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    posted a message on Rare card Season rewards gave duplicates
    Quote from Skyi101 >>

    Blizz remakes ladder. Players hate on the changes. 

    Blizz gives exponentially more rewards for laddering. Players whine about getting free stuff.

    Business as usually for the entitled gamer.


     I mean this seems to be unintended. Although not specifically said, seems counter intuitive that the 'no dupes' rule doesn't extend to other forms of random free cards (such as end of season rewards)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on I don't have fun in ladder and casual sucks, what can I do?

    To be honest it really depends what you want. I like winning, but I don't care too much about ladder. As long as I am playing a deck that I enjoy with a positive winrate, I am happy. 

    I am a f2p player, started playing in Gadgetzan, but took a year and a half off at the end of boomsday. This is my second expansion back. 

    Because I currently have a pretty small standard collection, I turned to wild. There were several wild decks that were very cheap for me (secret mage, even shaman, cubelock). Secret mage just because it only has one legendary (which I have already), even shaman because it is also very cheap and I already had Genn, and Cubelock because I had played the standard version in Kobolds so there weren't very many cards to craft to play the wild list. 

    I played Cubelock and even shaman to legend (first time yay!) without spending more than like 5k dust total for both of those decks. 

    I don't have Vessina or The Storm Bringer, and even shaman is viable without them. Just add extra 4 mana 7/7s or the 4 mana 5/7 dragon instead. Tempostorm has the deck at 7.8k dust, and without these two legendaries it will only cost you 4.2k dust, which should be manageable. The bulk of that comes from Genn Greymane two Splitting Axe and two Sea Giant, which are 3.2k dust. Genn is probably one of the safest crafts you could ever have, and although I'm pretty sure even shaman is the only deck packing Sea Giant right now it has in the past had a place in zoo, and I wouldn't be surprised if it pops up in other decks over the years. Splitting Axe is key in standard totem shaman (also a good, cheap deck) so it's a pretty safe craft. 

     Anyway, my advice to you is to craft either even shaman or secret mage and play wild. I personally dislike secret mage, and really enjoy even shaman, so the choice was obvious there. 

    These decks are competitive, and you should be able to get better at the game while having a positive winrate and climbing through the wild ladder. 

    Also as a bonus low ranked wild is typically filled with meme decks and people completing quests, so it shouldn't be too hard for a newcomer such as yourself (if you got a free deck you can't have had your account for long, I'm assuming you haven't played in the past)

    Spell druid is also really cheap in standard, so you could try that too. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Wild Dreadsteed Murloc Paladin

    This is entirely a theorycraft, I myself cannot play this deck as I am a lowly f2p and do not want to craft Da Undatakah

    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
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    Loading Collection

    The idea for this deck came about after I queued into a strange Paladin list in casual wild. I couldn't figure out what the point of the deck was, and I let my opponent live for a few turns while he set up the Da Undatakah with the deathrattles of Immortal Prelate and Silver Vanguard. I thought the combo was cool, but the deck I had played against was abysmal. I did a bit of research, and have found several videos of streamers playing this Da Undatakah combo, always in a reborn paladin shell. It clearly sucked. 

    However, I was doing some thinking. This is a 3 card combo that could be shoehorned into any paladin deck for an endgame value win condition. I first wondered about some sort of control paladin, but quickly decided that control pally was trash and adding 3 bad cards to it certainly wouldn't work. 

    Instead, why not put these cards into Tip the Scales paladin? This deck runs out of cards incredibly quickly, and often runs Zephrys the Great and/or DQ Alex as a final push/win condition. What if I just swapped that package for some infinite value? 

    This led to some pretty direct swaps from the standard (wild lul) murloc paladin. 

    Zephrys, DQ Alex, and Murgur Murgurgle (the last one is tragic, but the prime is 8 cost so it must be done) make way for the combo of Da UndatakahImmortal Prelate, and Silver Vanguard

    Felfin Navigator was cut for Defender of Argus. Argus is important, because giving dreadsteed permanent taunt is extremely useful. 

    Lastly, I added Kobold Sandtrooper just to make up the third deathrattle. I'm not sure this is at all necessary, and if someone has a better idea to round out the 3 deathrattles I would love to hear it. Perhaps wiffing on the 3rd deathrattle is the best plan, and another murloc could take its place. 

    If anyone has ideas on how to improve this, I would love to hear them. 

    And if anyone has the cards and wants to play test this that would be amazing. 

    Thanks, hope this sounded as interesting to you as it did to me, 

    Posted in: Paladin
  • 3

    posted a message on Hearthstone What If: Ideas for Multi-Class Decks

    Razakus mage with Coldarra Drake

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Backstab removed from collection?!?

    Hm. I tried creating the new rogue deck, and the backstabs appeared fine for me. 

    I tried both on Android and on PC

    I don't have all of the rest of the cards tho, not sure if that could possibly affect anything

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Backstab removed from collection?!?

    What I'm assuming has happened is you pressed the 'craft' button, and all of the uncraftable cards disappeared. 

    This means all the basic cards, including backstab. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on pls blizzard design the game around me

    Although the praise is appreciated, I am not the Stanley Kubrick of satire, nor a Tarantino of meta analysis. My deepest loyalties lie with Hobbes, although it unquestionable to me that none the less supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses.

    These can appear to be contradictory notions; Hobbes argued it is better to accept the flaws of the system (in this case, Hearthstone), than to live without it at all and risk tasting a solitary, poor, nasty brutish and short life. However, I also fully stand by the idea that the power to design the game derives from none other than the player base, and as such it is the players who have ultimate control. These two ideas can be reconciled with the recognition that the players can exercise their control their control without rioting against blizzard; rather, they must work with it. 

    With distaste I look upon the Lockean idealists who flee to Legends of Runeterra, for they shall find disappointment, and, unable to quell their pride, shall find themselves without a game at all, at which point Hobbes' prophecy shall be complete. 

    I deal not in satire, or sarcasm, although I do enjoy wit. I deal in philosophy, I live by Aristotle, and I will not exaggerate a virtuous act to the point where it becomes full of vice. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on pls blizzard design the game around me

    As this title suggests, everything I'm about to discuss is based upon both my perception about how the game 'should' be played, as well as how I want to play it. 

    Lets dive right in

    I consider myself a 'shaman main.' Shaman is certainly the class I like the most, and the class I always want to do well in the meta. However, I certainly do not exclusively play shaman, and there are several other classes I enjoy and have played a lot of. 

    I love theorycrafting, and, as someone who loves shaman, always try to make shaman decks work in the new meta. This latest reveal season has been very disappointing to me in this respect. Although I love the power levels of Marshspawn and Serpentshrine Portal, it seems clear that shaman is in for some bad times. As Trump said, 'sad shaman days.'

    This got me thinking. I want shaman to be good, but there are also specific shaman archetypes I want to play. I want to be playing midrange shaman. 

    I define a 'midrange deck' as a deck that basically follows these basic principles: it is willing to give up tempo on turns 1 and 2, it then uses strong tempo swings on turns 3, 4, and perhaps even 5, then seeks to win the game with proactive cards played on turns 5, 6, 7 and 8. The goal is to win on turns 8, 9, or 10. 

    To create a strong midrange deck, these gaps must be filled. Although Serpentshrine Portal fits perfectly the requirement of a turn 3 tempo swing, shaman is lacking ANY strong 'game winning' cards that define the midrange archetype. This expansion, demon hunter has been given most of these. Priestess of Fury (besides being absolutely broken) is a perfect midrange card. It comes down on turn 7 and will win the game if it sticks. Coilfang Warlord is another great midrange tool, as is Imprisoned Antaen

    Because of the play style I want, I am being pushed to classes other than my beloved shaman. If a unicorn shaman exists, I will most certainly play it, no matter the type of deck. But this expansion I predict I will be playing a lot of demon hunter (and maybe ramp druid). 

    However, as I said, Serpentshrine Portal is a great place to start for shaman. In the following expansions, I want to see more cards for shaman in the line of jades, Ragnaros, or even Thunder Bluff Valiant

    Evolve shaman used to be another true midrange deck, trying to win with a turn 6 Doppelgangster and Evolve. This archetype received two cards (admittedly, relatively weak ones), so maybe ever the next couple of expansions evolve shaman will return. 

    Mostly I'm just disappointed that it looks like shaman isn't going to work out this expansion

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on This new ranked system is a joke.

    All I can speak about is my experience. I am a FTP player, and I play mostly standard but also some wild. Last season in the last couple days I made it to rank 5 in standard playing mech shaman, and ended up at rank 12 wild playing experimental decks. I was got a 9 star bonus for standard and 6 for wild. 

    I'm bored of standard and am waiting for launch to start my climb. This meant that I've only tried the new ranked system in wild, where my MMR is/should be pretty low. 

    After some initial experimentation and frustration that I wasn't winstreaking through bronze like I had hoped, I did the only reasonable thing: I started playing aggro. 

    Odd hunter is my FTP aggro deck of choice, and is absolutely sufficient for stomping noobs. I went something like 6 and 0 and winstreaked into gold, then took a break from the game. 

    My recommendation for all those who are struggling? Play some consistent aggro deck, and you'll rise through the lower ranks in no time. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on DE vancleef?

    uh, no. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Incoming nerf

    I could see Fungalmancer becoming a 2/1. But thats about it. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone needs more cosmetics

    I couldnt care less myself about cosmetics, but yes blizzard NEEDS to add more. 

    Its the best way to milk the whales, and it infuriates me that hearthstone hasnt taken full advantage of it

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is "The Caverns Below" the worst designed card ever?
    Quote from Mackie264 >>
    Quote from OoklaTheMok >>

    I haven't seen anyone play this card in six months. So no. It's not the most powerful card ever printed. 

     Where are you playing Hearthstone? and at what rank? I could see quest rogue not being played on the lower ranks as there's less control and combo decks there and also the few players that had the deck on lower ranks probably dusted it for full value the last time but if you play on rank 5 - 1 there's almsot a 50-50% chance to get odd rogue or quest rogue and then on legend there's a looooot of quest rogues around, so if you haven't seen it it's because a) you're on the lower ranks or b)You're lucky (or unlucky?) and you get any of the other archetypes when you queue into rogues.

     or only plays wild

     I also havent seen quest rogue since WW. 

    I dont play at super high ranks, but I hit rank 5 every season with some time to spare. Im rank 4 right now (standard btw)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is "The Caverns Below" the worst designed card ever?

    The design is fine. People just like to bitch. 

    Even in un-goro, all it really did was take the place of jade druid as the control killer. It also meant shorter games which is not a bad thing if the control deck has no chance anyway; less time wasted

    In The Witchwood it wasnt busted either. It actually became a more balanced deck, where control decks had a better chance against it in exchange for viability against aggro. 

    And now its in a fine place; worse than shudderwock against aggro and control (maybe better against midrange), but wins the mirror and is faster. 

    The design is fine and has always been fine. Control needs counters. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Hearthstone break
    Quote from RWMDZ >>

    I disagree, In my opinion this is the best meta  since the standard mode was introduced. Name me a better meta to prove me wrong .

     Well I would vouch for ungoro, with the witchwood being a close second

    Posted in: General Discussion
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