Legitimately one of the worst experiences I've had since coming back to the game. I dropped off around Titans and came back with Paradise, and this brawl just feels so poorly planned. Perhaps a better idea would have been to let pre-order packs be opened, and then had a brawl where people could test the new cards in pre-built decks and earn a GDB pack for each win with a different class. Lots of replay value, builds hype, rewards people for playing the game. In a perfect world, I suppose.
At last.. but "at least" might make more sense. We'll see.
Just what you can expect from players fixated on winning + company fixated on profit. They make each other happy by increasing sales with pack purchases and boosting win rate with broken cards.
Play your own deck in Wild. You will naturally stay out of Legend and have more fun with more variety.
Yes, a lot of people seem to forget or misunderstand the purpose of playing which is to enjoy the game itself, win or lose. I don't hate free wins because quests are done quicker but I don't love them either because I didn't really get to play the game. Needless to say I dislike aggro the most for its ego-driven intention to claim victory with the least amount of interactions possible. You end the game, there is no game.
I don't get how you can think it's important to try to win and play a deck like yogg mage. Those two don't fit together very well, do they?
Edit: You know what actually I think I get it. I too am a yogg enjoyer but I don't try to lose, if that's what you meant.
Who asked for this? We all know you are doing this for more profit. Trying to disguise it as a decision made for players is disgusting.
Do you genuinely find aggro fun, or just play it because you can rank up faster?
What do you enjoy doing the most in the game and why?
My answer would be RNG - such as playing Yogg and watching fireworks - because I like surprises.
Just what the already-braindead Cancerlock needed. Perfect.
Of course, not everyone gets the point of threads like this. It's called "mining canary"; whenever they introduce less chocolate and more shit, and you accept it without criticism, you should expect to be served even more shit next time.