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    posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)

    Personally I think it would be cool having a resurrect archetype build around Masked Reveler instead of all the current cheat spells.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)
    Quote from Tarious >>
    Quote from pentadrone >>
    Quote from Tarious >>
    Quote from pentadrone >>
    Quote from Gray_Fox >>

    In my Demon/Disrupt Warlock, I play 2 Hysterias. (I also have other removals) Hysteria basically removes whole board by targeting the hand. You can also play it at turn 4 which is needed. It is the only clear able to save you and is 4 mana board clear.

    Hysteria makes your deck a lot weaker against other decks like quest hunter for example. Also they can just use Resurrect after that. If the priest has a highroll there is not a single counter-play. The only counter used to be having an even higher highroll with Kobold Illusionist but that deck is gone. I think changing Shadow Essence to 7 mana and Idol of Y'Shaarj to 9 mana would be a good nerf because these cards were created without Illuminate and Palm Reading in mind.

     This got me thinking. The REAL problem with the deck is how all the cards between Idol, Shadow Ess, and Blood of G'huun interact with the deck. I think if all 3 were to be changed to "Summon a minion from your deck" instead of summoning a copy, it'd kill the 3 minion archetype there is now since 1-2 turns can empty out your deck and shutdown all these effects going forward. This would shift big priest into running MANY minions instead of just a small number that can be continuously pulled.

     No it's the first few turns highroll that is annoying, 1 early summon with follow up resurrect would still be unbeatable.

     Except you're not thinking of the big picture of it. Blood of G'huun is really what is enabling the deck. Have you ever played a slower deck against big priest? What usually happens is that the slower decks can usually last a few waves of big threats, but they run out of stream, and that's because of Blood pulling constant big threats from the deck. If blizz were to at least change blood to pull the minion itself instead of a copy, then big priest would run out of steam after only a single mana cheat. Any shaman running devolve effects and druids running poison seeds would then chase the deck out of the meta because there would be no more endless blood spam and a polluted rez pool.

    I agree that your prososal would help in certain control matchups, but there are a lot of classes that don't have acces to ressurect pool disrupt cards or even early clears and I think a 1 mana increase would help all these classes because then they can play specific neutral anti spell minions like Blademaster Okani, Theotar, the Mad Duke and Loatheb which would give highlander decks (personally my favorite kind of decks) a chance again and in my opinion that would be way healthier then giving even another reason to play the current highest win rate class (shaman) in wild.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)
    Quote from Tarious >>
    Quote from pentadrone >>
    Quote from Gray_Fox >>

    In my Demon/Disrupt Warlock, I play 2 Hysterias. (I also have other removals) Hysteria basically removes whole board by targeting the hand. You can also play it at turn 4 which is needed. It is the only clear able to save you and is 4 mana board clear.

    Hysteria makes your deck a lot weaker against other decks like quest hunter for example. Also they can just use Resurrect after that. If the priest has a highroll there is not a single counter-play. The only counter used to be having an even higher highroll with Kobold Illusionist but that deck is gone. I think changing Shadow Essence to 7 mana and Idol of Y'Shaarj to 9 mana would be a good nerf because these cards were created without Illuminate and Palm Reading in mind.

     This got me thinking. The REAL problem with the deck is how all the cards between Idol, Shadow Ess, and Blood of G'huun interact with the deck. I think if all 3 were to be changed to "Summon a minion from your deck" instead of summoning a copy, it'd kill the 3 minion archetype there is now since 1-2 turns can empty out your deck and shutdown all these effects going forward. This would shift big priest into running MANY minions instead of just a small number that can be continuously pulled.

     No it's the first few turns highroll that is annoying, 1 early summon with follow up resurrect would still be unbeatable.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Did Neptulon break the wild format? (mainly when used in priest)
    Quote from Gray_Fox >>

    In my Demon/Disrupt Warlock, I play 2 Hysterias. (I also have other removals) Hysteria basically removes whole board by targeting the hand. You can also play it at turn 4 which is needed. It is the only clear able to save you and is 4 mana board clear.

    Hysteria makes your deck a lot weaker against other decks like quest hunter for example. Also they can just use Resurrect after that. If the priest has a highroll there is not a single counter-play. The only counter used to be having an even higher highroll with Kobold Illusionist but that deck is gone. I think changing Shadow Essence to 7 mana and Idol of Y'Shaarj to 9 mana would be a good nerf because these cards were created without Illuminate and Palm Reading in mind.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Tempo jade druid

    Sry to hear this, the deck was created before the innervate nerf, the 2 extra helped a lot to coin out gadgetzan auctioneer/ wildheart guff. I hope you can still make use of the cards you crafted in some way. 

    Posted in: Tempo jade druid
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    posted a message on Should illumate be nerfed in wild?

    Yes a ban has the major advantage that it doesn't interact with the standard format and I also think it should be applied more and it's definitely worthy subject for discussion. For me personally with this card in particular it would be a bit double since I really like the synergy with Handmaiden, which is one of my favorite priest cards and there aren't a lot of cheap always playable priest spells.

    I would say my top 3 turn 2 high roll decks are the Jerry Rig Carpenter bug, the Gibberling deck and the 1 turn OTK with pre nerf Kael'thas Sunstrider but before that I indeed didn't play that much. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Should illumate be nerfed in wild?

    This might be the strongest turn 2 I've ever faced. I tried to think of a way to counter this (with every class), but didn't find one. So my question is, do you think Illuminate is the strongest card of this deck and should it be nerfed? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tempo bottomfeeder druid

    Coincidence the new cards are a good base (druid aggro did not exist a few years ago) and skydiving instructor fits in rly well. 

    Posted in: Tempo bottomfeeder druid
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    posted a message on Smokescreen rogue

    I already wrote it in description but it's for dredge and lifesteal maybe zilliax could be left out but tuskarr is good since this deck has a hard mulligan and that card is always a safe option.

    Posted in: Smokescreen rogue
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    posted a message on Immortal Prelate

    You can always try my deck that I made a week ago: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1409061-tempo-divine-shield-immortal-prelate

    It makes use of Dun Baldar Bridge, Drek'Thar and Call to Arms as most expensive cards, which can/ should all be used as soon as you have them in hand which makes Divine Favor a good option. Not to mention I can often play them on turn 3 due to Murkwater Scribe. This deck also doesn't solely rely on Immortal Prelate which makes it more consistent. Ways to buff the prelate are (Prismatic Jewel Kit, Dun Baldar Bridge, Seafloor Savior, Ring of Courage, Noble Mount and Alliance Bannerman). It does quite well in diamond.

    Minus is, this deck is straightforward to play and doesn't run Lightforged Cariel but at this point I don't know if Immortal Prelate could ever work (competitively) in a hand control deck (since it's always vulnerable to silence).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Smokescreen rogue

    I wrote the mulligan and a short description :)

    Posted in: Smokescreen rogue
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    posted a message on Tempo jade druid

    Thanks I also like jade a lot. This deck has a slower early board but when you have the mana surplus/hero power from guff it goes rly fast since double (sometimes discounted) auctioneer is faster than jade spawning minions + brann. 

    Posted in: Tempo jade druid
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    posted a message on Immortal Prelate

    Imprisoned Vilefiend seems like a great addition. Maybe Hold the Bridge could make it even better? For the rest the deck looks rly solid, and Lokholar the Ice Lord is good vs aggro.

    Priest will always be a pain though. I'd say you could go two options. Or you live with it and maybe use the deck in low ranks or go even more cycle heavy with Divine Favor combined with 1-cost minions. 1 copy of Gift of Luminance should be enough for this. You could use Murkwater Scribe into turn 3 Call to Arms if you want. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Immortal Prelate

    Hi I'm glad I could help, the deck you posted looks promising and I'll try it myself.

    2. I use double Gift of Luminance. I have no experience with Desperate Stand but I can definitely see where it goes wrong.

    2b. Yes priest (and sometimes shaman with Devolve, Devolving Missiles) can be very annoying. Luckily, most other decks are kinda okay. The (only) way I found to bypass that is to tempo play for board so the opponent is forced to use silence before you play the prelate.

    2c. Zola might work but I don't know for sure. If you decide to cut Drek'Thar you could consider Queen Azshara + Holy Maki Roll + extra pyromancer. Other options could be Cariel Roame/ Blademaster Samuro/The Leviathan. A last option could be to include more 2 cost minions (example Bloodmage Thalnos) and add a second Call to Arms

    2d. Faceless Manipulator is kinda slow, maybe 1 copy could work.

    1b. You can consider cutting them because I suggested it with you not having much minions on board and right now it's dangerous for your own minions. Also I forgot to mention this but it'll always be useless against quest hunter. 

    1a. I personally play low cost/cycle but that's also because I lack some key cards for midrange. 

    Good luck!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Naga OTK priest

    Gnomeregan Infantry + Shadow Word: Devour or/and Power Word: Fortitude and double/ triple Divine Spirit + Bless + Shard of the Naaru if necessary. It might sound like a lot but it's very easy to pull of because Handmaiden draws a lot. Ring of tides from Queen Azshara can be used for the thirdDivine Spirit and instead of Gnomeregan Infantry you can also use a sticky minion on board. It's kinda strong and I'll try climbing with it next month using decktracker. 

    Posted in: Naga OTK priest
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