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    posted a message on What was your first viable deck?

    Midrange Hunter way back when buzzard, unleash was stupid broken. Don't hate, it was cheap, I was f2p and I wasn't very good at the game back then anyway. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Secret Paladork's dose it ever stop .... We need a ban System...

    I always accept adds because I like to talk shit back and most times the person is cool and they stay on my friends list. However, in the case of secret pali's I don't bother. In real life I have a motto that applies here: "there are 6 billion people on this planet and a lot of them are awesome, why would I waste my time with idiots and assholes?" I know I shouldn't group people together and judge them like that, but I'm human and I do. Secret pali's and republicans might as well not exist to me and I won't miss them. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Freeze Mage vs Renolock Winrate?

    Thanks for the replies guys. I've gotten much better with the deck since posting this and I'm definitely getting my fair share of wins. I'm still not sure an accurate winrate but this seems to be very skill intensive matchup and experience is the key. Yesterday I beat 2 midrange Druids, 1 CW and a Renolock in a span of less than 10 games, so I guess I've come a long way. 

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Now that Hunter's the worst class

    I can play mid-range Hunter to legend regardless of the meta or where it's "ranked". People misunderstand rankings, just because something drops to tier 2 or 3 even, doesn't mean the deck isn't capable of achieving high ranks. In the case of mr Hunter it just didn't get powerful new toys like the other classes but it's still a solid deck and if you know the deck and equally as important, the matchups, you can do very well with it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Your opinion on Tempo Mage

    It's one of my favorite decks and one that I have a ton of experience with. Even in seasons where people say it's weak, I can take it to ranks 5+ very quickly. A lot of people play this deck wrong. They see the word tempo and think it means playing strong minions on curve but that is only one definition of tempo. In the case of tempo mage, if you did that you'd get blown out because the raw stats on their minions are quite weak, you're most important card is a 2/4 for 3 mana.  It actually plays more like rogue, where your tempo comes from swing turns. You want to be looking for "mini combos" in the mid-game to extract value out of your minions and snowball the game. Personally I love the deck, the only truly bad matchup is freeze mage and the comeback potential is insane. I can't tell you how many games that I've been at 5 or less life and came back to win what seemed unwinnable. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Is it ethically defensible to rope Secret Paladins?

    If they BM me in the slightest way I'll bm them back better. I don't condone bm'ing except if you play the most mindless,annoying deck in the history of hearthstone AND bm on top of that? Oh, it's on! I'm already mostly playing decks that have good mu's against secret pally to get some more golden heroes so beating them plus some bm is fine by me. If they're particularly obnoxious and I know they're going to win I'll just take my dog outside without conceding or grab a beverage. If I'm going to win I'll rope and then unleash an oil combo or as much overkill as possible. Sometimes I'll trade things I don't need for lethal so he thinks he has a chance. If playing freeze mage I've even put up a block delaying the inevitable a whole turn, good times! 

    Dont  to worry though people, you really have to deserve it for me to be a dick to you so it probably won't happen to you. Right?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Limited dust, which deck to build?

    Hunter, zoo and believe it or not, control priest atm are all fairly cheap decks to craft and are all solid. I personally disagree with the people that say focus on one class. Metas are constantly changing and settling and sometimes the meta that sticks around can be particularly hostile to 1 deck. Right now for example, Handlock and control warrior are dropping in the tier rankings, those decks aren't any weaker than they used to be but the most popular decks right now aren't good matchups, so their ranking drops. Imagine that you dusted every other card to make a Handlock deck and then the meta becomes aggro shaman, now you only have a weak deck to play. My best advice would be to be patient, don't worry about your rank, just have fun, learn the game and slowly build your collection. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on 60-65% of all my games are against Paladin

    I've been experiencing the same thing but want to get a golden rogue anyway so I've been playing Oil. Its fun to crush secret pali's with a deck with a much higher skill cap. Still annoying to play against them though. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How deep is the legend dumpster
    Quote from Thyndd >>

    I agree with you, the legend dumpster is the heaven! For those who think it's not worth it to get legend only for a cardback, they should give it a try at least for the experience of playing at (low) legend ranks, where people are not tryharding with cancer decks and they're still good players. Legend dumpster is how HS should be everywhere.

    Regarding the topic, I've seen people at 10k on EU, dunno if it gets any deeper D:

     I wish this were the case but I find that when you're in dumpster ranks you end up getting matched up with ranks 1-3 non-legend. Those are THE try hard ranks where you find pali's and other meta decks. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 11

    posted a message on Why do people hate Secret Paladin so much?

    I already had a thread locked today referring to it as "Idiot Paladin" and I will continue to call it that. I didn't used to hate it as much as I do right now but the last two days over 50% of my matchups have been against it. Instead of playing different decks to rank up like I usually do, I now have to only play decks that at least have a decent matchup against that stupid deck.

    It is incredibly annoying to play against, it takes 0 skill to play the deck and it's a strong deck. It is the deck I hate most in the history of hearthstone and I usually win against it. I would normally never BM in a game but if you play idiot paladin I will rope you. I also refuse to say well played against it even though I say it after every match, you didn't play well, the deck played itself. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Idiot Paladin

    I think it's a perfect name. Ben Brode himself said they didn't think it would be as strong as it is. It's a mindless deck. I could train a chimp to at least get the cardback every season with it. I just can't believe I see it so often, even at high ranks. I just farm them to legend so it's not a salt thread but it is incredibly annoying to play against. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Idiot Paladin

    Can we please make this a thing? All secret pali's should be referred to as "Idiot Paladins". I've played this game since release and it has to be the strongest deck that requires 0 skill I can remember. It's worse than undertaker Hunter or any other deck deemed as cancer. If you have 6 mana and MC you play it, if you have 7 mana and Boom you play it, if you have 8 mana and tirion you play it... This idiocy starts at turn 2. 

    This isnt a salt thread, I don't find idiot Paladins hard to beat but if you play that deck you should be ashamed of yourself and you should be trolled. Why even play the game? Cheesing wins cant be fun, can it? 

    I don't think I've ever said to nerf something but MC should be a legendary. Having only 1 in that deck would make it tolerable at least. By far the most annoying deck in HS history imo. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Do any Druid decks actually work?

    Is this a troll thread? I'm not going to respond, it'll be mean. 

    Posted in: Druid
  • 5

    posted a message on Is the lack of Rogue because it is hard to play?

    I would absolutely agree that it's the reason. The majority of players play the strongest deck that is easiest to play. At this moment it's easy because the #1 ranked deck happens to be mind numbingly easy to play (secret Pali).  At rank 5 right now that is the majority of what I'm seeing and being the end of the month I don't expect it to change. 

    As for your second question, I would say that rogue is the hardest class to play in general, especially miracle and Malyrogue. They are two of my favorites but I'll admit that I'm no master myself. 

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Newer player update

    When you hear the term "on curve" it only applies to playing minions. Don't be the guy that uses arcane missiles on turn 1. Try to maximize value when it comes to spells. 

    Posted in: The Arena
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