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    posted a message on Trump's Theorycraft - C'Thun Druid

    Ok. Many good points have been made. Many people are thinking along the same lines as me. Here is my take on some things I agree / disagree with

    AGREED: too much ramp. The ramp to draw ratio is way off. I'm running 1 INNERVATE, 2 WILD GROWTH, 1 MIRE. You could easily include an extra innervarte due to the stellar blend of (card draw) X (mana curve) X (Deck tempo / flexibility). This deck is a jack of all trades, aggro, mid range, control it can do a little bit of all.: You can occasionally play aggro by getting off to a fast start on the board . Or can adopt a control strategy by trading tempo and health for a sizable mid to late game card advantage. Late game it has enough card draw, face damage / removal and big drops to finish strong.

    *side note about mire. I agree it's not super impressive, It's there as insurance incase you didn't draw your wild growth. Wild growth is only great played early and you rarely IF EVER want to play two wild growth unless you have no other options. The second wild growth is almost always better for card draw. MIRE fits as a versatile gadget play with decent value. At turn 4 he is good no matter how you opt to play. A 2 drop and a wild growth costs 2 cards and provides a smaller body, where as a 4 drop typically can not achieve the 5/5 he adds up to.

    Disagreed: EMPEROR THAL, STAGHELM, and BRAN may not be essential. These are combo cards that are inconsistent, and I don't know how viable the synergies are.

    STAGHELM s the least impressive of these. LIVING ROOTS is best played on turn one for the bodies, or late game as a ping. Getting two 1/1's late game is negligible. WRATH is a card you want to be able to play with few strings attatched. I run 1-2 SPELL DRAKES, and DEATGMAGE THALANOS. The odds of you being able to synergise wrath and living roots with these spell damage minions is much better. Better still are the odds that you will use wrath and living roots as a quick fix with no synergy at all.




    THE CARD DRAW ISSUE: instead of nourish (which is Redundant as a ramp) and offers you nothing at all in the way of tempo, this is how you draw cards:

    LOOT HOARDERS: This often sets the opponent back in tempo if they use a hero power or ping to remove it. Conversely if you are able to combo this with your hero power, living roots, wrath, beckoner, Disciple, etc... You enhance your card advantage. Being able to thin your deck to help you find the right cards... So you have the right options for every step of the curve is card advantage 101.

    SPELL DRAKE: spell damage, body, card draw. The triple threat.

    WRATH: ideally you use this for the card draw but sometimes you can not afford to do this.

    DEATH MAGE THALANOS. Super obvious choice.

    STARFIRE after experimenting with Leeroy it didn't take long to realize this one is better.  Face damage to finish off a weakened opponent, or Just another removal / deck thinner.



    :  1 INNERVATE

    2 Living Roots

    2 Beckoner of evil

    2 Loot Hoarder

    2 Wild Growth

    1 Death Mage thalanos

    2 Disciple 

    1 Twilight Elder

    2 Cthuns chosen (

    2 Cthuns Chosen

    2 klaxxi

    1 mire keeper

    2 Swipe

    1 Druid of the claw

    2 Spell Drake

    2 Dark arak

    1 Starfire

    1 Twin Emperor

    1 Cthuns


    Posted in: Trump's Theorycraft - C'Thun Druid
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