That's probably the flex spot in the deck depending on what you're seeing a lot of, say Baron Geddon for aggro hunters and zoo warlocks, Sylvanas Windrunner for control matchups or Harrison Jones if you're getting a lot of paladin, shaman, rogue and warrior games. Normally I'd prefer to have the Piloted Sky Golem in there instead of Cairne Bloodhoof since it's harder to ignore but I can see why having a guaranteed 5 hp deathrattle would help with keeping tempo instead of the random nature of the Piloted Sky Golem.
Fun deck, note to people trying to net deck it with the hsdecktracker though, you have to delete the "[" in the name before you can export it to hs otherwise it won't export.
Apart from being snarky this doesn't really contribute much to the OP's post does it?
Trolling aside, you could always try "hearthstone deck tracker" (just google it). It allows you to import decks from websites like this one and export them into your HS client with a press of a button.
It also tracks your stats based on decks/class/when you played and has winrates vs. certain classes etc. Give me a yell if you need a hand getting it set up and I'd be happy to help. Btag is on the left.
Hey guys! So I'm still facing a lot of aggro at the moment and I'm kind of struggling some of the time. My winrate against Hunter, Zoo and Mech Mage is maybe around 40% at rank 9 with the usual Midrange Paladin build. Now my question is if there is a good consistent counter to those aggro decks. Even if a deck is just good against Hunter, that would already help me a bunch. Also before anyone says Control Warrior, I know it does well, but I don't have Grom, so I can't currently make CW work for me.
Looking forward to your suggestions!
I run a standard deck and I just tech in cards that help out when I'm running into plenty zoo/hunter/mech mage on that day. Cards like 2x Hellfire and Shadowflame more Earthen Ring Farseer some people like slotting Zombie Chow's in there but I feel it delays your giants too much in other match-ups to warrant the spot but it's viable.
You even see some decks run 2x Mortal Coil but I feel with 4 aoe's and enough healing, you're really not going to need it. Just can't tap as much or at all in these match ups, I actually look forward to Zoo games as a handlock. It's incredibly satisfying when you Hellfire a full board followed by another after they dump their hand when they think the coast is clear, then putting up a wall of giants/drakes to make them concede.
Depends, what classes do you normally play? Sneed's Old Shredder doesn't really get too much value outside of some deathrattle hunters or ramp druids avoiding Big Game Hunter, Bolvar Fordragon isn't consistent enough to warrant the dust (easily silenced or you draw him too late), Ysera's far too slow with all the aggro/mech/zoo you'll run into. If you're trying to build a solid paladin deck I feel you'd be better off crafting Harrison Jones since he'd fit in all the control based archetypes and a lot of the mid-range.
Muster for Battle is just combo which pally needed. Other classes have their own combos (maybe except of priest). And i don't think that speaking of "potential" value makes sense. You can't pull of this combo everytime and you can be heavly countered like for example Flamestrike
Mages have flame strike, Warlocks have hell fire, and twisting nether. When you open up to multiple card interactions only priest can effectively counter this entire play with a soul priest circle combo plus hero power. Every other class must suffer a massive tempo loss which allows for the paladin to drop bigger minions behind it. Its a trap play every single time. If you try to counter the combo you suffer such a tempo loss that allows for the paladin to lay down nothing but big minions. This combo is a seal the deal kinda of play if you are ahead in tempo. Once it is played there is virtually no hope in recovery. Now this is not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination. However as it has become an auto include in virtually every paladin design its effect must be examined to see if it is to strong of a play. In my opinion yes it is.
As opposed to druids 14 dmg combo? As painful as it is to be facing 3x 3/3 minions and a 2/5 on turn 8 as a paladin, it's nowhere near as powerful as you make it out to be when you consider druids have had something stronger for one mana more for a very long time with little counterplay but to keep your health up or throwing up a taunt. At least with a paladin combo you've got a turn to remove minions and reduce the incoming damage the following turn.
As for the lonely 1/1's that get played long before the dream turn 8, you'd be silly not to start removing those in fear of a Quartermaster.
As for your "auto-include" argument, seriously it's something that gets heard every time a new archetype pops up and becomes pretty consistent. Should Northshire Cleric get cut? How about that Loatheb that every single control based deck ran pre-gvg and still do, that received no adjusments.
How about Undertaker? Pretty sure that's also an auto-include in the hunter/zoo aggro decks. I don't think you've given this topic as much thought as you should have since it seems you haven't taken into account the other popular cards/combos that caused plenty of pain in the past that have not been addressed because they do still have counterplay.
You raised 2 points here and I will get to both of them.
1. You are correct its no where near as painful to deal with as the druid combo. My issues has less to do with the combo and more to do with the value one card in the combo. When you look at muster for battle played with out combo it looks kinda meek. Most likely your opponent is going to use an aoe to nuke this, or some such thing. When playing against a control type decks this is what you want them to do. Reason is if you can pull if for off combo they wont have it on combo. Lets say there is no aoe. People are so affraid of this combo that it hitting turn 5 forces them to trade pretty much all their tempo to prevent it. This requires a healthy board state, so aggro and midrange should be fine, but control on the other hand may suffer, again im ok with this. My argument is about the value of what you get. Like I said 1 mana more would be more balanced or just drops the lights justice. a 3 token for 3 I have no issue with..It that free 1 drop weapon that keeps getting stuck in my head and screams unbalanced. I know it may seem silly and I will admit that, but its my opinion.
2. Why do you think it I put it as the first card. I would love to discuss it more on how it is probably one of the most skillless options for any class to play. And yes there are many other combos that are nasty, see priest. I know they exist, but with each of them I can see a downside to that action. It is because I can see there is a counterpoint to the combination its justification is more valid. I have yet to see a single downside to undertaker other then playing it turn 1 with no coin is suicidal.
Actually you missed the most important point in there, that is counterplay, there is plenty of it in there for every single class in the game. If it forces your opponent to react to it on turn 4 to avoid a turn 5 Quartermaster you'd think it would be incredibly obvious that card games do tend to work that way (threat, answer, threat, answer) right? I guess not though.
That's probably the flex spot in the deck depending on what you're seeing a lot of, say Baron Geddon for aggro hunters and zoo warlocks, Sylvanas Windrunner for control matchups or Harrison Jones if you're getting a lot of paladin, shaman, rogue and warrior games. Normally I'd prefer to have the Piloted Sky Golem in there instead of Cairne Bloodhoof since it's harder to ignore but I can see why having a guaranteed 5 hp deathrattle would help with keeping tempo instead of the random nature of the Piloted Sky Golem.
Ooo just missed the last one :(
May I please get a name change credit on your next go around please?
Thanks in advance.
Fun deck, note to people trying to net deck it with the hsdecktracker though, you have to delete the "[" in the name before you can export it to hs otherwise it won't export.
2 more followers for a prize?
Another Dr. Boom thread? Really?
Most fun I've had with that card in a while is that combolock that Zalae runs.
Apart from being snarky this doesn't really contribute much to the OP's post does it?
Trolling aside, you could always try "hearthstone deck tracker" (just google it). It allows you to import decks from websites like this one and export them into your HS client with a press of a button.
It also tracks your stats based on decks/class/when you played and has winrates vs. certain classes etc. Give me a yell if you need a hand getting it set up and I'd be happy to help. Btag is on the left.
Caution: Extreme cleavage bordering on softporn. A must watch.
I run a standard deck and I just tech in cards that help out when I'm running into plenty zoo/hunter/mech mage on that day. Cards like 2x Hellfire and Shadowflame more Earthen Ring Farseer some people like slotting Zombie Chow's in there but I feel it delays your giants too much in other match-ups to warrant the spot but it's viable.
You even see some decks run 2x Mortal Coil but I feel with 4 aoe's and enough healing, you're really not going to need it. Just can't tap as much or at all in these match ups, I actually look forward to Zoo games as a handlock. It's incredibly satisfying when you Hellfire a full board followed by another after they dump their hand when they think the coast is clear, then putting up a wall of giants/drakes to make them concede.
I really don't see how this is even worth a thread. Are you that deprived of attention?
Depends, what classes do you normally play? Sneed's Old Shredder doesn't really get too much value outside of some deathrattle hunters or ramp druids avoiding Big Game Hunter, Bolvar Fordragon isn't consistent enough to warrant the dust (easily silenced or you draw him too late), Ysera's far too slow with all the aggro/mech/zoo you'll run into. If you're trying to build a solid paladin deck I feel you'd be better off crafting Harrison Jones since he'd fit in all the control based archetypes and a lot of the mid-range.
"Lunch Money Here" - Control Warrior.
Actually you missed the most important point in there, that is counterplay, there is plenty of it in there for every single class in the game. If it forces your opponent to react to it on turn 4 to avoid a turn 5 Quartermaster you'd think it would be incredibly obvious that card games do tend to work that way (threat, answer, threat, answer) right? I guess not though.