I totally agree with you on the DH part. As for the Sac Pac part, I think what they mean is that a tech card shouldn't be so relevant in the meta. Tech cards are typically meant to either keep certain decks from getting completely out of hand, or help out if your deck has certain bad match-ups (such as adding in anti-secret cards if your deck's main issue is secret mage). Their issue here is that demons are so common that this can be an easy include as you're very likely to have a target in a lot of match-ups.
- pred1901
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MorpheusRD posted a message on Rough Outline of Coming Balance Changes - Including Sac Pact, Albatross & Kael'thasPosted in: News -
macadow posted a message on Will Blizz change Sacrifical Pact?Posted in: Card DiscussionYep, it is overpowered against DH and it will limit the design of the new DH cards in the future. So yeah, I think it deserves a nerf.
3nnu1 posted a message on Will Blizz change Sacrifical Pact?Posted in: Card DiscussionSo funny, people love to defend their OP bs. I have not seen one warlock player in this thread acknowledge the fact that all the other hate cards they mention are neutrals, so they help all classes. Warlock has 1 card that counters the DH class and provides them an ez climb on the ladder and they cry like little babies when there is talk of a nerf. It also prevents any other class from playing any of the new demons, because there are so many warlocks running 2x sac pac.
SoupCake posted a message on Will Blizz change Sacrifical Pact?Posted in: Card DiscussionDifferent metas call for different balance changes. Right now we are in a heavily favored demon meta. So at this time sac pact is pretty op. Nerfing it to only kill friendly demons kinda fits the demon class more imo. Just my two cents on this.
elnur0000 posted a message on Will Blizz change Sacrifical Pact?Posted in: Card Discussionwell I am playing only warlock and I have to agree
0 mana counter specific class is a really bad card design, hope they fix it soon enough
jaraxxus still won't see a play tho, set your health to 15 and skip your turn is almost never a good idea
KEKW posted a message on Serpentshrine PortalPosted in: Serpentshrine PortalMissing draw 3 cards xD
Loonatic_777 posted a message on Ashes of Outland: Cards List, Release Date, & Expansion DetailsPosted in: GuidesThe changes are fair, but in my country Mega Bundle costs more than Cyberpunk 2077 + Doom Eternal + GTA V: PREMIUM.
Landescaper posted a message on New Neutral Common Card Revealed - PlatebreakerPosted in: NewsThis card should not exist. I've played some collectible card game (sorry dont remember the name of it right now) where this type of cards were usefull but only because every class in this game could generate armor. In hearthstone only several classes can generate appropriate amount of armor. But you can say there are also secrets, and only several classes have their own secrets, and there are still cards which can destroy secrets. Yes, but secrets are not so valuable as 20 armor for example. Also poor High Priest Thekal is fully destroyed. But he was not so op as jade idol was, skulking geist was actually really helpful for countering op decks. Platebreaker will just destroy class mechanic of several classes. This card is the worst card of the expansion.
P.S. also my english is not very good xD i am not an english native speaker so please dont judge me :)
Motions posted a message on New Priest Rare Card Revealed - ChronobreakerPosted in: NewsAt first I thought “this card is amazing!”. Then I saw it was a deathrattle card 😞
Metabee23 posted a message on New Priest Rare Card Revealed - ChronobreakerPosted in: Newswhen I saw this card I thought it was a battle cry and almost had a heart attack, I'm glad it's not
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This + Infectious Sporeling
4 mana 7/7
How does it work?
Ragnaros, Lightlord Junior
OP. Information + value (if you play against control, sooner or later it becomes a really good card).
Card is bad, but i want to try deck with this + Burgly Bully + Counterfeit Coin + Tomb Pillager just for the lulz
This guy built a massive wall around his country. I am predicting a joke about that in description.
Terrible against priest with Psychic Scream
[smorc] Can't hit enemy face, 0/10 [/smorc]