• 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 3.12 - Final Poll Topic

    In my opinion, Erader Diabolist is the best here. I wished there were more cards that used the Health creatively with multiples and the like, unlike simply whether it is less than or greater than some number. This card sticks out to me as a unique creatively designed submission.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 3.12 - Discussion Topic

    Unfortunately, I was busy throughout the week and didn't get a chance to see this until today... I thought of a card idea, talked with my friends about it, but unfortunately this competition closed before I got home. :(

    I actually think this theme is one of the better ones, mainly because the creative ones really stand out above the rest.

    I suppose I'll post my card idea here if I may, just because why not:

    Gambling Trickster - Rare Rogue minion, 7 Mana 4/8

    Stealth. +7 Attack if your hero's Health is a multiple of 7.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 4

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 3.11 - Submission Topic

    Murloc Enchanter

    (Image credit: Gimaldinov on DeviantArt)

    Flavor Text: At least he no longer enchants his fellow Murlocs with enemy Fireballs...

    This has a lot of great synergy with Paladins, both with Murlocs and with the many buffing spells that Paladin has, such as Blessing of Wisdom, Blessing of Might, Hand of Protection, and even Seal of Champions or Blessing of Kings if the player is able to spend that much Mana. If the player has a decently sized board by turn 4 or 5 and can pull off a combo with a spell such as Blessing of Might, then this minion can be a game-changer. At the same time, the aforementioned cheap spells don't see much use, not even in Murloc decks, but this card could make them viable. Their lack of usefulness by themselves is what makes this card balanced, in my view.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on What happens when you retire at 0/0 in arena...

    So, even though I stopped playing Hearthstone a long while back, my friend still plays it actively, and today after school I came over to his house. He had just shown me Noxious' "Ultimate Arena Drafting Guide," and this conversation ensued after he opened up HS...

    Him: "Oh, I drafted this Warlock arena run a few days ago..."

    Me: "Alright, play it, then."

    Him: "..."

    Me: "...? What?"

    Him: "Man, I don't want to play this deck... Alright, I'm retiring! Let's go! Noxious strat!"

    Me: "Wait, what? No, don't do that!"

    Him: "Hah! I've done it!"

    Me: "Alright, well... let's see what you get."

    *opens 30 gold and a Classic pack*

    Him: "Hah, I only lost 20 gold--"

    Me: "--and you got to draft too, which is your favorite part of playing Arena."

    Him: "Exactly! Value! All right, let's see what we get in this pack..."

    Me: "Hey, can I open it instead? I haven't played Hearthstone in a while, so..."

    Him: "Okay, here you go."

    Me: "Watch, I'll probably open up some really insane pack..."

    *clicks a card*

    Both: "WOOOAH!!!"

    Both: "..."

    *cue laughter*

    Me: "Oh my God, it would be..."

    Him: "Wait, wait, wait, keep going..."

    *clicks another card*


    Both: "..."

    *cue ROFL* (I actually rolled on the floor)


    That was probably the funniest Hearthstone moment I've ever experienced, long after I quit playing Hearthstone... Just wanted to share this. xD

    And for the record, he already owned a Lorewalker Cho... Now he's refusing to dust any of the three. Not now, at least.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Why common cards don't cost 20 dust?

    Why do Golden Legendaries cost 3200 Dust instead of 1600? Why do Golden Commons cost 400 instead of 200? Why do Golden Rares cost 800 instead of 400?

    Weirdest of all, why do Commons craft for 40 but Golden Commons dust for 50?

    We may never know the logic behind Blizzard's pricing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Tempo Mage or Ramp/Combo Druid for ladder?

    If you're going to attempt to climb to Legend, stick with one deck, no matter what. Even if you feel like you're tilting, do not switch back. Just keep at it with one deck to have the best chance of making it to the top.

    As for which deck it is, that's your choice.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Discussion Topic
    Quote from Hackergrad jump

    Hero Powers:

    This card is a reskin of a card I created, such that it fits in World of Warcraft.

    Basically, it's a weaker Shadowform in minion form. You lose your ability to ping the first time you summon him in favor of a freeze, but once you summon another, you gain it back, plus the freeze,

    A few questions:

    1. Does it qualify?

    2. Is the statline underpowered? Overpowered? Just right?

    3. Is the effect underpowered? Overpowered? Just right?

    4. Is the card overall underpowered? Overpowered? Just right?

    Also, for those curious, here's the original card:

    The Hero Powers are the same.

    It's in my card stash. And I'm not changing it.

     Hmm, I like this card!

    1) It qualifies. After all, Shadowform counts.

    2) I think the stats of the minion are good enough for the effect. Of course, if it was just 3 Mana like Shadowform without a body, it would be useless because the Hero Power isn't as good in most cases, but with a 2/3 minion the utility of this card is well worth it.

    3) I think the effect of the Hero Power is very strong. I won't necessarily say it's OP, though. It seems that in general usage, especially in Freeze Mage, similar to Shadowform, the first Hero Power is more important to change to than the second. After all, you can permafreeze one of their big minions, which helps Freeze Mage a lot.

    4) I think the overall card is balanced. Maybe very strong compared to the other cards in the game, but it must be if it is to see Constructed play. That's usually how I base my cards.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Discussion Topic
    Quote from TheBeaverKing jump

    So I have two cards that I acctually made prior to this contest that could work. I like them both, but it's a bit tricky to determine if they qualify.

    First up: Kum'isha the Collector

    I made this card a while back... I posted it with a bunch of cards that I made in a thread a long time ago. Anyway, at first glance, this should qualify right? It's just that the first effect, well, doesn't really do anything. It doesn't matter if your mana crystals are emptied on the end of your turn, really. But it still happens, and the value of the second effect is based on the first effect. You could argue though, that the first effect does something, because it makes you not play some cards in order to have mana up...

    Oh well, here's the second one: Earthquake

    So what bothers me here, is that the second effect is an Overload. I mean, it is an effect based on the first effect, but it feels like it might not qualify... for some reason.

    Oh well, I'd still appreciate feedback, and I'll pick the best card of them (as long as they are qualified), or just make a new one maybe.

     I like the idea for the second card better. Compared to Twisting Nether, it seems quite insane, but Twisting Nether was never very good in the first place, and you could get worse results with this card with the Overload. Perhaps, then it is fine as is.

    I will say, though, that it would be better worded in my opinion if you put instead, "Gain Overload equal to the amount of minions destroyed."

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Advice on playing Tempo Mage.

    I'm not quite sure about Aggro Paladin, but Zoolock is a nearly winnable matchup, and Face Hunter is also disfavored. Even though you are probably making some misplays if you are new to the deck, I never found the deck so hard to play in that one would lose four ranks trying to learn how to play it. Thus, your losing ranks is probably also a large problem of the matchups you happen to be facing. You may want to switch to an anti-aggro deck or stop playing Ranked for the time being.

    Tempo Mage, while it seems very fast, is not as fast as Zoolock or Face Hunter and will a very difficult time trying to keep up without being overwhelmed.

    One tip I would give is that if you have cleared the board of a Face Hunter and have Mana to spare, don't be afraid to chuck a Frostbolt or Fireball at their face, especially the former to prevent weapon hits.

    Posted in: Mage
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Discussion Topic
    Quote from mastersuperfan jump

    I feel like the upvoting is kind of dead past the first page other than my submission and Into the Fray. I certainly hope the competitions aren't falling out of flavor, though some people might be getting discouraged from the more complex themes of Season 2.

    It's not even been 24 hours since the new competition went up,;voting past the first page is usually about this dead at this point because folks are more focused on getting their own submissions figured out. Also, we expected the Weekly competitions to get a bit less traffic for a couple of weeks because of the Class Creation Competition happening at the same time. Currently at least, there should not be cause for concern about the Weekly Competition in general. =)

     Hmm, I think time just feels a lot longer after school let out.

    Also, I'll have to check out that other competition. I saw it on the forums but didn't look into it.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Discussion Topic
    Quote from rdeegan jump

    I'll likely do a review on finalists this week if I have the chance - my favourites so far are Bloodseeker, Rain Of Fire and Into The Fray!

    I've submitted Dragon's Bounty (below) - I think it could potentially be abused by Rogue so 5 Mana may be more appropriate but it suits Rogue and the Blackrock Theme rather well. :D


     Depends how much you think a coin is worth to a rogue, IMO about 1.5 mana. If you don't kill the minion, the balanced cost would be 1, if you do, then the balanced cost would be 1+2*coin = 4. Blizz usually balances these things by taking the average, so I think this would be perfectly fine at 3 mana.

    This. The card looks pretty UP to me--I think you may be overestimating the value of The Coin on Rogue. Make it 3 Mana or three copies of The Coin. It would be very strong, yes, but not quite OP in my opinion. As is, it's a bit too expensive, especially since it's just 2 damage.

    Also, I feel like the upvoting is kind of dead past the first page other than my submission and Into the Fray. I certainly hope the competitions aren't falling out of flavor, though some people might be getting discouraged from the more complex themes of Season 2.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 64

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Submission Topic

    (Art Credit: Real-SonkeS on DeviantArt)

    Flavor Text: This is one reason why you do NOT want everyone to get in here.

    This card can shut down Patron Warriors once they play their combo, though Handlock already has Hellfire and Shadowflame, the first of which is more efficient for 1 Mana less. However, Hellfire also hurts your own Hero. This card will easily shut down aggro decks like Tempo Mage and Zoolock with a full board clear, though against Face Hunter, you might not live very long even after playing it. Of course, in exchange for wiping out the entire board of an aggro deck, it is all but useless in control matchups. I think an overall great use for this card is just pure value in Arena, hence the reason why I made it a Rare even though I prefer my cards to be Epics or Legendaries. Also, I know how much everyone likes some more RNG. ;)

    Plus, the animation would look super cool.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Discussion Topic
    Quote from rdeegan jump
    Quote from mastersuperfan jump
    Quote from rdeegan jump
    Quote from mastersuperfan jump

    I have an idea for a card--Warlock spell, "Rain of Fire." I'm not sure I wanted it to end up as Warlock, mainly because it hard-counters Grim Patron as well as Face Hunter even though they have Hellfire and Shadowflame, but I feel like the Rain of Fire spell from WoW fits it so well.

    Anyway, I have several variations between which I wanted you guys to help me decide.

    5 Mana - Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion. If it dies, repeat the effect.

    3 Mana - Deal 3 damage to a random enemy. If it dies, repeat the effect.

    3 or 4 Mana - Deal 3 damage to a random minion. If it dies, repeat the effect.

    Also, should it say "repeat the effect" or just "repeat"? I feel like leaving it as "If it dies, repeat" is clear enough and sounds nice, but "repeat the effect" could help to be extremely specific.

    Maybe it might be a little OP, but it's all but useless in a Control matchup.

     I think cooler wording would be "Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion. If that destroys it, cast 'Rain of Fire'"

    Going by the first wording, in the very best case scenario, it's a 3 damage AoE, which would cost about 5.5 mana. I think it would be fine at 4

     I'm not sure. I've made the card already, and it's 5 Mana. Maybe it could be 4 Mana, but that seems a little too strong, and Warlocks already have Hellfire and Shadowflame at 4 Mana. Against Patron Warrior, getting a full clear is usually guaranteed when they get the combo off unless they have an undamaged Frothing Berserker, which is rare as Whirlwind is often played or Unstable Ghoul popped the turn it comes out. If other bigger minions are left alive still, you probably already lost. Otherwise, you pretty much win on the spot. Then again, Handlock already has plenty to counter Patron Warrior.

    Against Face Hunter, a full clear is almost always guaranteed unless they have an undamaged Leokk or Misha--oh, who am I kidding? it's always Huffer. Well, the 1 Mana could easily make a difference in such a fast match.

    I'd price it between 4 and 5 Mana if I could, actually. It's game-winning in certain cases but horribly valued otherwise.

     Yup I agree that 4.5 mana would be the best - I think it's fine at 4 or 5 so if you prefer 5 then go with that :)

    What do you think about my wording suggestion?

     Personally, I find the wording suggestion redundant and a bit awkward. I'd prefer to keep it to "repeat the effect."

    I'm trying to find suitable spells from another class so I can give this spell to another class to help them combat Patron Warrior. Handlock already has too much...

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Discussion Topic
    Quote from rdeegan jump
    Quote from mastersuperfan jump

    I have an idea for a card--Warlock spell, "Rain of Fire." I'm not sure I wanted it to end up as Warlock, mainly because it hard-counters Grim Patron as well as Face Hunter even though they have Hellfire and Shadowflame, but I feel like the Rain of Fire spell from WoW fits it so well.

    Anyway, I have several variations between which I wanted you guys to help me decide.

    5 Mana - Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion. If it dies, repeat the effect.

    3 Mana - Deal 3 damage to a random enemy. If it dies, repeat the effect.

    3 or 4 Mana - Deal 3 damage to a random minion. If it dies, repeat the effect.

    Also, should it say "repeat the effect" or just "repeat"? I feel like leaving it as "If it dies, repeat" is clear enough and sounds nice, but "repeat the effect" could help to be extremely specific.

    Maybe it might be a little OP, but it's all but useless in a Control matchup.

     I think cooler wording would be "Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion. If that destroys it, cast 'Rain of Fire'"

    Going by the first wording, in the very best case scenario, it's a 3 damage AoE, which would cost about 5.5 mana. I think it would be fine at 4

     I'm not sure. I've made the card already, and it's 5 Mana. Maybe it could be 4 Mana, but that seems a little too strong, and Warlocks already have Hellfire and Shadowflame at 4 Mana. Against Patron Warrior, getting a full clear is usually guaranteed when they get the combo off unless they have an undamaged Frothing Berserker, which is rare as Whirlwind is often played or Unstable Ghoul popped the turn it comes out. If other bigger minions are left alive still, you probably already lost. Otherwise, you pretty much win on the spot. Then again, Handlock already has plenty to counter Patron Warrior.

    Against Face Hunter, a full clear is almost always guaranteed unless they have an undamaged Leokk or Misha--oh, who am I kidding? it's always Huffer. Well, the 1 Mana could easily make a difference in such a fast match.

    I'd price it between 4 and 5 Mana if I could, actually. It's game-winning in certain cases but horribly valued otherwise.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #22: Discussion Topic
    Quote from Jhamel jump

    I don't think that counts. You've just described an inverse Bouncing Blade

     No, I think it's a valid submission--after all, Bane of Doom and Slam follow the rules.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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