I really wish this worked with minions too. You have no idea how much I want Wardruid Loti to fill my hand with Dinosaurs.
- samknows
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RaptorWithWings posted a message on Druid Legendary Reveal - Keeper StalladrisPosted in: News -
Bluelights posted a message on Opening Moves Week Day 1 - Choosing a Win ConditionPosted in: News"cast Pyroblast randomly until a hero dies"
Inconspicuosaurus posted a message on Top Five Highest Win-Rate Witchwood DecksPosted in: NewsWin rate is not the same as play rate.
Yucca_Colbal posted a message on New Card Reveal - Da UndatakahPosted in: Newstheres bound to be a broken combo for it somewhere
lol maybe goblin bomb shunderwock will be a thing. find a way to bounce this card and play it a second time. and have had three goblin bombs die this game. Shudderwock will do 12 damage each time it dies.
First three bombs die, do 6 damage. This new card dies do 6 more damage, resummon it to die again 6 more damage. 18 so far, play sudderwock if it dies 12 damage for a total of thirty.
Arachnidius posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal - Elemental EvocationPosted in: NewsIt doesn't work like that as well as Preparation doesn't discount twice.
Preparation doesn’t work because preparation is a spell, so the first prep applies its discount to the second prep. This card will obviously allow you to double discount an elemental, the same as Dragon Consort could give you a double discount on one dragon.
Arucard posted a message on New Hunter Card Reveal - Master's CallPosted in: NewsWill this card actually draw? Or will it just add the discover option to your hand? Blizzard has really been careless with their wording this expansion...
Purpenflurb posted a message on The Rastakhan's Rumble Information Panel From BlizzCon 2018Posted in: NewsMost cards are worse than galvadon, the only issue with galvadon is that you have to complete a difficult quest to get him.
This paladin legendary, however, still has a lot of potential. In a world where you are playing enough spells to get it to 5-6 mana, it creates a massive life and tempo swing that any slow paladin deck would appreciate.
XMrC72 posted a message on New Card Reveal - Replicating MenacePosted in: NewsWouldn't put it in a deck, but this seems like a really good discover off Dr. Boom with rush. A splittable fireball for minions in a control warrior seems pretty nice, and it has the versatility of being a buff too. Between the hero power and the new omega mech discover card, I'm sure it'll see quite a bit of play even if nobody actually puts it in their deck.
melheor posted a message on New Shaman Card Reveal - ThunderheadPosted in: NewsThis is similar to Illidan Stormrage with better cost-to-health ratio and rush on the tokens. Kinda makes me realize that if Illidan's flames had rush on them, it would be a much better card.
MBLEED posted a message on Hearthstone Hotfixes for April 16 - Buggy Witchwood Card InteractionsPosted in: Newsyour opponent also loses his evening, its balanced. many evenings have been lost
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Think it’s quite strong even in none murloc decks, neutral possessed villager should see some play in some aggressive board decks
Me go face?
I hate the way the text looks on this card
I can’t help read it as “when your hero
power kills a minion” what’s a power kill?
Perfect on curve follow up to Lone Champion!
Oh wait...
They need to rotate some secret tech into the evergreen set otherwise they will have this issue every second year
You could say that about literally any hunter or neutral card in the game, every minion looks good after an emeriss buff
Hunter starts well in an expansion then fades off? I’m getting deja vu
I’d probably double summoner one archivist
I hate this brawl so much, say a big prayer to RNGesus!