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    posted a message on Discuss the new release in general

    Wow, can't believe how much pack filler was released today.. literally half the cards have no text and all the spells do damage, look at all that curvestone!


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Paladin Quest Revealed: The Last Kaleidosaur

    and who exactly runs owl?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Dirty Rat in Un'goro
    Quote from Nemast >>

    If ever my opponent completes a quest but does not play the 5 mana quest reward on the same turn, I will Dirty Rat every time.

     Dirty Rat is very useful for killing the battlecry effects of a lot of minions, but how happy would you be to pull an 8/8ish minion in most circumstances? At least by the time they have it you should have additional mana for a removing it.
     I'd  rather deal with a free 8/8 than 5 mana 8/8 with insane perks. Any quest deck will absolutely be relying on that value to carry them through the game so I'd say this is a decent strategy
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Glacial Shard

    How is this different from freezing potion tho? 2/1 isn't exactly scary, even aggro plays 3/4's nowadays. ill wager it's only played in elemental decks as a tech

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Shaman Quest - Unite the Murlocs
    Quote from moshi_mosh >>
    Quote from Shissan >>
    Quote from moshi_mosh >>
    Quote from WhatAChamp >>

    Can you discover Vilefin Inquisitor with the new discover murloc as a shaman? If there were a reliable way to get that card (which there isn't so far), you could put this in a control deck with minimal murlocs.

     same rule of no other class cards would apply i think, otherwise it would say "any"
    Neptulon can give you the Vilefin Inquisitor, so why can't Megafin?
     huh, funny, never had that happen to be, you may be right but vilefin seems like on of the worse options. i mean, if you get megafin you won't need the extra murlocs as the quest is already done?
     shit lol u threw me with the neptulon example. original question: i am quite confident that for a discover effect to show options from different classes it would need to specifically state so (examples are tri-class and operative) 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Your Questions for Hearthstone Game Designer Dean Ayala!

    I'm gonna guess not soon.

    Both have UI issues as a major concern (one of the appeals of hearthstone is a sleek, simple design focused on gameplay) and replays, more so than match history, represent some significant server usage (although this could be solved with the user's device storing the data)

    I think the easiest way for blizz to introduce such "support" elements to the game would be tocreate a companion app, replete with decklists, import/export, stats etc.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Were to start off in Hearthstone?

    I'd say get at least the first wing of brm and loe before they rotate out. They may not be immediately useful for standard but lower ranks of wild aren't that much different to standard. It'll be really good to eventually unlock the whole adventures when u get time later on :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone: Lost Secrets of Un'Goro: New Expansion Name Leaked?

    Mmm and you can't even type up a coherent comment, let alone criticize the abilities of people who have made a successful video game that continues to make millions in revenue... lol, it's these ill-concieved, misspelled tantrums made by people like you that compel blizz to ignore the online community as much as they have.

    (Ur a tool)

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on NEW META CARDS
    Quote from Frozen_Inferno_1 >>

    Master Greenpaw is ridiculously underpowered. He's worthless against a deck that doesn't run Jade cards, and even against a Jade deck, I just don't think the effect is strong enough, especially when the opponent can replay all their Jade Golems for 1 mana the next turn anyways. I don't think increasing the stats to an 8/8 would be enough to make him playable either. I think the effect is too weak to have him in a deck.

     i think you missed the memo on this one
    Jade golems cost the same as they're attack/health (2 for 2/2, 7 for 7/7 etc)
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on The best cards leaving us in 2017

    I think the only ones that will be universally missed are reno, brann n emps

    Posted in: General Discussion
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