When you look up the most definitive cards for aggro, tempo, and midrange, you can make a good case for Kirin Tor Mage as the most clear example of tempo. It provides no card advantage, it's aggressively stated, and it has no real deep combo synergy. The Secret may have synergy but you could have played that for 3 by itself.
Having a lot of fun with this deck. Seems to hit that sweetspot in the meta right now of holding off aggro decks and putting up too much value for control decks. Combo decks are a problem, and there are a few, but I don't seem to face too many on the ladder.
I took out the second Twilight Acolyte for a simple Shadow Word: Pain. Just too many aggro decks on the ladder and pain works great as a trigger for pyromancer. Similarly, there are too many decks who aren't playing minions with big attack (say 5+) and it limits the value of accolyte. Maybe there are more handlocks out there than I'm facing but I would suggest people adjust the cards a bit to what they see. Pain works, Spirit Lash works, you have even more anti-aggro available if you need it.
So this deck can't play minions <3 and spells at 2 and in the new expansion there were no 0 or 1 casting cost spells added whatsoever. This deck just may have to wait and hope for something useful in the next expansion.
Going towards wild, the only real advantage is Brann Bronzebeard which is clearly quite good in this deck and perhaps Counterfeit Coin. The real add to this deck would be 0 and 1 casting cost spells that create board presence or go get core pieces. Brainstorming maybe you could get "draw a legendary from your deck" for 1 or something? Seems overpowered. Maybe if it only worked if your deck contained 1 legendary. That would mean cutting leeroy though. I find it hard to picture a card that makes this deck noticeably better.
Here's a more Zoo-ey version of your deck. Fungalmancer could be squeezed in but I actually think Defender of Argus would be better... but also got squeezed out.
I don't get the odd thing. Best card in your deck would be the nax egg and it's 2. Your gain is... more total health because life tap doesn't take 2... in an aggro deck?!? This slows down zoo to midrange where it really has no reach or endgame.
Aggro deck, even moreso an odd one with power overwhelming, without leeroy is also weird. How else you gunna charge?
I am sick of this trope. Slow decks are often brainless. Freeze mage is extremely brainless to play. Fast decks are often very strategic. Learning to hold back cards you COULD play is a key skill in this type of deck. Just because a deck is aggressive instead of reactionary or fast instead of slow does not make it simple to play.
Classically miracle rogue is a pretty aggressive deck and one of the hardest in hearthstone to play. Similarly, control warrior is pretty bland and is generally the slowest thing in existence.
ran over some poor druid, thanks. Metaltooth leaper with all the deathrattle and divine shielded mechs is insane.
Enhance-o-matic is something I didn't have and didn't bother crafting. Budget just put in a spider mech or something.
When you look up the most definitive cards for aggro, tempo, and midrange, you can make a good case for Kirin Tor Mage as the most clear example of tempo. It provides no card advantage, it's aggressively stated, and it has no real deep combo synergy. The Secret may have synergy but you could have played that for 3 by itself.
No card makes a priest groan like a turn 2 coin'd out 4/4 VanCleef
Having a lot of fun with this deck. Seems to hit that sweetspot in the meta right now of holding off aggro decks and putting up too much value for control decks. Combo decks are a problem, and there are a few, but I don't seem to face too many on the ladder.
I took out the second Twilight Acolyte for a simple Shadow Word: Pain. Just too many aggro decks on the ladder and pain works great as a trigger for pyromancer. Similarly, there are too many decks who aren't playing minions with big attack (say 5+) and it limits the value of accolyte. Maybe there are more handlocks out there than I'm facing but I would suggest people adjust the cards a bit to what they see. Pain works, Spirit Lash works, you have even more anti-aggro available if you need it.
Leeroy is probably the best legendary to craft in the game. Gets used in a lot of different decks and he's a core card.
So this deck can't play minions <3 and spells at 2 and in the new expansion there were no 0 or 1 casting cost spells added whatsoever. This deck just may have to wait and hope for something useful in the next expansion.
Going towards wild, the only real advantage is Brann Bronzebeard which is clearly quite good in this deck and perhaps Counterfeit Coin. The real add to this deck would be 0 and 1 casting cost spells that create board presence or go get core pieces. Brainstorming maybe you could get "draw a legendary from your deck" for 1 or something? Seems overpowered. Maybe if it only worked if your deck contained 1 legendary. That would mean cutting leeroy though. I find it hard to picture a card that makes this deck noticeably better.
don't overplay your hand. Tap pretty much every single turn. Make them clear smaller boards.
I can't believe how competitive this is even without The Soularium
Grim Patron is the brawl, nothing else really matters. Helps to feed the beast but most of my games have come down to who got the coin.
Do they come back full health with Bloodreaver Gul'dan?
Here's a more Zoo-ey version of your deck. Fungalmancer could be squeezed in but I actually think Defender of Argus would be better... but also got squeezed out.
I don't get the odd thing. Best card in your deck would be the nax egg and it's 2. Your gain is... more total health because life tap doesn't take 2... in an aggro deck?!? This slows down zoo to midrange where it really has no reach or endgame.
Aggro deck, even moreso an odd one with power overwhelming, without leeroy is also weird. How else you gunna charge?
5 cards in this deck trigger the spellstone where cubelock generally only runs 4. I don't get it either.
It makes no sense why he's in the deck. A second hellfire is surely missing.
I am sick of this trope. Slow decks are often brainless. Freeze mage is extremely brainless to play. Fast decks are often very strategic. Learning to hold back cards you COULD play is a key skill in this type of deck. Just because a deck is aggressive instead of reactionary or fast instead of slow does not make it simple to play.
Classically miracle rogue is a pretty aggressive deck and one of the hardest in hearthstone to play. Similarly, control warrior is pretty bland and is generally the slowest thing in existence.