So the obvious pay to win cards like Odyn wasnt concrete enough, thankfully now we have cards that will win you the game if you know how to pilot your decks. If there wasnt cause for concern before, this is the kind of card that should have the (rest) of the community in a frenzy and full boicott of the game.
If not we will one day see "draw card to win the game" without any context needed. There wont be any option for f2p (or anyone who is dumb enough to play a different deck) to play around it since the card text will make it impossible to interact with it.
I dont have much belief in the community to act on this but I am hoping to be wrong.
I would say every class got interesting cards, priest while getting a powerful titan got the least synergy cards and my biggest pet peeve is that they got no new early/cheap clears and let's face it the reason we don't see control priest at all is due to the current tempo of the meta. Sure they have good 5 mana wipes but aside from holy nova they have very little tools to deal with swarms of boards on turn 2-4 and that's usually when meta decks have reached critical mass.
Im a priest main (please don't judge too harshly) so that part sucks a bit for me. That being said:
I'm excited to try out forge/armor warrior
Overload/control shaman got alot of love so I'm excited to try that out too.
Treant Midrange druid also looks very promising
Rainbow mage looks meh to me, nothing new they will have RNG tempo (mana cheat) and damage to cheat out lots of wins. Mech mage also got alot of love.
Paladin will continue to grind my gears with unkillable boards that will net them alot of wins simply cause blizzard no longer cares about creating answers to the questions (the answer to beat pure paladin is faster aggro imho)
I love the added cards to support relic demon hunter so that's exciting.
Warlock looks like they got implock cards but of a more defensive nature?
Death Knight plague is likely gonna dominate and maybe rainbow DK will make a comeback.. who knows?
Overall this is the best expansion in terms of interesting cards in a long while for me so let's hope it won't be aggro or die for another 3 months.
This would only be viable in wild since khartut is rotating. In wild it would work this way but people have way more flexible removal options for plaguemaw. It will certainly be fun to play around with however.
So the obvious pay to win cards like Odyn wasnt concrete enough, thankfully now we have cards that will win you the game if you know how to pilot your decks. If there wasnt cause for concern before, this is the kind of card that should have the (rest) of the community in a frenzy and full boicott of the game.
If not we will one day see "draw card to win the game" without any context needed. There wont be any option for f2p (or anyone who is dumb enough to play a different deck) to play around it since the card text will make it impossible to interact with it.
I dont have much belief in the community to act on this but I am hoping to be wrong.
I would say every class got interesting cards, priest while getting a powerful titan got the least synergy cards and my biggest pet peeve is that they got no new early/cheap clears and let's face it the reason we don't see control priest at all is due to the current tempo of the meta. Sure they have good 5 mana wipes but aside from holy nova they have very little tools to deal with swarms of boards on turn 2-4 and that's usually when meta decks have reached critical mass.
Im a priest main (please don't judge too harshly) so that part sucks a bit for me. That being said:
I'm excited to try out forge/armor warrior
Overload/control shaman got alot of love so I'm excited to try that out too.
Treant Midrange druid also looks very promising
Rainbow mage looks meh to me, nothing new they will have RNG tempo (mana cheat) and damage to cheat out lots of wins. Mech mage also got alot of love.
Paladin will continue to grind my gears with unkillable boards that will net them alot of wins simply cause blizzard no longer cares about creating answers to the questions (the answer to beat pure paladin is faster aggro imho)
I love the added cards to support relic demon hunter so that's exciting.
Warlock looks like they got implock cards but of a more defensive nature?
Death Knight plague is likely gonna dominate and maybe rainbow DK will make a comeback.. who knows?
Overall this is the best expansion in terms of interesting cards in a long while for me so let's hope it won't be aggro or die for another 3 months.
I think with this card and the neutral leg with hp change might push Mill dk over the line and make it meta viable.
Is there something im not seeing or is this a worse khartut defender?
Draw Zola + Vanndar for double discount.
This would only be viable in wild since khartut is rotating. In wild it would work this way but people have way more flexible removal options for plaguemaw. It will certainly be fun to play around with however.