The balance prophets are present in the comment section again, I see. Every single balance patch, forum users judge nerfs poorly. Paladin didn't get nerfed by 1 mana, it got nerfed by 2, as both Conviction and Battlemaster got hit. Hitting Glare and Giant for Warlock is huge. Even the Granite-nerf to 4 Health is a solid hit, as 5-health minions on turn 4 have historically proven to be difficult to deal with.
As always, people here want nerfs to completely kill decks. I am extremely happy Team 5 doesn't take forums seriously as a source of data and sentiment. I am happy with these nerfs, I believe they touched just the right cards. Stealer of Souls has abysmal winrates, for example. Quests have finally given a lot of decks a secondary win-condition.
If you are under the impression that 8 (!) nerfs will not change the meta, you are severely underestimating the fickleness of a meta.
Mate, you must not have been around here for long.. from day 1 it's been like this. Some people are just perennially salty, others get in bad moods, some react badly to specific things, it' nothing new.
I will agree there seems to be markedly less positivity lately though and that is kind of concerning but I'm sure some of it is burnout and disappointment at Blizz failing to actually do something about persistent problems within the game
Hmm doubt you could play this turn 6 with that effect, probably not even in wild without gearing your deck entirely for armour gains. By the time you reach 9 mana you may well play alex. For aggressive strategies mr.smite is just better, for control do you really need this? Not sold on this one
You won't lose your old dragons, they'll just be restricted to wild & classic. These new ones are the versions you'll get for standard this year. I feel ya, I have deathwing and ysera golden, but don't worry they won't be touched
Yeah I watched this recently, really well done sci-fi horror. Very much like the original alien, great characters and acting
1. They make those decks well before thousands of people test the meta and find optimal compositions
2. They probably low ball some decks so they're not crazy expensive
3. Adding as many new cards as is reasonable to promote the expansion
4. Merely outlining new decks & paradigms to inspire deck creators
Putting the best decks as possible for their recipes isn't the only, nor even their first, consideration. Complaining about everything is sweet n all but use your brains a bit
Haven't opened my scholomance packs yet
Buuuut I realised today that the 3 golden classic packs I'd been slowly saving normal classics to hit pity timer with are on a different clock anyway :P so figured I'd just go for it. 2nd pack had was double legendaries, Ysera aaand Millhouse :l
So then I opened the 14 normal packs I'd saved up, one of them had a golden Krush, so pretty good day regardless :D