The devs print insanely disgusting shuffle effects, and then people ask them to print counters like Steam Cleaner—meanwhile, players who just enjoy fun shuffle effects get screwed.
Imagine a player loves playing Spore Empress Moldara as the key piece of their deck. Those players get punished as if they are doing something broken.
I remember the first day of last year when they put Arch-Villain Rafaam in the core set. I played a Quest Rafaam(Supreme Archaeology) deck in Wild, and in my second game, my opponent played Steam cleaner, destroying my entire deck.
Instead of asking the devs to print cards that counter shuffle effects, you all should ask them to stop printing insanely disgusting shuffle effects.
Shuffle effects are not inherently problematic.
It’s slightly similar to the devs printing the non-interactive Sargeras, the Destroyer portal, and people asking them to print a counter—so they printed an insane card (Reno) to deal with non-interactive things on board. What about asking the devs not to print Sargeras in the first place? if non-interactive portals were inherently bad for the game, then why did nobody complain about the reward of Lakkari Sacrifice or Neeru Fireblade.
Shadowstep: “I am inevitable.”
First of all, calm down.
Second, he wasn’t insulting the name for it. He’s saying control (or slow/attition) priest has not been a meta deck in a long time, because it hasn’t.
We’ll have to see if there’s a way to consistently draw it, but Quasar is nuts with the rogue draw location.
Still though, 6 mana is a lot of mana in rogue, and does nothing if you don’t have setup with it.
Will have to see what else is previewed.
Eredar is absolutely insane in aggro though. Like, insane insane. Combo stealth 3/3>attack next turn>spell burst> attack for 5 next turn.
It will reliably do 8 damage often. Very, VERY strong.
Hilarious how quickly you and I get downvotes even though cards like this have never worked out.
Bronze stuck players getting upset over accurate takes on bad cards I guess
How does blizzard not learn from slagmaw/the darkness/etc that these minions are awful. Every class can invest 2-3 mana to kill this.
The hell looks cool about this? It’s a glorified, 4 year old mage common (vex crow).
I’m not sold on escape pod tbh. In aggro, the rush aspect will be pretty much null as you’re probably playing it on an already established board, and 3 mana for a 2/1 ping that baby funglemancers doesn’t seem all that worth it.
The probably best case scenario for it is turn 5 with two one drops, and is it even that great at that point.
Monk hype train not only derailed, it went crashing through the entire town.
The robe/misty aura bait was real, and my disappointment is immeasurable.
Every time someone complains about this, it means nothing.
.00001% of the player base may share this sentiment, but most humans agree that “it’s their money, they can do what they want with it.”
And it offers no power advantage in any capacity, it’s purely cosmetic. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. That simple, and always has been.
Dang, they broke the fourth wall.
They actually named a card “Hearthstone.”
And in the form of a hunter beast that generates coins no less.