That will lead us to Death Knight and Monk Class in future expansions ???
- norkaiser
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Zaboulef posted a message on Demon Hunter - Hearthstone’s 10th Class!Posted in: Guides -
SoupCan51 posted a message on Ysiel WindsingerPosted in: Ysiel WindsingerReminder that you can't just get mana back by playing Innervate or the coin after this card, since they'll cost 1 mana.
Robin145 posted a message on Kronx DragonhoofPosted in: Kronx DragonhoofKRUSTY KRAB IS UNFAIR , E.V.I.L IS IN THERE, STANDING AT THE CONCESSION, PLOTTING THEIR OPPRESSION!
Elvaeyn posted a message on Rise of ShadowsPosted in: GuidesWho said anything about waiting?
Captain_B posted a message on Rise of ShadowsPosted in: Guidesi can't for this expantion
Me neither, I can't.
wz27proton posted a message on [WILD] Aggro Shaman is Back | LegendPosted in: [WILD] Aggro Shaman is Back | LegendYeah, i saw, but i dont really like this change in a world full of pirates and silver hand recruits. What else is replacable? No jade lightning thou, i replaced both with maly-ancestors
Darksun200 posted a message on Spirit of the FrogPosted in: Spirit of the FrogDamn dude that is some next level flavor text
xervion15 posted a message on Spirit of the FrogPosted in: Spirit of the FrogHow do you play this in even shaman? play spirit, play a 2 mana spell, look at your screen 10 sec, unistall.
Vile_thinker posted a message on The Caverns BelowPosted in: The Caverns BelowBack in full force at nobody's request
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Insanely helpful. I follow all buywithgold skins, would be nice to have a tracking system for them.
Hey haha thanks, i correlate Malygos Shaman with Elemental Shaman class from WoW and by tweaking the word "elemental", you get Elemelon.
Anyways i have reached rank 5 many times with alterations of this deck and i believe that it is legend viable but sadly i lack the patience to grind so much.
Kobold Librarian ?? Hello ?? 1 mana Life Tap with a body
Strongly recommend Gorehowl
I am playing this in my Malygos Shaman to win Heal Jousts
Real strenght of the card is it generates threaths. So your removals are suddenly not enough for anything.
Goddammit they took our jerbs !
Would you consider adding Harrison Jones
Ok i been playing this deck since i posted the first comment;
- There is no need for Loatheb , i rarely used it since you dont need to play around board clears due to having either divine shielded minions or buffed bulky ones (except Brawl ).
- I also didnt bother with Eater of Secrets , against hunter you can easily nullify things with your zooish minions ( Freezing Trap ) , weapons ( Bear Trap ) , secret in to Consecration ( Cat Trick ) . Well never seen Freeze Mage so that needs a bit more playing. Against Secret Paladin you need to establish early board or play your Mysterious Challenger first to actually win. You cant just wait for him to play secrets hoping to eat them.
-I found fighting against zoo, hunter and shamans without x2 Consecration too hard so i added that.
- You need to play and see what you actually need. Then change your deck around it.
Devastating combo with Gadgetzan Auctioneer