Blizzard has a unique opportunity to invite Ben Brode as a guest star every expansion announcement but as a playtester guy now like Day[9]. Just imagine how strange and funny it may be!
Wow, Ben whatever you do I thank you for making my life way better. Even though I bitch a lot about HS I love the game and will love it for many years to come. I wish you all the best and hope we will hear from you again. Well met and goodbye!
Sonya Shadowdancer can provide value with any minion and in any phase of the game. Also with the ones that you will get randomly from other classes because at the end of the day even if those don't have a good effect it's +1 durability for your weapon and a cheap card to combo. So even if you only get 1 card from Sonya it's already good value.
Think also that you don't have to max her value always waiting for the best turn or it's true that she can sit in your hand forever. It depends on the situation and the match, so sometimes you can play her only to copy one of your minions in early-mid game (I mean it's not that awful) and in other longer/slower/control games she can probably provide more value and even be a game winner from time to time. When you get a copy of for example Face Collector you will be always happy in long games. You can also use backstab your minions to get even more value in some counted scenarios. Of course vs super aggressive decks things won't work like this though. Very aggressive or tempo decks are a serious counter of this deck anyway even if you run stuff like Vanish, keep that in mind.
She is also always a soft taunt no matter how the board state is. Sonya is so flexible and has many possibilities and applications. I have played many games with this deck already and I can tell that she fits well. Not a essential piece but a nice addition in the flexible spots.
Wow that's great. Hadronox was my first 10-packs-leg from the set, I used to play it a lot since then, but now with Witching Hour it seems to be having its moment of glory finally !
Sonya anyone?
WTF tables full for 10 minutes. Does this mean someone will manage to do all he wants to do with the new expansion in just 10 minutes? :D
Wait... We have Lilian Voss, Hallucination and PROBABLY some class legendaries from new set legendary "faceless"... and that's it
Oh, how could I forget about Witch's Cauldron !
Basically, I feel like that's not enough at all.!
Paladin + this + Divine Favor ?
Might no longer be too slow to play Tirion Fordring in the decks.
It is actually a big issue, especially concerning the matchups "laptop against tablet/mobile". I noticed quite a few times that a part of my turn was "eaten" by the opponent's late actions while i was playing from tablet. Also had the time/animation issues with Saraad + DK when Raza had his 0 mana effect, though this is no longer the case. :)
let people have fun with these cards, you can still use your doomguards with guldan for climbing the ladder
Amazing evolve and summon 5 drop. This is important too.