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Whizbang's Workshop Mini Set Cards List & Guide
Battletag: NPMM#2574
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.feel free to check the blacklist
Trade Only?: Yes. You go first.feel free to check the blacklist
Battletag: NPMM#2574Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes,you go first.FEEL FREE TO CHECK THE BLACKLIST.
done.ty nasga
love it.mulligan guide pls?
Quote from Freak13 >> I offer my help to anyone who needs ( EU ). Freak#23285
I offer my help to anyone who needs ( EU ).
people like this make the world a better place.were not rich.were casuals werty_101
Battletag: NPMM#2574Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first.feel free to check the blacklist.
nice way to start 2024...
guess battlegrounds are their cash cow now.maybe twist will be dead soon too...
Trade only? : yes, you go first.feel free to watch the black games
dont disenchant the nerfs yet:
These changes are going live with Patch 28.2, but they won’t be eligible for full dust refunds until our upcoming hotfix Patch 28.2.1.
Trade only? : Yes, you go first.check the blacklist if you games.
Click on the buttons to change the PopCard background.
Click on the button to hide or unhide popcard elements.
Battletag: NPMM#2574Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first.feel free to check the blacklist0
Battletag: NPMM#2574
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes. You go first.feel free to check the blacklist
Battletag: NPMM#2574
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes,you go first.FEEL FREE TO CHECK THE BLACKLIST.
Battletag: NPMM#2574Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes,you go first.FEEL FREE TO CHECK THE BLACKLIST.0
Battletag: NPMM#2574Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first.feel free to check the blacklistdone.ty nasga
love it.mulligan guide pls?
people like this make the world a better place.were not rich.were casuals werty_101
Battletag: NPMM#2574
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.feel free to check the blacklist.
nice way to start 2024...
guess battlegrounds are their cash cow now.maybe twist will be dead soon too...
Battletag: NPMM#2574Region: EUTrade only? :yes, you go first.feel free to watch the black games0
dont disenchant the nerfs yet:
These changes are going live with Patch 28.2, but they won’t be eligible for full dust refunds until our upcoming hotfix Patch 28.2.1.
Battletag: NPMM#2574
Region: EU
Trade only? : Yes, you go first.check the blacklist if you games.