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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    absolutely my fault.  i should have played around it.  i regret my life choices and i sincnerely wish i was dead.

     Am i missing something here? Play Malfurian, play the 1 mana copy dudes to copy your 1/5 taunts and go face with Tyrantus... you could be in a winning position.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S55 October 2018

    Aaaaaaaaand back down to rank 5, no stars. 5 Shudderwock Shaman in a row. Sigh.

    What is everyone using to climb?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S55 October 2018
    Quote from DrNoOne >>

    I hit Legend (EU) for the first time last month, I doubt I'll have the time to do the grind again this month, but since I started the month at rank 4 I figure there's a non-zero chance I'll make it anyway.

    The meta has definitely reached full maturity, ever since I climbed out of rank 5 I can count on 1 hand the number of aggro decks I've encountered (a few Odd Rogues and a Face Mage, no Zoolock anywhere). Ranks 4 and 3 are full of Hunters (mostly DeathRecruit, but some Subject 9 too) and EvenLocks.

    At first I tried to stick with my DeathRecruit Hunter (it's what I used to reach Legend last month), but it is a very unreliable deck in the mirror, it is basically all up to the RNG of card draw. So I switched to this Oakheart Controlock (https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/nagons-77-legend-control-warlock-october-2018/) and I'm doing great, currently at Rank 2 with 67% win rate.

     This deck is great fun, thanks. 6-0 with it so far from Rank 5 (no stars)... Cheers!

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S55 October 2018

    Anyone else having the same problem getting past rank 5 this month? Highest I've been is rank 5, 5 stars... Then smacked back down. This meta is brutal.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Spiders, Spiders, EVERYWHERE! - Tavern Brawl #173

    I'm glad they're keeping this game mode so fresh, it eases the pain slightly that they've not released a new game mode in over 3 years now.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S55 October 2018

    Good luck to everyone this season.

    Hit Rank 5 today with Taunt Druid, really consistent against most aggro and control... Even beat a Zerek Priest at Rank 6!

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Your goals of each month

    Reach Legend before my friend!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How fast does the meta change for ranks 5 to 1?
    Quote from kloklon >>

    the best strategy is to prepare two different decks that have good matchups against the other decks weaknesses, then play a lot, learn all the matchups and then every day play a few games, decide which one of your two decks might be better at the time and rank and play it. if you feel like your local meta changes you can consider to switch to the other deck for the rest of your playing session, but dont swap immediately and too often. your decision making gets more intuitive the longer you stick with a deck. also you learn to play your bad matchups - the difference between somebody who is very experienced with a deck and overperforms compared to the average player is not whether he manages to get (for example) a 75% winrate in favoured matchups compared to an average of 65%, but whether he has a 45% instead of a 40% wr in some unfavoured matchup.

     I agree with this, I play Odd Warrior and Heal Zoo... If the meta becomes combo orientated I play zoo, if it becomes control or aggro orientated I play Odd Warrior. It's tricky deciding when to change though.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S54 September 2018
    Quote from Mojomaker >>

    After reaching Legend in April, I've done it again!

    I've played Deathrattle Hunter until Rank 2 3 stars and wanted to play something else after getting my Hunter golden. So I went with my ol' reliable Odd Rogue, also to grind out some wins for the golden portrait. Went 8-0 and and got my second Legend EZ PEZ. I was lucky enough to not run into any Odd Warriors during my win streak. 

     Congratulations... I've never had any luck with Odd Rogue, I don't think i'm playing it well enough.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S54 September 2018
    Quote from DrNoOne >>

    With the meta settling and slowing down, control and combo decks should be better than midrange or aggro for laddering, so it makes sense DeathHunter isn't performing as well. I'd suggest Maly/Togg Druid rather than Odd Warrior however, performs better in general, and matches last less on average.

    I've been thoroughly impressed (and killed a lot) by this Priest deck: https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/asmodais-savjz-69-legend-big-priest-boomsday/ and thinking about crafting it. Has a slow start but multiple win conditions and a lot of resilience, if you don't get steamrolled by a zoo deck in the first 4 turns it's pretty hard to lose. 

     Thanks, I'd have 2 legendaries to craft for either deck but I do have the dust for it.

    The Priest deck looks insane and I saw it hit rank 1 Legend... I might do watch a few videos on how to play it and give it a blast!

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S54 September 2018

    I've been stuck between rank 3 and 2 moving up and down for the past week. Absolutely infuriating.

    Moving from Deathrattle Hunter to Odd Warrior to see if that can help me past this hurdle.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Struggling to get past rank 2 on standard ladder, facing tons of Token Druids so switched up to Control Warrior with tons of whirlwind effects.

    First game, queued into a Benedictus / Quest Priest. 40 minutes of weirdness later I added him to say "gg", I've played since beta and really miss the old style control match ups. All he said was "Your deck's pretty weird dude".


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Setting up a 5 wins Tavern Brawl exchange
    Quote from Horkinger >>

    For a time save: The quickest way is probably Uther with coin. That's a guaranteed win on turn 4 if you don't destroy the horsemen. With minion damage, it can also work on turn 4, but less consistent and I think quicker than turn 4 will be an absolute exception.

    Edit: It's not funny though, because all yuo do is pressing the button and end turn.

    Did exactly this with a random last night; we were both playing KotFT cards in casual and he messages to set up clearing the quests together. Easy 600g.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 2

    posted a message on [KOFT Bundle] - Did you get it and what did you unpack?

    Insanely lucky, 4 Legendaries including a golden Bolvar, Fireblood and 5 epics including a golden Bring It On!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Yes, I truly enjoy the meta right now
    Quote from Kaladin >>
     Control is dead, courtesy of combo Druids, Deathstalker Rexxar, and Mechathun.   I'll say it again, diversity and balance aren't synonymous. 

     Yeah, it's been ages since Odd Warrior has been viable on ladder.../s

    Posted in: General Discussion
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