That's why I play mostly arena and brawl. Ladder is "who has more time and money to spare". If you have it, be happy and grind your legend rank.
Brawl sometimes is just RNG fiesta, but other times it rewards decision making, deck building, and board strategy. It's way more rewarding to win a "random deck" brawl game than net-decking on ladder.
My deck was bad, and I still didn't adapt to the new meta, so I went 1-3.
Then I drafted a mage. I'm currently 2-1. Lost to a very good shaman because I had terrible draws and misplayed a lot. The other two games my opponents rage conceded.
The amount of unpredictable answers breaks the game. This must be patched ASAP.
Love the card. Will make mages less prone to be offered Meteor or Cabalist's Tome or Primordial Glyph in arena. Instead, they will be offered this clown fiesta. I like it.
I was priest main for a while. Now I just hate it. It shuts down both midrange and aggro. Your early game is negated by their removal and your late game dies to the death Knight.
If you get lucky you can win with tempo rogue or cancer druid, and that's it. If you survive, a death Knight warlock can win.
Warrior is amazing. And warrior in the past used to be really good against aggro, bad against mid-range, and a coin toss against other control decks. Way better than priest today.
I like competition.
That's why I play mostly arena and brawl. Ladder is "who has more time and money to spare". If you have it, be happy and grind your legend rank.
Brawl sometimes is just RNG fiesta, but other times it rewards decision making, deck building, and board strategy. It's way more rewarding to win a "random deck" brawl game than net-decking on ladder.
Arena mages are broken.
I played against a mage. I rage conceded.
My deck was bad, and I still didn't adapt to the new meta, so I went 1-3.
Then I drafted a mage. I'm currently 2-1. Lost to a very good shaman because I had terrible draws and misplayed a lot. The other two games my opponents rage conceded.
The amount of unpredictable answers breaks the game. This must be patched ASAP.
Would be better if it was a 4/9...
Having fun with cthun rogue.
28 spells + this, twice. You've got a Dreadsteed =D
I recently won an arena game with 1 life because I topdecked Friendly Bartender at my last turn. This is definitely good.
this kinda sucks, but the 7-drop slot is so empty that even mediocre 7-drops see play.
Love the card. Will make mages less prone to be offered Meteor or Cabalist's Tome or Primordial Glyph in arena. Instead, they will be offered this clown fiesta. I like it.
It's not a bad idea to add blackwater and patches to a tempo mage.
I was priest main for a while. Now I just hate it. It shuts down both midrange and aggro. Your early game is negated by their removal and your late game dies to the death Knight.
If you get lucky you can win with tempo rogue or cancer druid, and that's it. If you survive, a death Knight warlock can win.
Warrior is amazing. And warrior in the past used to be really good against aggro, bad against mid-range, and a coin toss against other control decks. Way better than priest today.
Trolden: Blingtron 3000 equips this to your opponent when in fatigue.
Priests can survive way longer than their winnability so games are unnecessarily long. That's why people hate it.
Pirate warrior is not hard. Just taunt up. There are plenty of good low cost taunts now. It was worse in the past.
Malygos, coin, coin, sinister strike x 3, prep, evis. Or Malygos, coin, sinister x 2, prep, evis, prep, evis.
It took me a while to notice the dragon was a 30/5, not a 30/30. Then it became easy.
Jade Druid is not hard. If you are aggro, kill him fast. If you're control, use that card that kills his Jade Idols and busted armor ups.