Quote from user-23823490 >>weird how echoing ooze copies the deathrattle and tomb warden doesn't
Echoing Ooze creates a copy of itself at the end of the turn, along with any buffs/debuffs/whatever its received in the meantime. On the other hand, Tomb Warden creates a copy of itself as a battlecry, and typically battlecries occur before enter-the-battlefield effects do (ie. if you play an Injured Blademaster into a Mirror Entity, the opponent will get an injured 4/3 blademaster).
I imagine the deathrattle-giving mechanic is an effect that's coded like "after you play a minion, give it a random deathrattle" - and thus behaves in a similar fashion to Mirror Entity and other effects that occur after battlecries.
Agree. Easy nerf would be to make it non-murloc, so it would never produce itself.
If both puppies get killed, no puppies will be summoned. So if even one pup stays alive, others will be resurrected.
I just got it. Pyromancers are doing their damage in a way that Hydra is not "cleared from the board" between their damage. So just make sure that the damage is dealt by two Pyromancers when Hydra has 1 hp. Then it first goes to 0 and then -1 dealing extra 3 points of damage to the opponent hero.
This works perfectly against Explosive Runes. I had this in arena and played Shrieking Shroom which triggered opponents Explosive Runes. Shroom got 2 damage, my hero 4 and then Sword of Justice buffed Shroom back to life as 2/1. And of course at the end of the turn my Shrieking Shroom summoned a minion that got buff too.
Just wait until Kingsbane is the only card in the deck and then play your Gnomeferatu.
Yes, effects stacks up like this: Now your Battlecries trigger twice -> Now your Battlecries trigger twice -> Now your Battlecries trigger twice ... keep on as long as you like, but it does not change the fact that at the end "your battlecries trigger twice". Card text doesn't say it DOUBLES triggering battlecry effects. Twice is static.
Nice job, but the DIY options are a lot worse. Ultimate Infestation gives you +4 cards. You play 1 card and draw five, so total "card balance" is +4.
For example:
- Sprint + Starfire + Shieldmaiden = play 3 cards + draw 5 cards = +2
... so basically you get 2 cards less.
In communism Tarim would also be 3/3 and silence all cards, including itself.
So 64.53% of Druid deck players own this card and have oxygen in their brains. I cannot figure any other reason for that 35.47%.
5/6 for five mana is pretty ok even for vanilla card
+ Is a Dragon
+ Can (and will) be found by Netherspite Historian
+ Gives extra card if holding another Dragon
... but even better, card is from opponent's class, giving good combo possibilities
... but even better, card is from opponents DECK, which means there's no bad cards
... but even better, card can be selected from three choices
Yes, I consider this OP card. Random card from opponent's class would still make decent card.