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    posted a message on Topple the Idol

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    This is a pretty conditional card, but it has a lot of things going for it. The card's effects work well together; you want boardclears in a control deck, which is also more likely to have high cost cards. Additionally, you typically want to dredge large cards for value anyway, and dredging also increases the average result to the 75th percentile rather than the 50th percentile, which increases the average mana cost you'll dredge. All-around solid for control decks.

    Posted in: Topple the Idol
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    posted a message on Reefwalker

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    This card is a lot like Hog Rancher, but backloading some of the effect is significantly worse than frontloading it. On the other hand, two 1/1s is more total stats than a 2/1, and having the flexibility of being able to split the damage matters, keeping this above average.

    Posted in: Reefwalker
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    posted a message on Barbaric Sorceress

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    A 3/7 taunt is worth slightly less than 5 mana, making the card extremely reliant on its effect. Unfortunately, the conditions are just too specific to make work outside of a select few metas, as you need to have only high spells and you need your opponent to only have low spells for this to work.

    Posted in: Barbaric Sorceress
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    posted a message on Slimescale Diver

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    TrumpHS interestingly seemed to think that this card was somehow comparable to Doomsayer, which never came to fruition. It's the Assassinate of its cycle, and like the others, this is 2 mana less in exchange for the 2 mana discount.

    Posted in: Slimescale Diver
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    posted a message on Piranha Swarmer

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    The issue with this card and the piranha theme as a whole this set is that you have to play too many of them to make it worth it, and even then, all you're getting is a bunch of slightly-undercosted removal spells, which isn't a good enough payoff. The lack of synergy with cards outside its theme also really beats this into the dirt.

    Posted in: Piranha Swarmer
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    posted a message on Pelican Diver

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    Delayed Shadow Bolt is just fine. All the cards in the "dormant 1, but rush" cycle are quite similar, as they're really best thought of as neutral versions of class spells, and they all cost 2 mana less than their counterparts. Overall, they're mostly fair, and Pelican Diver's frailty makes it not very good in most other cases besides as a removal spell.

    Posted in: Pelican Diver
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    posted a message on Tuskarrrr Trawler

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    If a tag accounts for .5 stats, then the dredge effect brings this from a 4.5 to a 5/10. Synergy bonuses are currently keeping the card in the metagame due to pirate warrior and nothing else, as you need to get bonuses out of both upsides of this card to make it worthwhile.

    Posted in: Tuskarrrr Trawler
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    posted a message on Mothership

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    I'm actually just going to give this the same rating I would a Savannah Highmane. It's got a relevant tag, makes up for the loss of initial stats with rush, and has some solid highroll potential as well as a few fail states (Explosive Sheep is the most irritating one).

    Posted in: Mothership
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    posted a message on Crushclaw Enforcer

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    This is not just drawing a card, but typically drawing one of the better cards in your deck. The condition of having to cast a spell means that sometimes you can't just play this on turn 3, but having the coin count as a spell in half your games really makes this more consistent than it looks.

    Posted in: Crushclaw Enforcer
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    posted a message on Naga Giant

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    The card is extremely strong in any sort of control deck, although not so much in miracle decks that aren't running Spitelash Siren, as most miracle decks look to discount the cost of their cards rather than gain a lot of mana. That's the main differentiator between this and Arcane Giant. This does get a boost for the naga tag as well, and you always love to discover this when you're discovering a naga.

    Posted in: Naga Giant
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    posted a message on Slithering Deathscale

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    Casting 3 spells is hardly a requirement, and this is a card you want to keep in your hand for a while anyway, as the effect is only good in certain situations and the card costs 7. While the card currently doesn't see play, that's only due to rampant power creep and the meta being very tempo-focused. 

    Posted in: Slithering Deathscale
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    posted a message on School Teacher

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    The 1/1 is usually a significantly stronger lackey, making the point of comparison something like EVIL Cable Rat. This sports a more relevant tag (nagas) and significantly improved stats at only the cost of being less bouncable in rogue, making it extremely good. Of course, that doesn't mean it doesn't work well with battlecry synergy, as we've seen in control warrior decks running this alongside Brann Bronzebeard.

    Posted in: School Teacher
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    posted a message on Amalgam of the Deep

    Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:


    What pushes this card's rating so high is mainly its flexibility. I think it surprised nobody when this card ended up seeing play in pretty much every deck in the game that cared about tribes (and also ended up pushing the power level of all of them). The amalgam at -1 stats is already a 5/10, and tacking on a discover just really shoved it over the edge.

    Posted in: Amalgam of the Deep
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    posted a message on New Bug - Hero Card has attack

    After the new patch, I played a game against a paladin whose Lightforged Cariel had 1 attack inherently, causing them to deal 3 with their weapon and deal 1 damage to my minions that attacked them. There are three possible things I can think of that could've caused it:

    1. The most likely possibility would be that they played a Snapdragon early on. Since I haven't experienced this before this card was introduced into the game, my guess is that somehow snapdragon is incorrectly buffing hero cards as well, since they have battlecries, and thus increases their attack by one.

    2. Their Prismatic Jewel Kit buffed their Cariel. This seems unlikely, considering it triggered thrice during the game, which if there was a bug, should cause the cariel to have 3 attack, not 1. Also, I didn't notice this happening before the update.

    3. Lightforged Cariel somehow just has 1 attack. Again, seems unlikely for the same reasons as #2.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Is anyone who bought the new mini-set willing to test this out? I'd craft Snapdragon myself and test it if I weren't 40 gold away from obtaining the mini-set already.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Voyage to the Sunken City Mini Set: Throne of Tides - Launches 1st of June
    Quote from mistermath314 >>

    I'll be doing more detailed analyses as the full set comes out. However, because power theory uses card comparisons and baseline principles to achieve its ratings, it's still possible to do some preliminary ratings:

    Bubbler: 5/10. The right way to look at this isn't as a 2/4 with a downside, but rather a 2/1 with an upside similar to that of Korrak, where if you don't do exactly 1 damage to it, it may still live. However, the effect is significantly worse than that of Korrak, as it cannot "come back" multiple times. Still it is an interesting matchup dependent 1-drop, and the potential of the effect is something to watch out for. 

    Snapdragon: 7/10. This card gives me Prince Keleseth vibes, except now you can run two of them! Turn 3 is still early enough in the game to have the effect be extremely useful, and plenty of decks could potentially look into playing this, from reno priest to mech paladin. I'm not sure how punishing running a 3 mana 3/3 that doesn't immediately impact the board/hand is in this age, so we'll have to see if the ages of playing a 3 mana "20/20" are still alive.

    Neptulon the Tidehunter 8/10. The Firelands Portal standard for comparing to colossi doesn't quite work for 10 mana cards, so we'll compare to Raid Boss Onyxia instead, as it is very similar. Neptulon deals 8 damage twice when it comes in, which is more than onyxia's single attack, although this doesn't get the option of spreading out more damage like the whelps can. However, it does stick more stats on the board, and is extremely threatening; note that Neptulon's Hand can attack on the following turn by itself as well.

    Ozumat: 6/10. This colossi simply comes with a ton of stats, as the "boardwipe" is more Doomsayer-y than Twisting Nether-y. Your opponent can avoid the deathrattle by killing off the 1/3s before (or perhaps even at the same time?) as Ozumat. However, the sheer number of numbers on this card is pretty insane on an empty board, and the effect seriously disincentivizes playing minions, so the card itself is still good. Note that the card is significantly worse when you have minions already.

     Oops! I made a small error, and there's no edit function here, so I'll unfortunately have to make another post - I forgot quite an exciting card...

    Coilfang Constrictor: 5/10. I think the card is cool design and is inherently fair, and as a player who has played lots of other card games, I think it's about time HS introduced more universal hand disruption. This reminds me a lot of Chaos Gazer, as although the two cards may seem to have opposite effects, the end result is the same: reducing your opponent's options. There is notable synergy with curses, interestingly, as you can use this to force your opponents to hold on to the curses for an extra turn, although I'm not sure if 4 mana is worth it for that effect, so I'm not actually sure if this will see play. That said, I love the card!
    Edit: Wait, there is an edit function??? The button popped up as soon as I made this post... oops.

    Posted in: News
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