well.. I've consulted my werewolf friends, and we all agree that your name is immature, distasteful and franly quite insulting.. We're coming for you.
- manmor
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Vexnar posted a message on Wheelchair Accessable (Post Undertaker Nerf Ramp)Posted in: Wheelchair Accessable (Post Undertaker Nerf Ramp) -
Lockarn posted a message on Zetalot's Rank 1 EU, Rank 2 NA "Prophecy"Posted in: Zetalot's Rank 1 EU, Rank 2 NA "Prophecy"I am using this exact deck that I saw him use yesterday. I am currently on an 11 game winstreak starting from rank 16 EU. I love this deck!
Draetheel posted a message on Fakenick's Legend #1(EU) Season 10 PalaPosted in: Fakenick's Legend #1(EU) Season 10 PalaProbably dropped off a Piloted Shredder.
user-16432316 posted a message on Next series of nerfs?Posted in: General DiscussionUndertaker is a card you need to draw early and pray opponent doesn't have answers.
I think all the rest you listed are fine and am quite surprised Light of the Naaru is there.
If there is a card I think should be nerfed it's Imp-losion.
At worst its 2/2 and deal 2 damage. Compare this to Stormpike Commando and it's 1 mana less and 2 atk less which is fine.
At best it's 4/4 and deal 4 damage which is absurd. Compare it to a Bomb Lobber. 1 mana less, 1 Atk & Def more and it's even targetable.
Zoo isn't even weak.
Also Imp-losion is little bit too powerful IMO.Worst case 2 dmg = 1 mana and 2 1/1= 2 mana so 3 mana total
second case 3 dmg = 2 mana and 3 1/1 = 3 mana so 5 mana total
best case 4 dmg = 3 mana and 4 1/1 = 4 mana so 7 mana total
average 5 mana effect and also you have Knife Juggler synergy
or you could make this card summon 2 imps when deals 4 damege and 4 imps when deals 2 dmg
While I don't really like Implosion myself, a nitpick about the math:
Blizzard themselves already told us how they calculate the stats of a minion from mana: it's 1+2*x, unrelated to whether it's one minion or several. So:
2* 1/1 ~ 2/2 ~ 1.5 mana
3* 1/1 ~ 3/3 ~ 2.5 mana
4*1/1 ~ 4/4 ~ 3.5 mana
so the total value is between 2.5 mana and 6.5 mana, while the average is 4.5 mana. Considering it's random and a class card, that's perfectly fine.
The same goes for Muster :
3/3 ~ 2.5 mana + 1 mana weapon = 3.5 , which again is perfectly fine imo, given that the "1 mana weapon" is never used on its own and thus, from a practical point of view, probably not really worth one mana. This doesn't consider the Quartermaster combo, but we don't consider Auchenai when pricing healing, shield slam when pricing armor, etc. .
Sparkaz posted a message on [Spark] Unleash the Death (S10)Posted in: [Spark] Unleash the Death (S10)Ahah lol yes of course, unless you face only Warriors xD
Crot4le posted a message on Trump's GvG "Mech-Druid"Posted in: Trump's GvG "Mech-Druid"What are you talking about? Foe Reaper 4000 is a strong card.
magicamy posted a message on MagicAmy ESL W6 FreezemagePosted in: MagicAmy ESL W6 Freezemageit's 2 iceblock 1 cone (:
TheBraverBarrel posted a message on [75%+] [Low Dust] SpArk's "Literally Worse Than Cancer" Hunter AggroPosted in: [75%+] [Low Dust] SpArk's "Literally Worse Than Cancer" Hunter AggroI LITERALLY CREATED AN ACCOUNT TO COMMENT
jaximus123 posted a message on [75%+] [Low Dust] SpArk's "Literally Worse Than Cancer" Hunter AggroPosted in: [75%+] [Low Dust] SpArk's "Literally Worse Than Cancer" Hunter Aggroworst deck ever. 75% win rate yeah in rank 19 maybe. hey spark maybe you can try to TEST your deck in high ranks before making any stupid claims about its win rate.
Xzirez posted a message on Xzirez: Token Miracle (Legend #2 Twice S7+S8)Posted in: Xzirez: Token Miracle (Legend #2 Twice S7+S8)yes i have and its very hard to know if miracle will even be viable. The spells rouge got are crap,the minions have no synergy with miracle and the auctioneer nerf is also not good. The only way miracle will be viable is if the voltron combo can be consistent. If the combo is consistent the deck might be very good, prblly not better then the old lerroy or edwin stealth version but it might be better then the current lists.
I have played rouge to top 5 legend every season since season 1 so i don't want to let go off the deck.if i find something really good after GvG i will most likely not share it before i have gotten #1 legend with it but when i do i will share the list straight away.
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If you're looking for a list of "what beats what" in terms of deck archetypes you should look into the weekly meta report on the tempostorm website.
Another Dr. Boom thread? Really?
I really don't see how this is even worth a thread. Are you that deprived of attention?
"Lunch Money Here" - Control Warrior.
This is probably more of a daily call than anything I feel, with hearthstone being such a dynamic game, what you run into more during your time in the ladder is going to differ more and more every day, I mean part of the fun I have with the game is having the liberty to sub cards in and out in order to deal with whatever threats I'm running into that day.
You mean like the mid-range paladins that almost every pro has brought to each tournament since gvg?
Let's get to 100 and see if the world gets destroyed!
I think what you meant to say was "the control warrior chose me" right?
It's an interesting deck idea, I don't know if it's the sort for a newer player or one who isn't used to the finesse needed to play decks more complicated than the more hated warlock deck archetypes but I found it to be a fun way to do my dailies outside of my handlock deck. Thanks for the share.