Apart fro, Kripp i only watch DaneHS... Only plays Wild and makes the jankiest fun decks and has a laugh while playing. If you've not watched any of his videos / streams then you should check him out.
It's 4x700 but each wing grants you 3 packs, so you essentially pay 4x400 for the gameplay alone. You also get a free legendary of your choice as the Zalae cloak is golden, which is worth the gold in my opinion. The adventure has much more replayability and twists than previous adventures, so I think it's worth it given the time you would need to complete it and the potential fun you would have playing. If you're not interested in the single player content, simply don't purchase it.
Zoolock is like tier 3 or worse, not really a strong deck. Certainly not tier 1
It is weird that there are like a ton of zoolock decks with 60+% but a lot of that is people smashing through lower ranks with the fastest deck, a lot of that data is also probably pretty old because zoolock was doing ok when the expansion first dropped but it's fell out of the meta harder than probably any other early meta deck. I saw literally one single zoolock on my way to legend, it's not a deck that has much success at higher levels of play.
I don't have hsreplay premium but i imagine if you filter by the last week at legend and 1-5 then all those zoo lists would disappear. I wouldn't put a lot of stock into hsreplay's lists unless you have premium because with out it there are a lot of outdated lists at the top of the winrates.
I climbed from rank 10 to rank 5 over a 2 day period with Zoolock. Only lost 2 matches, one to a Control Warrior and one to a Mech Paladin that had a 20+ health taunt.
I absolutely stomped every rogue that I met, which was a good deal of my matches.
I just want to comment on weapon removal, and specifically Ooze/similar effects.
IMO Ooze's effect is too strong and prevents archetypes like Thief Rogue from being playable. Hear me out.
Lackey Rogue with Waggle Pick is strong for many reasons, some of those reasons being pure burst damage via Waggle Pick and Leeroy. There's not much thought to it - you go face, gg.
Because of how strong the deck is, everyone techs in weapon removal via Ooze/Harrison (and Weapons Project in Warrior). That means you can't play Thief Rogue with Spectral Cutlass, a major point around which a lot of versions of the deck are built, and a primary way not dying to aggro/midrange. Say what you will about "Cutlass is broken because I died once to an 8-attack lifesteal Cutlass" but a majority of the time, you're using that huge weapon for removal and survival. Not to mention balancing weapon charges against 'other class' card generation.
Oh but because Lackey Rogue is stupidly strong and everyone runs double Ooze, guess what - Cutlass is unplayable, which makes the deck unplayable.
Cutlass is fine because of the skill and intricacy of plays.
Make Ooze a glorified Bloodsail Corsair and make Waggle Pick start with 1 durability instead of 2.
that would
a) make good weapons overpowered. The only reason why Cutlass isn't just Kingsbane 2.0 is because of it's weakness to weapon removal. You can't just nerf all weapon removal just because you want a single deck that happens to rely on weapons to be playable (not to mention that most people don't run double weapon removal, at least not one the regular ranks)
b) it would also completely kill Waggle Pick for no reason (it needs a nerf not removal)
The entire point of cutlass is that it's infinite damage + healing, but it gets countered by weapon removal. You're basically want to remove an intended counter just because you want to win more with a meme deck. That's like saying nerf Mountain Giant because I want to play Heal Druid
Hello, bait.
Ooze was not so polarizing as a Classic card in metas where you had relatively few and relatively straightforward weapons. What strong weapons are you referring to that would be broken if Ooze was nerfed?
Perhaps this was a bit of an anomaly but I queued into Giants Mage and Lackey Rogue this morning, both running double Ooze. This was not at top 200 legend though, I guess that's what you meant by "normal ranks." I understand if my experience at Rank 8 is completely meaningless and irrelevant.
Waggle Pick would not be unplayable with 1 durability. Why do you think that?
I'm sure everyone will love it when weapon removal is nerfed and Warrior buff their Wrench Calibers duribility with Captain Greenskin, Upgrades etc... Super fun.
I was 2 ranks away from Legend last month playing Odd Warrior with minimal play. Pretty easy and beats aggro if you pilot the deck properly.
Battletag: OneUp21900
Region: EU
Trade only? : Yes, you go first
Dane makes the most fun Wild decks, glad to see some of his on the list.
Someone's playing 4D Chess over here...
Waaaaaah, Mummy the other boy isn't playing the game the way I want him too, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Moved to OutofCards.com
Apart fro, Kripp i only watch DaneHS... Only plays Wild and makes the jankiest fun decks and has a laugh while playing. If you've not watched any of his videos / streams then you should check him out.
An 11 mana play, impressive.
Antonidas is a safer craft imho and I've won plenty of games from his fireball generation to push that last bit of damage.
Can you dust Zalae?
in this thread: a whole load of people who don't understand how to play zoo.
I climbed from rank 10 to rank 5 over a 2 day period with Zoolock. Only lost 2 matches, one to a Control Warrior and one to a Mech Paladin that had a 20+ health taunt.
I absolutely stomped every rogue that I met, which was a good deal of my matches.
I'm sure everyone will love it when weapon removal is nerfed and Warrior buff their Wrench Calibers duribility with Captain Greenskin, Upgrades etc... Super fun.
I've never played it before and over the past few days I've been playing it and having fun... Sorry that blows your mind ;)
Some of the interactions are totally busted, especially with Vargoth so it's been enjoyable to try them out!
I have hardly ever played Wild so I thought i'd jump in this weekend for a blast.
I made Big Priest and climbed from rank 25 to rank 12 with one loss.
I'm having a blast but I'm guessing by all the roping i'm facing that my opponents hate me.