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    posted a message on Shudderwock is getting fixed.

    Seems like a solid change, this isn't really a nerf, so a dust refund doesn't make sense, its just a quality of life improvement.

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    posted a message on R.I.P. Ben Brode, may he rest in peace.

    Ben Brode's laugh is a magnificent work of art, and he knows it. I'll never get tired of hearing it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Genuine question: Why play standard?

    As a F2P player who only entered this game near the end of gadgetzan, I don't have the budget to play wild. I basically disenchant all of my wild only cards so I have enough dust to try and craft interesting constructed decks.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thief Priest is out of control

    I've stolen Sulfuras once and pulled off the warlock ritual twice with Chameleos. Its so satisfying to pull it off.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Elemental decks are finally viable

    I've played a lot of elemental mage in the past, but haven't gotten the new toys this expansion yet. My guess is that Bonfire Elemental helps a lot, that extra point of attack over Servant of Kalimos really does matter. Kalimos is often just unable to trade with opposing 5 drops. I have my doubts about sandbinder in the deck, its good for setting up combos, but its really just a 2/4 draw a card in this deck. I imagine book of specters is pretty great in this deck though, you can keep some high end spells and still draw 2 cards on average.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Lady in White (infographic + best picks)

    Northshire Cleric, Tar Creeper, Injured Blademaster, Witchwood Grizzly, Mossy Horror, Wyrmguard, Nightscale Matriarch, Primordial Drake, Grand Archivist, and Ysera all seem pretty solid to combo with this and other priest cards.

    Of minions you wouldn't normally consider, Stormwatcher seems interesting, an 8/8 windfury minion is actually terrifying enough to experiment with for a deck that wants a faster win condition. Gilnean Royal Guard could potentially work (I think its bordering on the edge of playable right now), and sleepy dragon has potential here in a low cost deck (has taunt, is a dragon, 12 health is good, 12/12 taunt is great).

    I didn't get this card, but I've stolen it twice with holy water in my heal priest deck. Its been pretty fun, not as broken as I was expecting, but I think its still very good.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Shudderwock - A constructive fix thread

    Right now, I think the shudderwok battlecry should just be animated differently. Shudderwok should let out a cry, cut the screen in half, turn your screen black, then reload your screen with the effect of whatever happened after it was played.

    Like, something weird, something creepy, something that doesn't take 10 minutes to animate. Then when that's fixed, we can actually see if the card is op and adjust accordingly.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Minion - Paragon of Light

    Lets see, a 3 mana 2/5 is fine stats, especially for a control deck. A 3 mana 2/5 lifesteal/taunt is pretty good, I would probably include it in a deck. I think it will be pretty solid with other buff cards, but buff paladin will still be a pretty weak deck overall.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What’s with the Divine Spirit hate?

    I think OTK tools feel more powerful than they actually are when you're playing against them, because you notice them when they kill you. Divine Spirit/Inner fire is usually saved for a game ending combo, so when you lose against priest, you know they're running it. Leeroy and charge minions feel similarly overpowered while playing against them, because you notice when they come out for lethal. You don't really notice as much when they're in your opponents hand all game taking up space and not doing anything.

    I don't know whether this deck is actually overpowered or not, but I understand the knee jerk reaction to hate it when its used against you.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [POLL] The most hated card in Hearthstone history


    Quote from Castigation >>

    If you picked anything besides Undertaker you haven't played HS long enough.

     Can confirm, started playing hearthstone near the end of Gadgetzan, was not around for Undertaker Hunter, and therefore did not vote for it.
    I doubt I'm alone in this reasoning.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [POLL] The most hated card in Hearthstone history

    Jade idol and Caverns Below bothered me more than anything, because it made playing super control decks nearly impossible for a while. Neither of these cards were really overpowered, but they shut down any decks that didn't have game ending 30 damage combos or an overwhelming early rush.

    As my favorite decks are midrange/late game decks that outlast their opponents, and I just kind of feel... a loss of personal identity whenever i'm not playing one of these decks (not sure how to describe it), these cards gave me the choice of either playing a deck I didn't enjoy or losing a whole bunch.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on 32 damage warrior hero power?

    muahahahaha, post a screenshot when you hit a silver hand recruit with this combo.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Goodbye To Your Favorite Deck

    Anything involving Nzoth. Nzoth mage, Nzoth quest priest, recently Nzoth Hadronox druid. These decks aren't good, but they have so much value! I love them.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Spell - Book of Specters

    Looking at this card more closely, this card is strictly better than arcane intellect in a deck with 20 minions and 10 spells, because it will average drawing two cards in that scenario. Arcane intellect is currently on the power curve and is generally considered to be a good card in mage.

    So, it won't be run in every deck, but if you can figure out how to make a mage deck work with at least 20 minions, this is pretty much an autoinclude from what I can tell. I think its great.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Spell - Book of Specters

    This doesn't need to be run in a no spell deck, as long as this can consistently draw two cards it's good value.

    Seems pretty cool, will definitely try this in a low spell elemental mage.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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