The Evokers have zero relation to the Emerald Dream. So very unlikely.
Green dragons have a relation with the ED, but Dracthyr ( the race which all Evokers are) are not green dragons. They are technically dragon/human hybrids and created by Deathwing, a Black Dragon.
I assume the connection here is that both were featured in the Dragonflight expansion in WoW but even in that expansion there's no connection between the Dracthyr and the ED. They are just both storyline parts of the expansion, at different moments of that expansion.
- mortalix
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xskarma posted a message on Warcraft Anniversary Announcements - Hearthstone x Starcraft Miniset - Year of the Raptor Coming - Arena Update!Posted in: News -
MintMurderMedia posted a message on Warcraft Anniversary Announcements - Hearthstone x Starcraft Miniset - Year of the Raptor Coming - Arena Update!Posted in: NewsI'm not too crazy about the crossover but they're running out of source material. It was only a matter of time. Now there will be a LOT of locations coming haha. Welcome to Hearthstone HEROES OF BLIZZARD. Starcraft is the only Non-WoW game Ive played of theirs. Its awesome.
MrBig33 posted a message on The Ceaseless Expanse Banned In WildPosted in: NewsPlease handle Elemental Mage. I played mech mage in the early days and it wasn't nearly as easy. The amount of damage output and draw synergy while just throwing super efficient elementals out at literally no cost is not fun in the slightest (for opponents). Especially with the Prince gone to mitigate the massive damage output. Games don't feel interactive at all. At least pirate DH could be answer with a bit of removal and burst damage was relatively low. But with an elemental that can deal 10-15-20 damage for 4 mana or one that can put out a full board for 4 mana or one that can draw 5 cards for 4 mana, is just plain stupid.
Dargor posted a message on The Ceaseless Expanse Banned In WildPosted in: NewsCan we just have a custom ban function already? Just ban 3 cards yourself that you don't want to see in players' decks and then go into queue? Every single time during expansion release or miniset, there is a broken combo. People hate it, have to wait for the devs. If you can just ban the key card of that combo so you won't face that, you don't have that problem. Nobody plays casual gamemode, so if you really want to play a fun deck when everyone is only playing the most meta-broken decks, what fun is there really? For Wild: Holy Wrath (Would now replace that with Lamplighter), Demon Seed and Archbischop Benedictus for me.
xskarma posted a message on Developer Insights: Pre-Release Tavern BrawlPosted in: NewsWorst case scenario is 300g for 1 pack. Best case scenario is 4 packs and 2 cards, for 300g. At best you win 1 pack and 2 cards over what you are guaranteed to get just for buying 3 packs.
When people do the math on what the average is, I bet it comes out to 2 packs and 1 card for 300g. i.e. you lose out on average on 4 cards, for the privilege of opening them early.
No thanks.
UnkarsThug posted a message on Perils in Paradise: Card List, Release Date, & Expansion DetailsPosted in: GuidesYou know, I've been thinking about it, and it really feels like the tourist mechanic is basically just a form of duel class cards that needs you to have all the legendaries, mainly because it's restricted to this set.
They should have had more restrictions, but allowed items from that class even outside of this set. For example, you can get DK cards, but your deck has to have only prime number costs, or all of your minions need to be elementals. Benedictus showed that effects like that can be balanced fine.
As it is now, just running even 1 dead card to get access to a bunch of basically duel class cards seems like it's just going to require the tourists in every deck for the next year. They could have even done a whole set of duel class cards, if they wanted to do that. I just don't feel like the mechanic as it is now is a good implementation of the idea. Just kind of boring. Might just be me though.
Tausomaki posted a message on New Shaman Legendary Card Revealed - Carress Cabaret StarPosted in: Newsif it has a battlecry something like Kalimos, Primal Lord it will trigger and deal 18 dmg face
Orhoz25 posted a message on Eliza GorebladePosted in: Eliza GorebladeOh this is gonna be abused like mad lol
EnKoala posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Wheel of DeathPosted in: NewsYou're right, I was thinking too small. It's probably both.
Useless against aggro, 8 mana to burn your deck against control. Synergies like Fanottem or shuffling stuff into your deck with Symphony of Sins likely don't help. Warlock doesn't exactly have ways to discount spells so if you play this on turn 8 you win the game on turn 13 which can be late even in control mirrors, ESPECIALLY when you destroy your deck in the process. Unless they print some insane synergy with this in the rest of Warlock's set it's probably garbage.
I really don't get why blizzard continues to make cards like this. An effect like this HAS to be bad, and then, what's the point?
Vendrium posted a message on Nesting GolemPosted in: Nesting GolemYes however now in the hands of ress priests. muhaha
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I would say every class got interesting cards, priest while getting a powerful titan got the least synergy cards and my biggest pet peeve is that they got no new early/cheap clears and let's face it the reason we don't see control priest at all is due to the current tempo of the meta. Sure they have good 5 mana wipes but aside from holy nova they have very little tools to deal with swarms of boards on turn 2-4 and that's usually when meta decks have reached critical mass.
Im a priest main (please don't judge too harshly) so that part sucks a bit for me. That being said:
I'm excited to try out forge/armor warrior
Overload/control shaman got alot of love so I'm excited to try that out too.
Treant Midrange druid also looks very promising
Rainbow mage looks meh to me, nothing new they will have RNG tempo (mana cheat) and damage to cheat out lots of wins. Mech mage also got alot of love.
Paladin will continue to grind my gears with unkillable boards that will net them alot of wins simply cause blizzard no longer cares about creating answers to the questions (the answer to beat pure paladin is faster aggro imho)
I love the added cards to support relic demon hunter so that's exciting.
Warlock looks like they got implock cards but of a more defensive nature?
Death Knight plague is likely gonna dominate and maybe rainbow DK will make a comeback.. who knows?
Overall this is the best expansion in terms of interesting cards in a long while for me so let's hope it won't be aggro or die for another 3 months.
Is there something im not seeing or is this a worse khartut defender?
Interesting you should mention chess and that its a skilled game. Sure there is no RNG but just because RNG exist in HS does not mean HS is devoid of skill, cause if that was the case anyone could gain rank 1 right? Or at least if it was RNG that decided who won whoever hit the top-lists would fluctuate way more.
This is not the case and theres a very good reason for that.
Coming back to chess:
To an amateur it may seem that chess is a game with near endless potential moves, and when you learn that to become a high level chess player you need to eventually learn all the moves and chain moves; that if I move piece A to spot B I also need to be aware of the chain-reaction of that move.
That stuff can be quite intimidating, and if you are an amateur you could even attribute those moves to luck or like you said RNG. "Hah Bob.. you were lucky to see that my king was compromised and get CM on me) Well.. you only need a modicum of knowledge of chess to understand that it leaves nothing up to chance.
So AI and algorithms aside. Although it may seem that every move is random and chain-reaction is out of your hands. Its like with chess, that when you realize the potential moves (or draws) and developments are finite. That you can start to map how many potential developments there are, and to plan the ideal move to set up a win.
Im not a good hearthstone player, but I would imagine if you asked a pro, they would agree to my assesment.
That aside I agree with you that having a more casual attitude may very likely make the experience more enjoyable. Afterall we play the game (hopefully) first and foremost to have fun. Whatever else comes is just a bonus.