Isn't the point of Wild that you can play anything and it's all broken?
No, that's never been the point. Blizzard has been kind of (less than) half-assed with regard to wild balance. They've nerfed many cards, even pre-emptively, but usually only happens when there's a hue and cry from the wild player base about a particular deck.
The wild format could seriously use a broad balance overhaul, but it's huge task, and would be controversial no matter how it was done. Hence, why Blizzard introduced the Twist mode; I think they hope it gives wild players a home, and relieves the pressing need to do something substantial about wild.
Aggro is my fun so in essence I hate facing Control decks because the games take too long I want to rank fast any game that goes above 6 minutes is not fun for me. I also like to play wide boards hence my preference for Flood Paladin.
The problem is the game is inherently unbalanced... I like the Meta now that Hydration Station and Boom are dead. If one braindead deck is dead another one will take its place.
Totally agree with Painlock not being top tier. Mmmm Paladin (my main class), Druid and Warrior are the current powerhouses at least in Asia server.
All I see in my server are Warriors it's such a slog to play against I would rather play against fellow aggro players at least in that regard we win fast lose fast. I rarely see Pally or Shaman in Asia when in HS Replay they are supposed to be the two strongest classes in Standard.
So please Blizzard just nerf Zilliax 3000 and Hydration station I am sick and tired of facing Warrior!
Death knight is not really that good on Standard so I guess Horizon's Edge won't be nerfed what needs nerfing is Zilliax Deluxe 3000 and Hydration Station. Remove Reborn in Virus and maybe put it in Haywire. Hydration Station needs to be changed to three different taunt minions. Pirate DH needs to be hit as well as does Lamplighter.
Hunter is a terror in standard but no nerfs for them. I as a minion centric aggro player am happy they're nerfing Solid Alibi. I hope it becomes 2 damage instead of 1 for 2 mana instead of a mana cost nerf while keeping the take only 1 damage effect.
Redirect to salt thread please.
I play Wild Demon Hunter whoever said that Priest is an unfun class to play against is damn right.
Priest can rot in a ditch for all I care alongside Darkest Hour Warlock.
Oh so you crushed "an AIDS class" by using cancer decks. That must be very fulfilling.
So basically it is not okay for a class like Galakrond Shaman or Demon Hunter to exist but it's okay for other AIDS decks like Res Priest, Big Druid and Dragon Face Hunter to exist?
Complainers will always find a way to make the game not fun.