"Please explain how galakrond can compete with shaman quest."
You realize they synergize insanely well together right? And before you reply with "you lose your double battlecry hero power for the rest of the game." Four 8/8 rush minions is going to be the end of the game in a lot of cases.
I easily beat one in wild with my Renolock. He played the quest and completed it mid game only to overwrite his OP double battlecry with galakrond(he only invoked once that game). He did HP first so he got 4x of the 2/2 rush, but that didn't do much and he had a much worse new HP and conceded. I said galakrond was not viable in quest shaman and that game proved it to me.
Lmao dude thats wild of course you will beat it. Talk for standart
I'm not accustomed to weeb culture but I've heard the name of this cartoon thrown around here and there. I think that even Trump, not the president ofc, stated that it is one of the best cartoons that he has ever seen. Is it that big of a deal?
It is kinda. If you like robots and mind games give it a try
So no, i know HS community especially likes to whine about warrior or shaman ( instead of real problems like infinite value) but shaman does not deserve a nerf
And this is a sad fact. I don't know why people hate and cry when Shaman and/or Warrior gets the full end of the stick, but then everything is fine when the poor mage, warlock, and the priest gets the broken cards on the beginning of the new rotation. Maybe midrange shaman still has them so traumatized that all they do to get over it is complain when we get 1-2 really good cards in the past 3 to 4 expansions.
Uhh thats because shaman's and warrior's classic sets are really weak and blizz must pump these classes up for their meta game. Mage/Warlock/Priest are classes that has access to infinite value ( rez priest/ DK jaina and DK Guldan) so they want that status quo lol. Like Barnes was nerfed 2 years and Dr. Boom is like 2 sets?
well Control Warrior is expensive as well. I am sure any refined control deck can beat shaman but they are expensive
Unfortunately there is no good deck against Galak shaman which is not expensive. Highlander Mage and Hunter can beat it but they are really expensive
Holy crap this deck is busted
Lmao dude thats wild of course you will beat it. Talk for standart
Galakrond is not a Control card thats for sure, use Dr. Boom instead
Holy crap Quest Galakrond shaman is insane. A refined deck will be tier 1 for sure. Warrior and Mage seems strong too
Which invoke cards do you use
My dude Anime is cartoon. It literally means animation in japanese
It is kinda. If you like robots and mind games give it a try
Warlock needs busted late game win condition and good early game board clear to have a place in the meta. Sadly we don't have them
people whine about shaman and warrrior ( as always) but real problem will be mage and priest ( as always)
also Stone Ocean Adoptation means we are closer to SBR adop.
ı read the manga man, ı kinda agree it does feel like a downgrade compared to other parts but its not that bad
Damn it i thought it was stone ocean
Uhh thats because shaman's and warrior's classic sets are really weak and blizz must pump these classes up for their meta game. Mage/Warlock/Priest are classes that has access to infinite value ( rez priest/ DK jaina and DK Guldan) so they want that status quo lol. Like Barnes was nerfed 2 years and Dr. Boom is like 2 sets?